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Aviation Sector Calls on UK Prime Minister | Travel News

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JoinMyTrip has you covered! On today’s travel news, The UK’s aviation sector has called on Prime Minister Boris Johnson to map out a recovery plan.

Here are the most important travel news from around the world, and also any big company news we would like to share with you. Watch our daily YouTube Travel News Show, so you can stay informed every day. If you happen to have missed the previous episode, make sure to check it out too!

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19th of February 2021

Iceland issues vaccination passports

Iceland is the first country to have issued vaccination certificates for international travel. With the introduction of vaccination passports, Iceland hopes to save the travel industry. 

Aviation sector calls on UK Prime Minister

The UK’s aviation sector has called on Prime Minister Boris Johnson to map out a recovery plan as most pilots remain grounded. 

Cruise companies announce the requirement of vaccination proof

Many cruise companies have now announced that they will be requiring proof of vaccination to board.  

Nepal is deliberating banning women from some international travel

The government has proposed a new law which would mean that women would need permission from their families and local governments to travel abroad to places such as Africa

Source: Globetrender, Breaking Travel News, Travel Pulse, euronews 

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