Travel with JoinMyTrip


Crete CoWorking Tipps Greece Guide Travel Guide Greece

CoWorking Guide for Crete

Akshaya -  
6 August 2021
Stunning beaches and buzzing city life - CoWorking in Crete Imagine if you are able to experience the view of stunning beaches, a buzzing city life and getting a glimpse of the ...
Destinations Most Bizarre Borders

The 11 Most Bizarre Borders in the World

Mariellen -  
13 June 2021
These borders will have you wondering what country you're in... Have you ever been to a strange border? The world is full of borders splitting lands from one another since the ...
CoWorking Tipps Sardinien

CoWorking Guide for Sardinia

Kira -  
5 August 2021
Spend your working day at the beach and enjoy la dolce vita... Italy is famous for pizza, pasta, the Mediterranean and the good life. You can experience all of this on a CoWorking ...
La Tour Eiffel

Day Trips from Paris

Let's explore some exciting day trips you can take from Paris!


No one can ever deny the hold that Paris has. I, myself, am mesmerized by this city’s art scene, history, and beauty. If you have ever been to Paris, you will understand the charm. And even if you haven’t, you will also understand. “The City of Lights” and “The City of Love” are both known descriptions of Paris. Some travel to Paris for food and fashion and end up staying there, instead of discovering the other magnificent cities and regions surrounding it.

Rather than writing about the most typical day trips, such as Disneyland, Versailles, and Chartres, I will be listing five places that you will find awe-inspiring. These locations can be reached in around two hours, more or less, by train, car, or boat. The first city on our list is:


Considered the unofficial capital of the Champagne region, Reims is a city located around 45 minutes from Paris by train. You can find one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites here: crayères, underground limestone tunnels, which hold the region’s renowned champagne cellars. Champagne tasting is one of the highlights of visiting Reims. A must-try with champagne are Reims’ pink biscuits, which are said to have been the royals’ lucky biscuits. If the biscuit stays whole after being dipped in champagne the night before the prince’s coronation, then his reign would be peaceful. Do you believe in such traditions?

Another highlight and UNESCO World Heritage Site is the Reims Cathedral. It is a masterpiece of a building. Its Gothic-styled portals and stained-glass windows have welcomed French kings, who were crowned there for more than 1,000 years. Numerous carved statues greet you once your gaze sets upon the cathedral. The most captivating is the one of the Smiling Angel. Be sure to look for her!

The Marne River

Whenever you feel like escaping the busy and crowded streets of Paris during spring and summer, a cruise on the Marne River is much recommended. Impressionist painters such as Camille Pissarro, Sisley, Caillebotte, and Monet painted the Marne river's delightful green banks and guinguettes, open-air musical riverside cafes.

Several cruises leave Paris via the Seine, where you can discover the sights of Paris from a different perspective. An overview of what to expect: You will get to stroll through Marne's idyllic communes and its little islands, which are home to guinguettes and fishermen. The boat continues its journey to Nogent-sur-Marne, where it moors in a little harbor, after passing via Joinville-le-Pont. The tables are placed for a gourmet break on the green banks of the Marne, where you will enjoy the fresh air.

Going on this cruise makes the world of the impressionists more concrete and tangible. You will be observing the actual scenery you so very much admire (besides the style of painting) from the paintings hanging on the walls of museums.


Another stop on the impressionists’ trail is Giverny, where Monet’s Gardens are located. Monet's Gardens are divided into two sections: a flower garden in front of the home named Clos Normand and a water garden on the opposite side of the road. The water garden is full of curves and asymmetries. It was inspired by the Japanese gardens that Monet was familiar with due to his extensive collection of prints. In it, you will find the well-known Japanese bridge covered in wisterias, numerous smaller bridges, weeping willows, a bamboo grove, and the famed nympheas that bloom throughout summer. Never had a painter sculpted his natural subjects before painting them. As a result, Monet produced his masterpieces twice. 

Spring and fall are the best seasons to visit; winter is best avoided since it's important to see the landscapes in full bloom. In the fall, the red and orange leaves of the deciduous trees dance on the pond’s water.

There's a lot more to see and do in this spot in Normandy. Its history can be traced back to the Paleolithic era, and the region is rich in ancient sites, magnificent castles, beautiful gardens, intriguing mills, and museums.

Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte

Reopening on April 2, Château Vaux-le-Vicomte is considered by some more beautiful and harmonious than Versailles, which gets much more attention. Vaux-le-Vicomte is a masterpiece of the French Formal Garden, with its strong lines and nobility, shifting views and concealed charms, and several fountains. Nicolas Fouquet commissioned the most prominent artists of his time to work on the château: an architect, Louis Le Vau, a painter, Charles Le Brun, and a landscape gardener, André Le Notre. The King's gardener, André Le Nôtre, produces the French ideal of formal gardens that swept Europe in the 17th century, at Vaux-le-Vicomte. The same group was contracted by Louis XIV to construct the Château de Versailles.

Before opening to the public in 1968, the château was a private residence. It has been renovated and furnished to look as though Nicolas Fouquet and his family have just left. Vaux-le-Vicomte's 17th-century interior is one of the few that has remained intact. The château also houses the Carriage Museum. In the stables section, there is a rare collection of vintage carriages and their equipment.

The château was the first to provide candle-lit evening visits. You can share a romantic evening with your partner every Saturday evening from June through October. The château and gardens are illuminated by 2000 candles, creating a moment when time stands still.


Beaune is a magnificent medieval city surrounded by vineyards belonging to the famed Cote d'Or appellation, a winemaking area. It was originally controlled by the formidable Dukes of Burgundy, who reigned over an independent Duchy from the 9th till the late 15th century.

When in Beaune, you should include wine tasting as part of the plan, whether in the ancient town's bars and cellars or on a tour of neighboring wineries.

Its multicolored, glazed tile roofs are a hallmark of Burgundy, as is its Gothic architecture, an outstanding relic to the Dukes' golden period. The Hospices, a hospital for the poor founded in the 15th century, also owns a famed vineyard, the wines of which are auctioned off each November. The complex is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It's intriguing because of the insights it provides on Burgundian social history and activities throughout Duchy's reign. It has its vineyard and wine cellars, as well as a vast medieval kitchen with dummies re-enacting daily life in the olden days and a pharmacy with exquisite antique bottles and unusual remedies.

You can also discover surrounding villages and renowned vineyards via a bike trip through the vines.

There is so much more to explore in France. Even my description of these five places does not do them justice. France is full of history and culture and traditions. It would be near impossible to include everything in one article. 

Excited to explore France now? Especially from Paris? then check out these upcoming trips:

Travel with friends you haven't met yet


OR have these locations inspired you to plan your own trip to France? Then check out JoinMyTrip and easily create yourtrip. You can also book a free trip consultation with us if you need help with planning your trip.

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Travel with JoinMyTrip

Why you should travel to Egypt in 2022

The world has so many beautiful places that one could visit but it can get very frustrating when it comes to choosing your next destination because with so many places to visit, where does one start? If you are planning your next trip and in need of some inspiration, then this blog might be what you need. 

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World Map

Best Destinations for Travel Beginners

Welcome to the World of Travelers

Congratulations! You are probably wondering why we are congratulating you right now but if you landed on this blog post it means that you are probably new to the whole traveling thing or maybe even never traveled abroad before, so consider this a sign from the universe telling you to GET OUT THERE, get out of your comfort zone and EXPLORE all the amazing places the world has to offer. As they say, life begins at the end of your comfort zone. 

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Why you should go on a volunteering trip to South America

Roaming the world and thinking about what to do next? if you're keen on new experiences - South America is a great way to start, each year thousands of volunteers have had the chance to discover the rich culture and the opportunity to give back to the community either through programs such as wildlife conservation, teaching English abroad, or even participate in medical volunteering. 

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Last Minute New Years Trips and Tips

Imagine it's the morning of December 27: You have spent three days with delicious food all around, great conversations, and relaxation. The last Christmas cookies were eaten yesterday. Mulled wine? No thanks, next year again. Getting some rest at home and spending time with the family has also felt very good. Your batteries are fully charged and you're already feeling tingly again.

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Packing List for a Round the World Trip

What is the most important thing for a world trip? Maybe not what you would expect...

The most important decision has been made: that you are going on a trip around the world! The biggest, most exciting, and the most thrilling trip of your life! So first of all: Congratulations! This is a big step and I wish you from the bottom of my heart that you will make all the special experiences that this beautiful, great world has to offer.

Now comes the big question: what should you pack? 

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Plan Your 2022 Adventure in Asia

2022 is approaching faster than anything and that means the change of seasons, different festivals in multiple countries, and of course -traveling! If you are dying to finally get out and travel again after sitting in lockdowns and exploring the different countries in Asia we have a not-so-typical guide and with a few out of the box countries to suggest for your next revenge travel! 

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Spend your Winter in the Mediterranean

Today is a beautiful day in Berlin. I woke up early in the morning, got out of bed made my coffee, and headed to the window to open the shutter just to see my backyard covered in a sea of white snow, catching me completely off guard. I immediately thought to myself this is it, finally, the most wonderful time of the year has just begun. I started my day in a very happy mood with Christmas music in the background and a lot of work on my plate.

This all changed after I had to go out of the apartment only to be hit by the very strong and cold wind in my face. After spending less than 10 minutes outside in the cold, my legs started getting numb and I felt like my nose was about to fall out which then of course woke me up from my winter wonderland dream and brought me back to reality and the fact that I simply cannot bear the cold as someone who has lived most of their life on the Mediterranean Sea

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The best CoWorking Destinations in 2022

The year 2020 brought many changes. One of them is definitely that more and more people can now work from home. If you're reading this, maybe that's the case for you, too.

Now you're sitting at your desk at home, day in and day out. You've got everything set up for working at home: a comfy desk chair, a second monitor, maybe even a height-adjustable desk. 

But something is missing. 

The contact with other people is missing. It's not so easy to replace that with something else. It doesn't matter whether you're a digital nomad, have been sent to a home office by your boss, or are lucky enough to be able to work from anywhere. We have the solution to your loneliness

For over a year, we've been offering CoWorking Trips to all corners of the world. We believe that by working together with your travel partners, you will increase your productivity, learn from each other, discover new countries and their cultures, and make many new friends.

So let's move our home office to another country for a few weeks in 2022. 

What are you waiting for? Pack your bags and join us on a life-changing co-working trip!


Increase your productivity and creativity with friends you haven't met yet


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The Safest Places to travel to in Africa

Do you want to experience the beauty of Africa, but you're unsure where to go? This is the blogpost for you! There are some countries I wouldn't suggest traveling to unless you are a very experienced traveler. I traveled within Africa multiple times, sometimes even alone and these are some of the countries that I recommend you to visit. There are also some things I suggest to keep in mind when traveling just in general to be safe. Always inform yourself about the country you're traveling to in advance and read about common travel scams and how to behave in a certain place. Look after your belongings, have good travel insurance, and know which places are safe or not. I also try to wear culturally appropriate clothes, especially in Muslim countries, to avoid unwanted attention. Always try to be cautious while traveling but most important… ENJOY your trip! :)

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Best trips in December

5 Amazing Trips you should do in December

Planning your next trip and still don't know where to go? Don't worry we've got you covered

December is coming up and probably most of you are wondering where to go for vacation. It is finally that time of the year again and everyone is getting their suitcases out, ready for their next trip. Do you have your suitcase and passport ready but still don't know where you are heading to? Don't worry because we've got you covered with some of our recommendations on amazing trips you should do in December.

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girl in rainforest

The scariest moment of my life

Updated: 2nd Nov. 2021

An adventure off the beaten path in Costa Rica

It was once upon a time in the beautiful country of cacao and coffee, of sunshine and pristine beaches, palm trees swaying in the wind, Raggae playing out of the narrowest streets, and all Pura Vida vibes.

Not just in Costa Rica, but in the very last corner of it, in the deepest jungle, on a peninsula surrounded by nothing but the wild raging ocean, and next to the wooden giants of the lush green rainforest. Getting there is a whole other story - but not the one to be told today.

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Discover the holy grail blog to Bali.

The Holy Grail Guide to Bali

This beautiful island is located in Southeast Asia, often mistaken as its own country, Bali is actually part of Indonesia -the largest archipelago in the world, consisting of over 17,508 islands. Bali itself is a province of Indonesia that has an approximate land area of 2,231 square miles. The island itself is situated between Java and Lombok (another beautiful island that’s a  30-minute plane ride from Bali). 

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Top 5 things you should definitely take with you on your group trip

Who needs a packing list?


Okay okay, you probably already know what you pack when you travel. If you're reading this, you're probably outgoing globetrotters and already experienced travelers. There is the basic equipment with all the trimmings that everyone has - and then everyone has so his little extras that they bring. But who thinks about the group?  

We do! That's why we've picked out a few things you shouldn't forget on your next group trip. They will not only make your life easier, but also ensure a good mood and fun evenings. 

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An Offbeat Group Travel Guide to North India

Travel to North India like a pro.....


Discovering North India is exactly like discovering treasure. Each state has it's own unique palaces, forts, gardens and other architectural wonders. It doesn't stop there! North India has a vibrant history, strong culture and traditions and tantalising cuisines that truly makes one enjoy wealth of experiences. Here are top things to do in North India that should definitely be a part of next vacation: 

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12 Bucket List Countries for Digital Nomads

Throughout the decade the amount of digital nomads has successfully risen, with over 10 million people categorized as being digital nomads which is exactly why countries are trying to catch up and have begun issuing digital nomad visas. Speaking of countries, have you ever wondered which country is the best for digital nomads? well, we have over 12 countries to complete your bucket list, and it's not your typical bucket list. We have included a budget at the end of each country which includes accommodation, food, and transportation. It can vary depending on your lifestyle, might cost more or less than the estimated budge such as the type of accommodation, and the food you choose. 

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10 tips to travel in Central America

Central America is an underrated destination that's becoming more popular year by year. It’s even a great spot for Digital Nomads and CoWorking Trips  in case you’re thinking of planning one. If you’ve always been attracted to travel through Latin America, but you were considering skipping Central America, this is my personal recommendation of why you shouldn’t and all the tips from a local perspective.

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TripLeader Stories - CoWorking trip to Ericeira with TripLeader Lisa

A little information on planning a trip from the secrets of a TripLeader 


Hello dear future TripLeaders and all who want to become one! Today I write about a few personal experiences and tips and tricks on how to plan your first trip. What are the go-tos, what to consider and how to best organize a group trip! Come join me while I take you through my personal travel planning and execution of a group trip. Hope you will find some inspiration from it :)

If you need help with the soft skills of creating your trip, feel free to check here, if you wanted to learn more about the trip creation process I recommend this article
Don't know how to promote your trip? We have more information on that as well.

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Tips for your First Group Trip

Do you usually travel solo and head towards the unknown independently? Or do you usually travel with a close friend or significant other to enjoy your own private space, while solo traveling or with someone who is close to you is more intimate you should also consider group travel and experience the difference. There are so many benefits of traveling in a group either to create new lifelong connections or just to enjoy the moment together although your priorities or plan for the itinerary might be different from one another and you would not have as much control since you’re not solo traveling but of course that should not stop you from having an amazing trip altogether! 

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If you love Dubai, Turkey should be your next CoWorking Destination

Sand dunes, skyscrapers, underwater hotels, authentic Arabic food, what’s not to love about Dubai? Known for their iconic landmarks and beautiful architecture, it’s no surprise that millions of tourists and business travelers flock to the country every year, especially digital nomads. It has numerous activities and co-working spaces fit for a nomadic lifestyle but if you are starting to get bored of the hustle and bustle of Dubai and looking for another city that is also vibrant and filled with heritage for your next Co-Working trip, you will love Turkey!

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5 Sustainable travel tips for your next group trip

For the eco-conscious traveler 

You don’t drive, you don’t fly, you don’t buy any item wrapped in plastic, you only buy second hand clothing, you only use solar energy, you live a zero waste lifestyle and you are a vegan. This is the definition of 21st century environmentalism. A lot of us don’t exactly live this lifestyle but genuinely do care about the environment.  It is really difficult to fully deep dive into this lifestyle. However, what is really important is that we take baby steps to begin living sustainably and inspire everyone around us to do so. Everyone should be a part of the solution in whichever way they can to make a difference and save the planet.  Each one of us aims to do good and give back to mother earth the best way we can.  This will be the greatest gift we give our future generations.  

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Best accommodation style for a CoWorking Trip

Enjoy work, life and leisure balance

Covid-19 has led to an increase in remote jobs that let people free themselves from the restraints of a normal 9-5 job. Now that the world has returned back to a new normal, the concept of remote work and being a digital nomad has helped tremendously with achieving work/life balance. CoLiving and CoWorking is the concept that has been recently gating a lot of traction. This is a concept that millennials and remote workers have adopted for experiencing ultimate freedom and flexibility.  

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Safe destinations for a solo traveler

As a solo traveler, experience an independent getaway and explore the unexplored. 


Let’s just face it! Traveling solo is no more a thing of the past. This is 2021, where women today are creating impact right from the boardrooms, to the olympics and to the House of Representatives. As a solo traveller, you would like to have an independent getaway and explore the unexplored. Or maybe, you have watched Eat, Pray, Love and want to discover things about yourself just as much as wanting to discover about the world. So, whatever the reason, choosing the right getaway or the perfect adventure can make a big difference. The last thing we would want is to worry about our safety or having to compromise on the location.  So here is a guide to a list of safe destinations that are perfect for a solo traveler. But, before we move forward with our top destinations, here are  tips for a first solo traveler to ensure a safe solo-saving sojourn.

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How to Land a Remote Job

Ever wondered how those people on Instagram and youtube can seamlessly travel around the globe at any time of the year, what do they do? How do they do it? Well, the answer is simple: landing a remote job, what is a remote job you might ask? It is essentially is a flexible working arrangement that lets an employee work from any location outside of the company’s headquarters which of course has a lot of benefits, you can spend less time on commuting to work automatically making it a more affordable option, and most importantly, you can do it in the comfort of your own home or while traveling across the country in a van! , 

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Traveling on a budget in fall

Cool weather and hot pumpkin drinks... It's that time of the year again! 


September is the month where summer slowly fades away and the beautiful fall starts transitioning. This fall is special because unlike last year, this fall we can truly get out and travel places. Here are the top recommendations for budget friendly places to visit in October. So, here is a guide to budget friendly destinations that you can visit in fall.

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The 10 best group travel apps

Every traveler knows there are certain things they must bring to every trip, for example: passport, a power bank, travel wallet, sunscreen, toiletries, backpack and adaptor, etc. But nowadays with technology being an important part of our journeys we need to consider which apps are going to be our travel essentials.
With this post we want to help you discover, which of them will make your life easier while traveling with a group:

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Top 10 Countries for Digital Nomads

So you’ve finally landed your dream job and are currently contemplating if you prefer sipping margaritas after work on a beach or dune bashing in Dubai? So many options and so many countries to choose from but not to worry, we’ve got a few options up our sleeves, here are the top 10 countries that are recommended for digital nomads based on the cost of living, accessibility for remote working, and so much more.

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The Ultimate Group Travel Destinations in Germany

Why go far when the good is so close? 


Germany is not just Germany - it depends on the perspective. The best example of this for me was Hamburg, but more on that later. The country has more to offer than Oktoberfest - yes Oktoberfest is a highlight in itself, no question - but have you ever let the sun shine on your face at the North Sea? Go island hopping at the Baltic Sea? Tasted wine in the city of Weingarten? Or have you ever felt like a princess or prince at Neuschwanstein Castle? Get inspired and plan your next group trip with JoinMyTrip to the best spots in Germany! 

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Benefits of CoWorking Trips with JoinMyTrip

Why plan a CoWorking trip with JoinMyTrip? 

Sitting in your desk at home while the raindrops run down the window pane. It's wet and cold outside and the outlook for the coming days is as bleak as it is uneventful. You work online and would love to just pack your office into your backpack and take it with you to the sunny south. But no one from your friends circle has time and going alone is not the same. Do you know this feeling? We had the same problem and found a solution right away: CoWorking with JoinMyTrip! 

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How to create trips that get great reviews

Best tips for getting great reviews

We all use reviews to influence our decisions. Reviews form a key factor in deciding which restaurant we want to visit or which movie to watch or what fancy product we are going to splurge on next. So why not use reviews to decide on your next travel destination? At JoinMyTrip, once a TripMate has returned back successfully from a trip, they can submit a review about their TripLeaders. Reviews are empowered to be honest and transparent for our community members. 

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5 Cool Road Trips in the U.S.

With over 50 states in total ranging from sunny California, the natural wonders of Utah, and all the way to the bustling New York City it’s not uncommon to not know where to start, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the top 5 planned road trips in the USA to go with your friends that won’t break the bank.

Tip: it’s always a good idea to book your insurance beforehand, for more info about insurance covered by us click here


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The Best Places for a Wellness Group Trip - Part 2

If you’ve been scrolling through social media lately you’ve probably heard of the term “self care” and “self-love”,  the concept of taking care of one’s well being starting from the food you eat, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep has been around from ages, but recently it has been brought up quite often, people are trying to find different approaches to taking care of themselves and avoid burnouts trying to keep up with the fast pace of their daily lives. 

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The 5 most unusual group trips

For you and your friends

We know them all - the typical group travel destinations and types of group travel: Hen parties in Mallorca, Party vacations in Rimini, Girls Weekend in Milan - but of course that's not enough for us! Today we're going to show you the most unusual group trips that you should definitely experience with your friends and new people.

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The best CoWorking Trips for fall 2021

Are you getting comfy or planning your next escape?

Winter is coming and I bet you're already thinking about what to do for the season ahead. If your mind is in doubt between: turning the heater on, getting a hot cocoa or packing your bags and go for a coworking adventure instead, I'm sure after reading you will get inspired to travel. We’ll get you all the trips and tricks about what places to visit and also encourage you to start your own adventure as a Trip Leader.

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Top 5 benefits of group travel


It's all about experiences with like-minded travelers. 

For years group travel has been perceived to be for the lazy, non-adventurous and inexperienced. Even for me, the idea of group travel is arriving at a destination in a bus with other clueless travelers and ushered like a herd of cattle through the most touristy location. That’s an age old tradition now because the concept of group travel has been completely revamped. Now, it's all about having travel experiences with like-minded travelers. These experiences will create memories and bonds that last a lifetime. 

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Why India is a perfect destination for a CoWorking Trip

Incredible India

India might not be everyone’s first option when it comes to deciding on a destination for a CoWorking trip. Here is why I think India is one of the best destinations!  In one country you can experience a desert, backwaters, thick forests, snow-clad mountains, picturesque beaches and bustling cities. You get a myriad of experiences along with a culture that is so rich, history and tradition rooted so deep and for centuries India has been visited by many. This is because guests are treated like Gods (Atithi Devo Bhava). I can truly vouch for the fact that nowhere else in the world you will be welcomed and greeted with open arms as much as you would be in India. 

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The Definitive Remote CoWorking Guide: Los Angeles Edition

CoWorking in the City of Angels

Being one of the few people that is actually from LA, I feel like I can offer all our readers a nice guide to help you not only plan, but also experience what my wonderful city has to offer. BIG disclaimer, this is not a guide for people that are humble, low profile or in slightly modest. This is L.A. Baby!!! The town of towns, the place where people arrive as nobodies and leave as superstars.

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The best places for a wellness group trip


Time to experience the benefits of mind, body and soul. 


Who will agree with me? The best way to detox and relax is by traveling! We all live a crazy and hectic lifestyle, and we choose to travel when we need to get away from the hustle and bustle. Traveling is not only about endless adventure, fun and thrill, it is also about educating oneself through all the experiences that enrich the mind, body and soul. When you travel, you strike a balance between the crazy life that you left behind and the enrichment that awaits you. You finally find sanity! Of course, traveling solo or traveling in a group is the most preferred choice. But, when do you know that you are ready for a wellness group trip?  


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How to deal with racism when traveling in a group

Truth be told, I was really looking forward to writing this piece because “RACISM” is out there - so open! But probably, shoved aside and turned a blind eye. As I write this, I am not saying I am perfect myself but what’s important is “I TRY” - one day at a time to be there not just for myself but point it out when it has to be. Being an Indian, living in a foreign land and being away from “home” almost all of my adult life, I am ashamed to say this but unfortunately I have experienced or witnessed racism or racist comments. So, what do I do when I encounter such an act, especially when I am traveling? Here I am, vouching for the fact that I am not going to be frozen, angry, uncomfortable or sad. To feel this way is completely fine, because they are the most common emotions but I want to get out of that situation knowing my emotions were right! Knowing I did the right thing!

As the Black lives matter movement has raised a lot of awareness in every nook and corner of the world, we see a lot more acknowledgement from several industries - Of course, there is a lot of work to do! 

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A guide to JoinMyTrip's payment and payout method

What is JoinMyTrip's TripLeader payment method and how does it work? 


The best part about JoinMyTrip's process for a TripLeader is to be paid without any frustration and confusion. So, in order to get paid for the expenses involved in leading a trip, one must have to set up a payout method. Imagine! You don’t have to have that awkward interaction with your TripMates to make sure your payments are sorted. The anticipation leading to a trip is the only vibe we need! Packing your bags and catching your flight on time is the only worry you should have!

JoinMyTrip payment method continues to form the core part of the platform. Without this, there is not going to be any trust, flexibility and financial security between our TripLeaders and TripMates

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What actually is CoLearning

Some things are easier to learn while traveling...

We all know someone who left for Australia and returned as an absolute surf pro. How do you do that? How do you learn new things while you're on vacation? The CoLearning Trips on JoinMyTrip make it easy....

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Diversity when traveling in a group

Plan your perfect group trip with this guide! 

When I step out of my home, take a flight and land in a country never explored before, one thing I always think about is how grateful I am to be able to travel to a foreign country. Isn’t it the greatest privilege? For me, the highest education or the knowledge acquired is that which comes when I travel. The biggest gift is grasping a new culture and tradition with what time and money can give. As a person who was born and brought up in India, pursued her masters degree from the United Kingdom and now living in Germany - you can say that I have had my share of experiencing cultural differences especially while traveling in a group. 


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How to have a safe group trip

It's a hard miss and hit. 

Traveling for us is definitely an escape but it is very important to not get carried away while having the time of our lives. Over the years I have traveled with friends, strangers and family members. Sometimes, it’s a hard miss and hit with nothing going wrong while on a trip. Has that happened to you too? So, the bottom line is that we must establish certain boundaries or precautions before we head on to our adventure. This is only to be able to avoid any unnecessary troubles and problems that could possibly arise. 

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Group travel destinations based on your favorite NETFLIX shows

Binge watching Netflix shows is a thing of the past.....


When the pandemic hit us, we were confined into our homes - most of us binge watched Netflix shows for hours. Ahem! Ahem! Not proud of this but I have binge watched shows that are less memorable and less enjoyable (Yikes!). 

But there are so many of my favorite Netflix shows that are worth being left bleary-eyed on the couch.  

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How CoWorking improves your life quality.

How CoWorking improves your life quality

This is why (remote) CoWorking can be good for you...


Working from home or at a coffee shop has its own set of problems and frustrations. Do you have the motivation to stick to a daily schedule? Are you able to operate well with little or no accountability? This is why, in recent years, coworking spaces have become a realistic alternative.

You know how vicious the rat race can be if you reside in a big metro like Hamburg! We are always on the go, devoting the majority of our waking hours to work or traveling for employment. In the end, it is ‘life' that suffers.

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CoWorking Guide to Bali

Do you dream of working on the beach? In Bali this dream comes true...🌴

We all dream of leaving our worries behind and just relaxing on the beach. In Bali you can experience exactly that, summer, sun, beach and sea and all that while working!
Bali has a large co-working community and has become a dream destination for digital nomads in recent years. This guide shows you the best places for CoWorking in Bali and what you can experience on the island in your free time. 

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How to plan a perfect road trip as a group

It's all about the journey - that's the goal

A road trip is not about arriving as quickly as possible at the destination, but the experiences on your road trip and many small stopovers make the road trip perfect. With these tips you will experience the best road trip as a group and can discover the world without stress...

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How to travel in a Group in the New Normal

How to know when you are ready and how to stay committed... 


It’s not a shock that the perception of travel has changed for most of us. Now that vaccines are becoming available we are all eager than ever to take trips and go on vacations. But there is still something that is blocking us or making us feel uncomfortable. Unpredicted border closures, lockdowns and flight cancellations play a huge role in our decision to travel. But all that I can say is that our appetite to travel is stronger than ever. So here are a few of my tips to make sure you know when you are ready for your next big adventure with your travel buddies.  Hey! of course with us at JoinMyTrip

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Group Travel - What every introvert needs to know

An introverts guide to group travel

Firstly, let’s just clarify that being an introvert doesn’t mean that you're anti-social, shy or awkward. In fact, many introverts have great social skills and can be outgoing. But, if you are like me who is quiet, reflective and often feels overwhelmed spending too much time with others, then the idea of group travel can be intimidating. So, group travel and being an introvert - how does that go hand in hand? As a fellow introvert, here are some of my tips that I have found helpful while planning or traveling in a group. 

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Convince your boss to go on a remote work trip.

6 Arguments to Convince your Boss to Let you Work Remotely

Valid arguments your boss can't say no to! 

If you are sick of being stuck at home for a while now and have the opportunity to work remotely or join a coworking trip from anywhere in the world, do it! Maybe your boss needs a little bit of convincing? If your boss happens to say no, we have a couple of valid arguments that you can use to convince your boss to go on a remote work trip from anywhere in the world.

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A guide to planning the perfect group trip.

How to Plan the Perfect Group Trip

Plan your perfect group trip with this guide! 

Group trips can be stressful if they are not planned correctly. Everyone has their own needs and wants, especially when you have many different personalities involved. With this guide, we will show you how you can plan the perfect group trip and have a stress-free travel experience with your travel buddies! Being a company that promotes group trips, we sure know a thing or two about group travels. 😉

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The highlights for your coworking trip to Madeira.

The Highlights for your CoWorking Trip to Madeira

Working where others go on vacation...

A coworking trip is not only about working in a beautiful place, but also about experiencing and enjoying this beautiful place. Enjoying the sunset on the beach or in the mountains after work is something very special. Madeira is a great place to combine working and exploring: the island is not too big and not too small, there are some activities you can experience here and a few cities you shouldn't miss. So here are our highlights for your coworking trip to Madeira! 

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Beginners guide to become a digital nomad in 2021 with a laptop by the beach.

Beginners Guide to Becoming a Digital Nomad

Updated: 24th February 2022

Everything you need to know about becoming a digital nomad 💻

The term digital nomad has been a rising topic in recent years. The pandemic has definitely taught many of us that you can work from anywhere in the world just as well as in the office. It is predicted that we will see more and more digital nomads on the rise, so hop on the bandwagon. All you need is your laptop and the right attitude! So, are you ready to start your digital nomad adventure and live your life to the fullest?  Follow our beginners guide to becoming a digital nomad to start your nomad life. 

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The ultimate Scandinavia road trip in a group.

The Ultimate Scandinavia Road Trip in a Group

Experience nature, hygge, and culture with this Scandinavia road trip

On our journey through the north of Europe, we travel through Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Even though Finland is not officially part of Scandinavia, it has slowly crept into all our hearts, which is why we simply can't avoid making a stop in this beautiful country. Our road trip starts in Helsinki and leads us from there via Stockholm and Copenhagen to Oslo. Grab your TravelMates and your big travel backpack and let's go! But, before we get started we have a few tips for your time in Scandinavia...

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Yoga and exploring the island of Ibiza.

Yoga and Exploring the Island of Ibiza | Trip of the Week

Go on an all-inclusive Yoga holiday to Ibiza! 🏝️

Welcome back to another episode of “Trip of the Week” where our team member Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform weekly! In our 14th episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is "A week of yoga and excursions exploring the island of Ibiza" with TripLeader Dominic. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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Covid alternatives for the most popular destinations.

7 Covid Alternatives for The Most Popular Destinations

Find the top alternatives for the most popular destinations! 

As you found out, some of the most popular destinations have been closed off to travelers, so where will you decide to travel to now? Travel to the covid alternatives for the most popular travel destinations! As long as you obey the safety regulations in place, you can still spend your holiday enjoying traveling to these countries that are currently open to travelers. Here you will find the top 7 covid alternatives to travelers' most beloved destinations.

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Travel destinations based on your favorite emoji.

Travel Destinations Based on Your Favorite Emoji

Travel to the destination based on your favorite emoji! ✈️

Emojis are a fun way for us to express and communicate ourselves in the digital world, and we know you probably have your favorite emoji that is most used. Your favorite emoji might even be able to tell you which travel destination suits you best! This is why we have created this fun blog to help you decide on your next travel destination. So, find your favorite emoji in this list and start traveling! 

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The impact of the new COVID-19 Delta variant on travel.

The Impact of the New COVID-19 Delta Variant on Travel

How is travel looking like now? 

Throughout the previous few months, we've seen a return to practically "normal" in the world of travel.  Interstate travel in the U.S was returning. Numerous nations, particularly in Europe, had begun to release travel limitations mostly through vaccination passports to invite International travel. Presently, it appears to be that the most recent COVID-19 Delta variation is threatening to ruin everything for travelers. So here you will get to know about the newest variation's pros and cons, as well as how they may influence travel this year.

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Tropical Island-Feeling on Siquijor on Trip of the Week.

Tropical Island-Feeling on Siquijor | Trip of the Week

A unique island adventure in The Philippines! 🏝️

Welcome back to another episode of “Trip of the Week” where our team member Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform weekly! In our 13th episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is "Tropical Island-Feeling on Siquijor" with TripLeader Felix. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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Helsinki Group Travel Guide: church in the main square of Helsinki

Helsinki Group Travel Guide

How to discover the Pearl of the Baltic with your friends

Helsinki is a culturally rich hub with plenty of unique activities to offer to its visitors. It is no wonder that the capital of Finland intrigues travelers from around the world! With a rich food scene, plenty of activity and a Nordic style of life, you and your TravelMates will not be disappointed when visiting this fun city. 😍

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The cheapest countries to visit with travel mates.

The Cheapest Countries to Visit With Travel Mates

What better way to save money than with these 10 countries! 

If your mind is telling you "You can't travel because you don't have money" then we are about to prove your mind wrong with the 10 cheapest countries to visit with travel mates! Not only are these countries affordable, but traveling with travel mates is even cheaper. Why? Because you are able to share the travel costs between you and your travel mates. Make sure to also check out the best European budget destinations to have a European adventure. So, let us begin! 

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The Most Underrated Destinations for Group Travel

The Most Underrated Destinations for Group Travel

Have you ever thought about a trip to these destinations with your friends? 

Sometimes, the very best of travel destinations go under the radar. Or, we're just so used to going to the same destinations that we don't even consider other unique places to visit. It's time to expand your palette of tastes when it comes to travel destinations, so you can start planning your next adventure with your friends!

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Treasures of Bosnia and Herzegovina trip.

Treasures of Bosnia and Herzegovina | Trip of the Week

Experience mixed cultures in the heart of Southern Europe! 🇧🇦

Welcome back to another episode of “Trip of the Week” where our team member Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform weekly! In our 12th episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is "Treasures of Bosnia & Herzegovina" with TripLeader Marko. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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Switzerland group travel guide

Switzerland Group Travel Guide

Grab your travel mates & let's go on an adventure! 

Most of you are probably picturing men in lederhosen and women in dirndls yodeling as they walk their goats over lush, green hills. While others see a land of corporate raiders rushing through the urban jungle. Of course, there is a kernel of truth in every stereotype but sorry to break it to you, it's not like that. Switzerland is a mountainous country; it has the highest number of mountains that reach over 4,000 meters! Just about every Swiss city is surrounded by hills and boasts a lake or river. This Switzerland travel guide will advise you on the best sights and activities to guide you through your group travels! 

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Best European budget destinations.

Best European Budget Destinations

Discover the cheapest European countries without breaking the bank...

Traveling can be super expensive, but traveling can also be super affordable if you choose the right destinations! This is why we have chosen the best European budget destinations that you can travel to whenever without spending a fortune. When there is a will there is always a way, no excuses. 😉 So, start booking your trip today!

Make sure to also check out our article on how to travel the world on a budget for some tips and tricks. 

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The perfect weekend in Brussels

The Perfect Weekend in Brussels

Discover the capital of Europe...

Besides being the capital of Europe, Brussels is also the capital of the Kingdom of Belgium. The city itself is over a thousand years old and in the historic center of the city, you can feel the history of the city (and Europe). Our colleague Kira has lived in the Belgian capital for three years and now takes you on a journey to this beautiful city.

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Where you can go stargazing in Europe

Where YOU can go Stargazing in Europe!

Look up and get lost in the stars ✨

There's nothing more calming and beautiful than spending a night under the stars. The sense of peace that overwhelms you as you look up and realize how small you actually are in this huge universe. This is why we have picked the best spots where you can go stargazing in Europe and marvel at the incredible stars above. If you are lucky, you might even catch a shooting star! So, have your wish ready.  

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Madeira hike, beach and chill on the trip of the week show.

Madeira Hike, Beach and Chill | Trip of the Week

Enjoy the now in Madeira!

Welcome back to another episode of “Trip of the Week” where our team member Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform weekly! In our 11th episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is "MADEIRA: Hike + Beach + Chill + Highlights of the island" with TripLeader Kirstin and Fabian. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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Most Beautiful Rainforests to Visit in Australia: Rainforest

Most Beautiful Rainforests to Visit in Australia

Where you can find the mightiest of jungles on your Aussie trip...

Australia's rich and lively nature attracts free-spirited travelers from all over the globe. So, what's all the hype? 😉 Well, for one thing, Australia is full of lush rainforest jungles speaking to all of our inner Tarzan. Discover where to find the most beautiful rainforests in the Land Down Under

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Most Beautiful Bridges in the World

Most Beautiful Bridges in the World

Bridges we don't want to be burning... 

Have you ever crossed a bridge and just admired its beauty? Or maybe you've wondered how the heck they managed to construct the bridge? At JoinMyTrip we're all about building bridges with friends you haven't met yet! Start building bridges and visiting them! Here's where you can find the most beautiful and unique bridges around the world... 

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How to Have the Perfect Log Cabin Stay: cabin in the mountains

How to Have the Perfect Log Cabin Stay

We've all dreamed of escaping to the woods... 

There's something romantic about staying in a log cabin, enjoying nature. Here's how to get planning your next log cabin stay, including the best destinations for the ultimate log cabin vibes! Plus... summer is upon us, and we all know that a log cabin stay is the ultimate way to de-stress ourselves. 

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Paris Travel Guide: the city of Paris from above

Paris Travel Guide

How to have the best experience in the city of love & light ✨

Hey... we'll always have Paris, right? This city is often perceived in all its dreamy glory and let me tell you... it will live up to your expectations! Paris is exhausting but more importantly, worth all the exhaustion. Besides all the exhaustion, though, you'll find the lovely flâneur vibe of the Parisians who just like to enjoy life with a relaxed style. It's a city of controversy, but one you will quickly fall in love with. We'll tell you just what to keep in mind when planning your travels to Paris!

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Forgotten Greece on the trip of the week youtube show.

Forgotten Greece | Trip of the Week

Are you ready to discover the unusual side of Greece? 

Welcome back to another episode of “Trip of the Week” where our team member Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform weekly! In our 10th episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is "Forgotten Greece" with TripLeader Evan. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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Where you can travel in summer 2021 and what you need.

Where You Can Travel in Summer 2021

Vacation mode: On!

Summer is here and vacation mode is on. Time to pack up your suitcases with sunscreen and swimsuits because we are about to go on vacation! Now, it might be hard to choose a destination to travel to this Summer 2021 with travel restrictions in place, which is why we have chosen the 9 best spots where you can travel to in summer 2021. 

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10 Travel Words You Should Know in Other Languages

10 Travel Words You Should Know in Other Languages

Ever had a bad case of Fernweh? Us, too... Learn all the travel words!

Some languages have words that simply cannot be translated to other languages directly. Have you ever come across a word in your own language that just explains something so perfectly? Since we're all travel addicts over here, we're going to take a look at travel words in different languages that should definitely be a part of your vocab! ✈️

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The best destinations for tea lovers.

The Best Destinations for Tea Lovers

A cup of tea opens the world...

....that's what the Japanese already said about this brew. Tea is a magical brew, which like coffee makes us awake or makes us sleepy. Tea helps against colds and digestive problems. Also, tea is the epitome of coziness. If you prefer coffee, we also have the best spots for coffee lovers. This is how you can experience tea around the world... 

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Travel the World with JoinMyTrip: People hiking in mountains

How Traveling the World With JoinMyTrip Makes You Experience the World in a Different Way

Life is full of experiences to be had and traveling with JoinMyTrip is one of them...

Have you ever wondered what its like to travel with strangers that quickly turn into friends? Have you ever wanted to explore a new place but none of your friends have really been excited to travel? What about working in a villa in Europe with other like-minded professionals? JoinMyTrip is full of fun travel experiences, and we're going to tell you just why your life will change after going on a unique adventure with like-minded TravelMates!

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A Beginners Guide to Glamping 101: Glamping pods in Peru

A Beginners Guide to Glamping 101

Here's how to one up your camping game... 

Ever heard of glamping? Not all of us are necessarily fans of camping or otherwise just want to level up our camping experience. The perfect solution for this is, of course, glamping. Glamping is essentially more luxurious camping, so much so that sometimes you won't even feel like you're 'camping'. So, here's how to make all your glamping dreams come true... 😍 P.S. If you ARE the camping type, we also have the best tips for your first camping trip! 🏕️

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Johannesburg Travel Guide 2021

Johannesburg Travel Guide 2021

Discover Johannesburg and all the best things to do! 

Johannesburg, South Africa's biggest city and capital of Gauteng province, began as a 19th-century gold-mining settlement. The city is rapidly evolving from an edgy safari stopover to a vibrant hub for arts and culture. Let's take a trip through Johannesburg with this 2021 travel guide! 

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Trip of the Week: Morocco Adventure

Morocco Adventure | Trip of the Week

Do you want to explore the Sahara? 

Welcome back to another episode of “Trip of the Week” where our team member Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform weekly! In our 9th episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is "Morocco Adventure " with TripLeader Katharina. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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The 10 best Spots for photographers

The best Spots for Photographers

A picture is worth a thousand words...

For many of us, traveling and photography go together like gin and tonic, like TripLeader and TripMate. Some places in this world are absolute top spots for photography-loving travelers and we now show you the 10 best places for (hobby) photographers...

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Most Beautiful Islands in the World: Faroe Islands

Most Beautiful Islands in the World

If you were stranded on an island, here's where you'd want to be... 

We're often asked if we were stranded on an island, what the single item we'd want to take with us would be. How about asking what island you'd want to be stranded on? There's so many islands in the world, it's almost impossible to count them. So, at least you're not out of options! Another question is, who would you want to be stranded on the island with? Find your future TravelMates with JoinMyTrip - you might find your favorite person in our community of like-minded travelers. 😉

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The 11 Most Bizarre Borders in the World: Mount Everest

The 11 Most Bizarre Borders in the World

These borders will have you wondering what country you're in...

Have you ever been to a strange border? The world is full of borders splitting lands from one another since the early days of humankind. Natural borders, maritime borders, political borders... but also, really bizarre borders. Discover the strangeness of these borders around the world. Hey, we can always use a little weirdness, right? 😉

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How to Make Friends While Traveling: a group of friends with arms around each other

How to Make Friends While Traveling

Excited to start your first adventure but don't quite know who to go with? Here's how to make the best of it... 

So, you've always wanted to travel but putting yourself out there might seem kind of scary. However, some of the best relationships you build are always made on the road, because there's just no better friend than one you've traveled with. You get to share memories and maybe crazy or weird experiences with them that you can always look back together on! So, put your brave pants on and say hello to a stranger. JoinMyTrip is here to help you out. 😉

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Round trip through Japan in the trip of the week episode.

Round Trip Through Japan | Trip of the Week

Experience the culture and discover unknown places in Japan

Welcome back to another episode of “Trip of the Week” where our team member Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform weekly! In our 8th episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is "Round Trip Through Japan" with TripLeader Christopher. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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The best wine tasting spots in the world are best experienced in a group.

The best Wine Tasting Spots in the World

In wine lies truth...

Wine has been cultivated and drunk since the 6th millennium BC. Today's Georgia and Armenia are considered to be the places of origin for wine cultivation. And even in ancient Greece and Rome, the gods of wine were worshiped. A glass of wine a day is even said to prolong our lives. We've compiled the best wine tasting spots for you to explore with your TripMates and enjoy a glass or two of the drink of the gods. Find your like-minded wine lovers on JoinMyTrip!

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The Most Beautiful UNESCO Sites in the World: Taj Mahal

The Most Beautiful UNESCO Sites in the World

The world is full of UNESCO-worthy sights...

We've mentioned some of our favorite UNESCO sites throughout some of our blogs, so its about time we compile a list of the best ones out there! First of all, what is a UNESCO site? It's a place that has been deemed to have some sort of cultural or physical significance. That being said... there are so many amazing places that are worthy of this name that picking the best ones is a challenge in itself. Many of these UNESCO sites are also included in our List of 50 Places YOU Need to Visit Before You Die. Life is short and the world is wide, so off we go! 

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List of places you need to visit before you die.

List of 50 Places YOU Need to Visit Before You Die

Life is short, better start living! 

The world is filled with so many beautiful places that realistically it's impossible to cover all of the earth within your lifetime, or who knows maybe you can make that happen! This is why we have created a list of 50 places you absolutely need to visit before you die and trust me, it's worth doing. 

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Why you should go on a coworking trip.

Why YOU should go on a CoWorking Trip

Grab your laptop and take a vacation while you work...

After almost a year and a half in home office, none of us can sit in our chairs and stare at the screen anymore. We have four really good reasons why you should move your home office to another location, for example to Portugal or Greece. 

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Hot air balloon with pride colors: where to travel based on pride colors

Where to Travel to Based on Pride Colors

Here are the top destinations based on all the colors of the rainbow... 

First of all, happy pride to all our readers and the JoinMyTrip community! 🏳️‍🌈 To celebrate, we are going to take a look at fun destinations all around the world based on all the pride colors. Did you know that each color is connected to a unique meaning? So, take your TravelMates with you and start exploring the world while celebrating a love of all kinds. 

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The best climbing spots in the world.

The Best Climbing Spots in the World

From up here, the view is simply better...

Since forever, people have been climbing to higher points to get a better view. Who doesn't want to have a better view? Nowadays climbing is a sport and for some even an extreme sport. We will take you on a climbing trip around the world! You can leave the binoculars at home because the view will be great even without them. 

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Explore Bali in 2021.

Explore Bali 2021 | Trip of the Week

Get lost in rice fields and form new friendships

Welcome back to another episode of “Trip of the Week” where our team member Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform weekly! In our 7th episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is "Explore Bali 2021" with TripLeader Daniel. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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The 10 Most Beautiful Castles in the World: Castles on the hills of Germany

The 10 Most Beautiful Castles in the World

A guide to fairytale escapes...

You know when you see a picture of a castle in some photo on social media and it hardly looks real? Well, they are real and we are about to tell you where you can find 10 of the most beautiful castles around the world. If you're wanting to go on a castle hopping tour and don't know whom to go with, start creating your adventure with JoinMyTrip and get like-minded TravelMates to join your expedition! 

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How to: Perfect Beach Vacation: woman on beach

How to: Perfect Beach Vacation

The news is out... summer's here! Find out how to plan your beach vacay 

It feels like this summer has been a long time coming, and we're excited for a season full of adventures. Of course, summer's not complete with at least a few trips to the beach. Whether you're a beach bum and like to catch the sun rays or would rather be out on the water doing water sports, we've got some tips on how to make your beach vacation dreams come true! 

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A colorful wall mural of Nelson Mandela with quote

Following the Footsteps of Nelson Mandela

A journey through Africa Mandela style...

The steps of the brave man Nelson Mandela took him through Africa's landscapes on his way to tackle institutionalized racism and to find peace. His walk to freedom was something that we can all look up to, and is especially important during these times! Always wanted to go to South Africa? Now's your chance, and you can add a little historical spin to your trip by honoring important locations where the man himself once walked.

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Explore Sri Lanka with this Travel Guide!

Explore Sri Lanka with this Travel Guide!

Your Sri Lanka travels start now...

Here in this Sri Lanka travel guide, we cover the most exotic places which are a must-visit during your Sri Lanka travels. Throughout your travels, you will find that communication will rarely be a problem because English is widely spoken in all parts of the country. Place names and signboards are in the national languages Sinhala, Tamil, and English. The currency of Sri Lanka is the Rupee divided into cents, plus the foreign currencies enjoy a favorable exchange rate. So, let us help you plan your Sri Lanka trip today!

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Coworking in San Diego on the trip of the week show.

Coworking in San Diego | Trip of the Week

Want to chill on California's beach city?

Welcome back to another episode of “Trip of the Week” where our team member Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform weekly! In our 6th episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is "Coworking in San Diego 🇺🇸 - California's beach city" with TripLeader Anna. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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Most Beautiful Airports in the World: Sunrise through an airport window

Most Beautiful Airports in the World

Being at an airport just has its own vibe... especially if it is beautiful

Airports are the places where our journeys often begin and end. That being said, they're often the places where we get our first (or last) impression of a country! And, as we know, first impressions are key. Here are the most beautiful airports in the world, which are sure to leave a lasting impression, whether it be your first or last...

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The 10 best places to see turtles.

The 10 Best Places to See Turtles

It's world turtle day...

... and of course, we celebrate that! There are seven species of sea turtles in the world and all of them are endangered species. Turtles can be found almost everywhere in the world, but some places are particularly impressive. We'll take you on a journey in the footsteps of these reptiles and have compiled the 10 best places to see turtles for you. 

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The top sailing spots this summer with a man on a sailing boat swinging a black bag

Top 5 Sailing Spots This Summer

It's al-waves fun when you're out on a boat

It’s a-boat time you go sailing this summer, with the wind blowing through your hair, having a mini titanic moment with your very own Jack. Life couldn’t be better. Here at JoinMyTrip, we are a company that bleeds adventure, we live it, and we encourage everyone else to make their own unique adventures as well. We believe sailing is truly one of the greatest joys of traveling and the best way to explore the world and its Seven Seas. Plus, we know exactly how you can get the most out of your holidays with the top 5 sailing spots this summer. All aboard!

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How to: sustainable support animal tourism: two camels kissing in Jordan

How to: Sustainably Support Animal Tourism

How you can have ethical encounters with animals on your next trip...

We all love to come face to face with amazing creatures we've only maybe seen in books before. However, animal tourism in past years hasn't necessarily always been ethical, although things are looking better! Here's what to keep in mind before you book your (sustainable) animal encounter experience... 

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A group of friends is sitting on a bench in a theme park. In the background you can see roller coasters and other rides.

The Best Amusement Parks you MUST Visit!

Adrenaline pumping and wild hair: a day at the amusement park...

Adults like to feel like kids again and every time you enter an amusement park you can relive that feeling. You should definitely visit these amusement parks because some of them hide world records and unimagined adventures! Let's go together...

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Hiking Trip in Crete island, Greece in Trip of the week.

Hiking Trip in Crete Island | Trip of the Week

Want to go hiking exploring this majestic island?

Welcome back to another episode of “Trip of the Week” where our team member Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform weekly! In our 5th episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is "Hiking Trip in Crete Island - Greece” with TripLeader Akis. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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How to: Travel on a Student Budget

How to: Travel on a Student Budget

We've all been wanderlusting students once... how to make it happen? 

You know that moment that you're sitting on a school bench looking out the window or painfully trying to finish an assignment, and then you see a friend post a travel picture? The very definition of jealousy. And we've all been there! The world is becoming a friendlier place for student pockets all the time, but we want to share the best tips on how to travel on a student budget, so that soon enough your feed will be lit 🔥 with travel photos with awesome TripMates! 

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A statue of Martin Luther in front of a church in Germany

Following the Footsteps of Martin Luther

A historical journey through 'Luther Country'... 

Martin Luther was an important historical figure, known for the translation of the New Testament from Greek into German, which would go on to shape much of the German language. In Germany, many travelers flock to Luther Country every year to follow his pathway. In honor of Ascension Day and an important week in Christianity, we explore the stomping grounds of the foundation of the Protestant religion... 💡

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Hungaroring F1 in Budapest, Trip of the week.

Hungaroring F1 in Budapest | Trip of the Week

Where are all the Formula 1 fans?

Welcome back to another episode of “Trip of the Week” where our team member Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform weekly! In our 4th episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is “Hungaroring F1 in Budapest” with TripLeader Nadine. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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Most Beautiful Cities in the World

Most Beautiful Cities in the World

As long as we have Paris! And other beautiful cities to escape to...

Cities are the roots of history of many places, and that's why city breaks are all the thrill! It seems as though you take a walk through the very spirit of a place. Some cities have so much to discover that you are sure to never get tired of it. When you're looking to spice up life a little and discover a new city with your like-minded TravelMates, don't miss out on these cities, some of the most beautiful in the world! 😍

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The 10 Best Trips with Your Traveling Mom | Mothers Day Edition

Where to go traveling with your mom

Happy Mother’s day! We hope you all are treating your moms like queens today, because where would we be without them? It’s time to give back to our mothers and take them on a unique experience with some of the best trips go on with your traveling mom… one they can forever cherish.

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How to: Promote a JoinMyTrip Trip

Hello, TripLeader (or aspiring one)! All ready to promote your awesome trip?

So, incase you did not already know, JoinMyTrip is a platform where you (yes, you) can join trips with like-minded travelers, or you can create and plan a new and unique trip yourself! After the trip is all planned, though, you’ll need some awesome Travel Buddies to join in on your adventure. Aspiring TripLeaders, if you’re thinking about posting your first voyage, we can assure you that there is plenty of good reason to become a TripLeader. If you’ve just created your trip: congratulations, we’re happy to have you on board! 🎉 Here’s how to best promote the piece of art that is your new trip:

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Following the Footsteps of Neil Armstrong

When the earth isn’t enough to explore…

Get your adventure mode on! Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon, is the best example of an adventurer. In honor of National Travel and Tourism Week in the United States, it is only right that we celebrate this American astronaut. Here’s how to add a little Armstrong to your next trip… Hint: you can (sort of) do it while having your two feet planted firmly on Earth!

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The 10 Best Bungee Spots in the World

Are you an adrenaline junkie? Then this post is for you…

Bungee jumping describes an extreme sport in which you jump headfirst into the depths with a rubber band on your feet. The sport was inspired by the liana jumpers of Vanuatu and commercialized in the late 80s by New Zealander AJ Hackett. He invented a rubber rope that allows a safe jump and demonstrated it by jumping from the Eiffel Tower. So this extreme sport is completely crazy and now we present you with the 10 best bungee spots in the world…

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Sailing into the Blue | Trip of the Week

Start sailing into the Croatian blues

Welcome back to another episode of “Trip of the Week” where our team member Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform weekly! In our 3rd episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is “Sailing into the Blue ⛵ Freedom, Adventure & Sea in Croatia” with TripLeader Riaz. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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Most Beautiful Forests in the World

The best places to lose yourself in a fairytale forest…

Did you know that spending time in a forest is studied to have many health benefits? For example, a stroll in a forest is one of the best ways to reduce stress. Here’s our advice: spend some time in a forest today. If you’re looking to get further than your backyard, set out on a forest adventure with some TripMates to have the ultimate stress-free vacay. Here’s all you need to know about where to find the most beautiful forests in the world!

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Hamburg Insider Tips, The Beatles, TripLeader Guide | Travel Recap

Need some travel content to spice up your week? JoinMyTrip Weekly Update is here!

Our colleague, Stella is back again with another travel recap! Watch every Saturday as Stella recaps all the amazing things we have released, on the JoinMyTrip Travel Recap with Stella Show. What you can read, watch, or listen to. A little bit of everything for everyone. For this week, our recommendation is to check out Hamburg Insider Tips, approved by us, the JoinMyTrip team!

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CoWorking in Cape Town | Trip of the Week

Start coworking in Cape Town today!

Welcome back to another episode of “Trip of the Week” where our team member Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform weekly! In our 2nd episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is CoWorking in Cape town with TripLeader Anna-Lena. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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How to: a Perfect Group Travel Experience

There’s a lot of things to keep in mind, but group travel done right will change your life! Here’s the best tips…

Have you ever wanted to travel in a group but not known who to go with? Maybe you’ve planned a group trip but it didn’t go over so well? At JoinMyTrip, we are the biggest fans of group travel. When it’s done right and you have the right people, traveling in a group will add a fun and adventurous spin to your travels. This is especially the case when you find like-minded friends to set out on an adventure with you…

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Hamburg Insider Tips | JoinMyTrip Approved

Explore Hamburg with JoinMyTrip

Moin moin from JoinMyTrip‘s home Hamburg! In cooperation with our entire team, we have compiled the best insider tips for Hamburg. This way you can discover a bit more of Hamburg and not always be surrounded by tourists. Let’s go…

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Following the Footsteps of the Beatles

How to plan your next trip to England with a Beatles itinerary…

For any Beatles lover, you know it’s not a trip to England without checking out some of the most famous spots of the iconic Beatles. Make the most of a Day in the Life by rounding up some like-minded fans! Dreaming about a trip where you can follow the footsteps of the Fab Four? Create a trip with JoinMyTrip to do just that! The itinerary is all ready for you…

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The Ultimate TripLeader Guide

Start your TripLeader journey today! 

Thinking about becoming a TripLeader? Read through our ultimate TripLeader guide first! Everything you need to know before starting your TripLeader journey will be covered here. What is a TripLeader? How do I create a trip? All of your burning questions will be answered in this blog post while giving you insights into becoming the best TripLeader JoinMyTrip has ever seen.

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The Best Netherlands Travel Guide

Find the best things to do in the Netherlands right here!

The Netherlands, one of the most densely populated countries in Europe, known for its tulips, windmills, canals, and historic bridges. This Netherlands travel guide will help you move through this popular nation by exploring the Netherlands in two, four, and eight days. 

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The 10 Most Beautiful Beaches in the World

Life’s a beach… isn’t it? Discover where to find the most beautiful ones!

We all know the stereotypical ‘beach vacay’ but sometimes it’s exactly what we need. Being by the beach is the ultimate way to escape reality and just relax. But who says beaches are just for the beach bums? There are plenty of beautiful beaches that aren’t really made for sun tanning and margaritas that are also worth a visit. Whatever kind of beach lover you are, here are the most beautiful beaches in the world to go explore with your friends…

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24 Hours in Tallinn

How to spend a day in this romantic Baltic city…

Tallinn is an often-overlooked city on peoples’ Europe itinerary, but this still somewhat secret getaway is sure to steal a piece of your heart. During summertime, you’ll find yourself enjoying its many cafes and street stands, and in the wintertime, the entire Central Square turns into a Christmas wonderland. Staying in Tallinn is also not expensive, so if you’re a budget traveler, this travel location is well suited for you!

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Alternatives to Sardinia | La Maddalena Islands

Explore the best of the picturesque Italian islands

You’ll find all you need to know about traveling to Sardinia in our Sardinia Edition of the Best Road Trips in 2021. Off of the northern coast, however, you’ll find the La Maddalena islands, and our previous guide didn’t give this beautiful area nearly enough attention. If you are traveling to Sardinia, two weeks is a perfect time to enjoy the island. However, if you travel to La Maddalena, reserve at least four more days for your Italian island adventure!

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Sailing in France | Trip of the Week

Let’s go sailing in France!

We are happy to announce that our new team member, Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform in our newest YouTube show “Trip of the Week”! In our first episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is Sailing in France with TripLeader Carl. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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How to: Sustainable Travel

Travel leaves (carbon) footprints on our earth… what can we do to go green with our adventures?

Sustainable travel has become a hot topic in the industry in recent years. If we want to keep exploring this beautiful earth, though, there is no other option but to take care of it. Traveling sustainably does not have to be difficult or expensive at all. In fact, making sustainable choices often lead to a cheaper trip. Here are a few simple tips on how you can start your green adventure…

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Remote Work in Gran Canaria | CoWorking Show

Start remote working in Gran Canaria today!

Anna has already gone through most of the things you need to know about coworking and remote working abroad with other like-minded professionals in the previous episodes, and now we will be focusing on specific destinations. In this week’s episode, Anna will be discussing everything you need to know about remote working in Gran Canaria, Spain. So, for those of you who are looking to go on a coworking trip in Gran Canaria, but don’t know how to start, this episode is for you!

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Tips for Traveling with Earth Signs | Travel Astrology

Are you traveling with a Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn? Watch this!

Welcome back to episode six of the Travel Astrology Show, hosted by no one other than our Alex who lives and breathes astrology! Every week we will be sharing travel astrology episodes depending on the element you were born under. Last week we focused on tips for traveling with fire signs and this week, we will be focusing on earth signs. Alex will give you tips for traveling with different star signs, as well all very well know, every sign has their own unique travel style. This week, we will give you tips for traveling with earth signs! If you don’t know your element, don’t fret. Simply Google and you will easily find out. As we all know, Google has all the answers… 😉 

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Insider Tips | Berlin Edition

Experience Berlin away from the tourists

You don’t have any plans for your long weekends and want to experience something new? Then we recommend a visit to the capital. You can’t book hotels in Berlin at the moment, but there are plenty of Airbnbs. So we recommend you leave the couch at home behind and explore the capital. These insider tips will guide you off the beaten path through Berlin and its surroundings. There’s something for everyone here, whether you’re a foodie or a culture lover.

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The Only Nepal Travel Guide You Will Ever Need

Let us guide you through this enchanting country of Nepal

Nepal, known as the birthplace of Buddhism, is an enchanting land of rich cultures and a wide variety of rugged adventures. In this 10-, 14- and 21-day itineraries, you will explore the cities, foods, and natural resources of this compact country. This Nepal travel guide will guide you through amazing geography. 

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The Travel Food Show | French Food

In the land where food is basically a religion…

Hello everyone, and welcome to another episode of the Travel Food Show! Today your host, Mariellen, is joined by her friend, Patricia, to talk about culinary experiences in France while living in the country governed by food. The best way to experience French food is to of course have dinner with French people. If you don’t get the opportunity for this, no worries! You’ll find these must-try French foods at basically every corner in France, anyways.

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Travel Podcast – World’s Scariest Ghost Towns (S.2, Ep.14)

Get ready for a spooky episode

In this week’s travel podcast things will be getting a little spooky… We discuss the world’s scariest ghost towns and the stories that come with them! Today, we are joined with Jasmine (Finland), Stella (Germany), and Emilie (France) who are all supernatural lovers themselves. So, if you are a sucker for the supernatural and love a good ghost story be sure to tune in, we are pretty sure the three girls were not recording this alone…

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The Ultimate Malaysia Travel Guide

Explore Malaysia in 14 days!

Malaysia is a must-see destination if you’re planning a trip to Southeast Asia. It’s one of the popular tourist destinations mainly for its mixture of cultures. From skyscrapers to temples, white sand beaches to stunning landscapes, Malaysia has it all!  Here we have curated a travel guide for a trip to Malaysia in 14 days. Don’t delay any further and start backpacking for your trip filled with surprises. 

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6 Tips for Long-Haul Flights | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tip!

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Monday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this week’s episode, we have 6 tips for long-haul flights! We all know long-haul flights can be super annoying, which is why with the help of a little birdie we are about to make your long-haul flights a breeze.

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Following the Footsteps of Van Gogh

Travel through an artists lens… all about the famous Vincent and his travels

Vincent Van Gogh was a famous Dutch artist born in 1853, who has changed the art scene forever throughout the entire world. Like many of us, he also loved to travel. He spent his years living in four different countries, including the Netherlands, France, Britain, and Belgium.

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Best Trips, Night Markets, Iceland Waterfalls | Travel Recap

Need some travel content to spice up your week? JoinMyTrip Weekly Update is here!

Our colleague, Stella is back again with another travel recap! Watch every Saturday as Stella recaps all the amazing things we have released, on the JoinMyTrip Travel Recap with Stella Show. What you can read, watch, or listen to. A little bit of everything for everyone. For this week, our recommendation is to check out the best trips in 2021 to start planning for your summer!

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Flying Long Haul During Coronavirus

These are strange times we live in, and the travel industry has had to adapt quickly, changing the way we travel. Very few people are flying long haul at the moment, especially to Australia where there are tough border restrictions. But recently I had to make this journey, so I’ll share my story with all you curious travelers.

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10 Best Surf Spots in the World

Surf’s up! Here’s where to find the best waves around the world…

Isn’t learning to surf basically on everyone’s bucket list? If you’ve always dreamed of learning to surf but don’t quite know who to go on this bucket list adventure with, create a trip with JoinMyTrip to get some like-minded aspiring surfers to go with you! And, no need to go looking too far for where the best surf spots in the world are, because we’ve compiled 10 of the best ones for you…

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Remote Work in the Algarve | CoWorking Show

Start remote working in the Algarve today!

Anna has already gone through most of the things you need to know about coworking and remote working abroad with other like-minded professionals in the previous episodes, and now we will be focusing on specific destinations. In this week’s episode, Anna will be discussing everything you need to know about remote working in the Algarve. So, for those of you who are looking to go on a coworking trip in the Algarve, but don’t know how to start, this episode is for you!

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Tips for Traveling with Fire Signs | Travel Astrology

Are you traveling with an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius? Watch this!

Welcome back to episode five of the Travel Astrology Show, hosted by no one other than our Alex who lives and breathes astrology! Every week we will be sharing travel astrology episodes depending on the element you were born under. Last week we focused on countries to visit for Air signs and from this week onwards things will be a little bit different. Alex will give you tips for traveling with different star signs, as well all very well know, every sign has their own unique travel style. This week, we will give you tips for traveling with fire signs! If you don’t know your element, don’t fret. Simply Google and you will easily find out.  As we all know, Google has all the answers… 😉 

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Ultimate Bali and Gili Islands Travel Guide

Explore the many islands of Indonesia!

With over 17,000 islands, Indonesia offers a wide range of experiences. Starting from the beaches to rice paddies. Each island offers something different that will definitely leave you in awe. This Bali and Gili Islands travel guide will detail special adventures on a few islands worth exploring!

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The Travel Food Show | German Food Edition

You’ll never go hungry in Germany if you try these 5 foods…

Welcome to another episode of the Travel Food Show with your host, Mariellen! This week we got some tips from a fellow German-native colleague on which foods in Germany are not to be missed. As we know, Germans love a good hefty feast… what is interesting about German food traditions is that they’re often very regional. For example, you might find yourself arguing about what the correct name for a jam-filled donut is, because it is called by three different names in different regions.

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7 Incredible Night Markets in the World

Hoot hoot… Where are all the night owls?

Are you a night owl and prefer doing your shopping after the sun sets? Here we have 7 of the most incredible night markets in the world to shop till you drop while satisfying the night owl in you at the same time. So, better start saving up!

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Travel Podcast – Traveling on a Budget (S.2, Ep. 13)

We have all been broke once… If not, you’re probably lying

In this week’s travel podcast we will be giving you some tips and tricks on how you can start traveling on a budget and explore the world! Today, we are joined with Jasmine (Finland), Mariellen (Finland), Kira (Germany), and Zeyna (Germany) who have all been broke students once. As we all know traveling can be very expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. That’s why we are about to discuss how you can save money and still go on an incredible adventure! 

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Best Trips in the World for 2021

The world is wide, so where should I go? Here’s the best trips for the year…

2021 has hit the world with all kinds of curve balls, but the future is bright! If you’re looking forward to international travel as much as we are, we’ve compiled a list of the best trips in the world, so that all you have to do is to pick one (or two)! You can even use this as an inspiration to create your first trip with JoinMyTrip in leading a unique adventure with like-minded travelers!

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Top 5 Tips to Spain | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tip!

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Monday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this week’s episode, we have the top 5 tips to Spain! One of Europe‘s most beloved travel destinations will for sure knock your socks off.

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10 Best Waterfalls in Iceland

The land of fire and ice… and waterfalls

Iceland is known for its images of magnificent waterfalls and has quickly become one of the hotspot countries in recent years because of its incredible natural beauty. One of the most picturesque things about Iceland is its 10,000 waterfalls. So, if you’re about to go chasing waterfalls… you can be sure that you will not run out of something to do. It can be hard to pick from 10,000 waterfalls, so here’s a list of 10 of the best to help you plan your trip!

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The Ultimate Thailand Travel Itinerary

Thailand is yours to explore!

Thailand is a Southeast Asian country. It’s known for tropical beaches, opulent royal palaces, ancient ruins, and ornate temples displaying figures of Buddha. The capital is Bangkok and the currency of Thailand is the Thai Baht. The most important places to visit while on a trip to Thailand are Phuket, Bangkok, Krabi, and the Similan Islands. Thailand travel is full of adventure, delicious food, and unique shopping. There are so many things to do which is why here’s the ultimate travel itinerary for your trip to Thailand so that you can easily get to know this beautiful country!

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Traveling to Australia During Coronavirus

Hello, fellow travelers or curious procrastinators, I’m Lisa, JoinMyTrip’s Lead Designer. Born and raised in Perth, Australia, and having lived in Melbourne for 7 years, I may just be the JoinMyTrip employee who has ventured the furthest to now reside in Germany. After one and a half years of not seeing my fellow Australians, a sudden incident in my family has caused me to make the very quick decision to travel home to Australia.

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SUP Destinations, Coffee Cities, Portugal Travel | Travel Recap

Need some travel content to spice up your week? JoinMyTrip Weekly Update is here!

Our colleague, Stella is back again with another travel recap! Watch every Saturday as Stella recaps all the amazing things we have released, on the JoinMyTrip Travel Recap with Stella Show. What you can read, watch, or listen to. A little bit of everything for everyone. For this week, our recommendation is to check out the coolest SUP destinations in Europe to get your SUP’ing on this summer!

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Countries to Visit for Air Signs | Travel Astrology

For all our fellow Geminis, Libras & Aquariuses out there…

Welcome back to episode four of the Travel Astrology Show, hosted by no one other than our Alex who lives and breathes astrology! Every week we will be sharing travel astrology episodes depending on the element you were born under. Last week we focused on countries to visit for water signs and for this week, we have travel astrology for air signs. If you don’t know your element, don’t fret! Simply Google and you will easily find out.  As we all know, Google has all the answers… 😉 

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10 Best Stand Up Paddleboarding Destinations in Europe

SUP? Check out the best destinations for standup paddleboarding in Europe this summer

Summer is approaching and so are days spent on the water. Standup paddleboarding makes for one of the coolest summer activities, a perfect sport for getting active while relaxing out in the sun at the same time. Europe has some of the best destinations this summer to SUP it up. So, wherever your summer travels are taking you, you can be sure that an amazing SUP spot is not far away.

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The Travel Food Show | Canadian Food Edition

How about some poutine, eh?

Welcome to another episode of the Travel Food Show! Since our host, Mariellen, is Finnish-Canadian and we already covered base on what foods to try in Finland, it’s time to travel to this other country in the North… Canadian food culture is largely defined by its multicultural background. Now, because of this, it can be hard to point out what food exactly is ‘Canadian’. Much of the cuisine has its origins from somewhere else. But worry not… we’ve compiled a list of five foods that can really get you into the spirit of the Great White North.

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The Picture-Perfect Portugal Travel Guide

Your one-stop travel guide for the perfect holiday in Portugal!

If you’re searching for your next holiday, consider Portugal. Its year-round temperate climate, affordability, and wide range of attractions and landscapes have been drawing visitors to the west coast of the Iberian peninsula for centuries. To help out your planning, here’s a 10-day Portugal travel guide for your trip to Portugal. It has information about food, lodging, the best places to visit in Portugal and some fun things to do. 

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Travel Podcast – Making of The JoinMyTrip Podcast (S.2, Ep.12)

How do we do it?

This week’s travel podcast is for all you curious cats out there. Ever wondered why we started the JoinMyTrip travel podcast? How did we record the podcast episodes and the process we went through? We are joined with Jasmine (Finland), Flori (Germany, and Tim (Australia) to discuss some of our favourite failed moments during the recording sessions, and hilarious comments we have made along the way. They talk about how it all began, and how the first-ever JoinMyTrip Travel Podcast was recorded. You will want to hear the story…

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10 Best Cities in the World for Coffee Lovers

A travel guide for lovers of caffeine

If coffee is your main driver, it’s about time you know which cities in the world are the best for a coffee fanatic like yourself. Whether you’re traveling or planning to move someplace new, it’s important you know that a cup of espresso is just around the corner. Coffee lovers, you can’t go wrong when visiting these cities!

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Top 5 Activities in Hamburg | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tip!

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Monday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this week’s episode, we have the top 5 activities in Hamburg! The home to JoinMyTrip and where most of our team resides. We think Hamburg is one of Europe’s hidden gems with tons of great activities for you to do.

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Top Things To Do In Mexico

Hint: its a lot more than just beaches!

Mexico is home to vibrant culture, salsa dancing, and of course, tacos. The landscapes of this country are ever-changing and simply incredible. Many see a vacation to Mexico as an all-inclusive beach getaway, which it can be, but the country offers so much to thrill-seeking adventurers as well. To get you going, here’s a list of the top things you should definitely tick off your to-do list in Mexico!

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Countries to Visit for Water Signs | Travel Astrology

For all our fellow Cancers, Scorpios & Pisces out there…

Welcome back to episode three of the Travel Astrology Show, hosted by no one other than our Alex who lives and breathes astrology! Every week we will be sharing travel astrology episodes depending on the element you were born under. Last week we focused on countries to visit for earth signs and for this week, we have travel astrology for water signs. If you don’t know your element, don’t fret! Simply Google and you will easily find out.  As we all know, Google has all the answers… 😉 

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The Best Places to Visit in Italy

The essential itinerary for a good time in Italy!

Italy, famous for its exquisite fashion and cuisine, is one of Western Europe’s oldest countries. Italy is also the fifth most visited country in the world. You’ll need a week or two to visit all of this alluring country that everyone should probably visit. Here you have the best places to visit in Italy in 14 days. 

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Travel Podcast – Join My (Girls) Trip! (S.2, Ep.11)

Let’s go on a girl’s trip!

For this week’s travel podcast, we have a special join my (girls) trip episode! If you haven’t already noticed, the majority of the people in our team are female, but we wanted to take the chance to share with you our experiences we have had that are unique. Now, we aren’t discounting men entirely but as the queen herself says, “Who runs the world!?” That’s right Beyonce… Girls! Alex (UK), Stella (Germany), and Jasmine (Finland) discuss how you can make the most out of your next getaway with the girls and things you should look out for. 

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Alternative Spring Break Vacations in 2021

How to make the most of spring break if travel isn’t possible

The good news is: the world is slowly opening up! Iceland has just opened its doors to vaccinated travelers and those with proof of having had COVID-19 already. Greece is also talking about welcoming travelers sometime in May with sufficient documentation. However, it just might be that this time around you’re forced to look for an alternative way to spend your spring break vacation… again. But don’t worry, we’ve compiled a list for you of how you can ‘staycation’ from home (or close to home!). Let’s hit the road!

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5 Top Tips to Thailand | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tip!

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Monday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this week’s episode, we have 5 top travel tips for Thailand! Jasmine who is half Finnish and Thai will be sharing her most important tips to her second home. There are multiple things to keep in mind when traveling to Thailand, especially the culture so be sure to tune in to find out!

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The Ultimate New York City Travel Guide

First things first…

To start our ultimate New York City travel guide, if there is no significant price difference, arrive at Newark Liberty International Airport, not John F. Kennedy International Airport. Newark is a smaller airport and it is easier to reach New York City proper from this New Jersey airport than its Queens cousin.

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Greece Guide, Travel Astrology, Central America | Travel Recap

Need some travel content to spice up your week? JoinMyTrip Weekly Update is here!

Our colleague, Stella is back again with another travel recap! Watch every Saturday as Stella recaps all the amazing things we have released, on the JoinMyTrip Travel Recap with Stella Show. What you can read, watch, or listen to. A little bit of everything for everyone. For this week, our recommendation is to check out our Greece Travel Guide to answer any questions you have about this unique destination so that you can get planning your trip!

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Countries to Visit for Earth Signs | Travel Astrology

For all our fellow Tauruses, Virgos & Capricorns out there…

Welcome back to episode 2 of the Travel Astrology Show, hosted by no one other than our Alex who lives and breathes astrology! Every week we will be sharing travel astrology episodes depending on the element you were born under. Last week we focused on countries to visit for fire signs, and for this week we travel astrology for earth signs. If you don’t know your element, don’t fret! Simply Google and you will easily find out.  As we all know, Google has all the answers… 😉 

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Ireland | The Perfect Travel Itinerary

The perfect 10-day travel itinerary to start exploring Ireland

It’s known as the Emerald Isle, so yes, Ireland is green. Yes, Irish people are friendly. And, yes, a little rain is always just around the corner in Ireland. However, Ireland is more than these ideas. Ireland is a treasure trove of diverse riches. The strong economy the nation enjoyed at the end of the 1990s and early 2000s brought settlers from around the world. These new Irish brought food, fashion, and culture native to Asia, continental Europe, and North America. Unlike other European nations, Ireland has welcomed the infusions, not rail against them. 

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Best Places to Travel to in Central America

Experience the best of Central America’s wonders

In between the great continents of North America and South America lies the tropical paradise known as Central America. What makes Central America one of the best places to travel to is its many vibrant cities, beautiful rainforests, and pristine beaches. So, what countries exactly are a part of Central America? Central America consists of seven countries: Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Belize. Let’s dive into which magical places are definitely worth a visit in these seven beautiful countries…

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The Travel Food Show | American Food

“As American as apple pie”

Welcome to yet another episode of the Travel Food Show with Mariellen! This week we are joined by a true American, Tucker to discuss what foods to try in America. These may seem obvious to you, but join us on this fun, laid-back episode to see if your guesses are indeed right!

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Travel Podcast – Meaningful Travel Lessons (S.2, EP.10)

What did we learn through our years of traveling?

In today’s podcast, we have Jasmine (Finland) with three of our newest team members that freshly joined this month! Let’s give a warm welcome to Mariellen (Finland), Emilie (France), and Juliana (USA) for joining us on this week’s travel podcast. We discuss what meaningful travel lessons we have learned through our years of traveling, and some funny stories along the way… You definitely don’t want to mess with some of us after listening to this episode. 😉 

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Insider Tips | Travel to Turkey

Know these things before traveling to Turkey!

Where Europe meets Asia, you’ll find the perfect mix between the two… Turkey. You may know Turkey from the countless images on social media of Cappadocia, its cave homes and a sky full of hot air balloons. However, there is so much more to Turkey than what meets the eye! The versatile landscapes and colorful culture are some of the reasons why Turkey is one of the most traveled to countries in the world. These Insider Tips will help to get a look into what you should definitely know before traveling to the beautiful country of Turkey, so that your trip is smooth sailing!

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5 Top Tips to Finland | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday!

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this week’s episode, we have 5 top tips to Finland! Jasmine who is half Finnish herself shares her most important tips for you to keep in mind the next time you decide to travel to Finland. 

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The Ultimate Greece Travel Guide

The answers to all your questions about your next Greece trip!

Greece is the ultimate location for all kinds of travelers. The country is a historic hub, an adventurers paradise, and a beach vacationers haven all at once. Whether you’re a budget explorer or a luxury-loving traveler, you will fall in love with Greece. This Greece Travel Guide will help you to answer any questions you have about this unique destination so that you can get planning your trip!

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Remote Professionals Experiences with JMT Coworking Trips | CoWorking Show

TripMates Lucie & James share their experiences! 

Today Anna is in sunny Gran Canaria, Spain on another coworking trip yet again! For this episode, Anna asked her TripMates Lucie and James (two remote professionals) to join her in sharing their experiences on the JoinMyTrip Coworking trips. Lucie has been on a couple of coworking trips before, and she just can’t resist not joining another one! Find out what made her want to join another coworking trip again and what makes the experience so special to them. 

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Traveler Quiz, Camping Tips, Easter Island | Travel Recap

Need some travel content to spice up your week? JoinMyTrip Weekly Update is here!

Our colleague, Stella is back again with another travel recap! Watch every Saturday as Stella recaps all the amazing things we have released, on the JoinMyTrip Travel Recap with Stella Show. What you can read, watch, or listen to. A little bit of everything for everyone. For this week, our recommendation is to do the “What kind of traveler are you?” Quiz to find out what kind of traveler you are and the kind of traveling style that suits the traveler in you best!

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Countries to Visit for Fire Signs | Travel Astrology

For all our fellow Aries, Leos & Sagittariuses out there…

We are all very excited about our new Travel Astrology Show, hosted by no one other than Alex who is probably more excited about this than we are. Alex who lives and breathes astrology will be sharing weekly travel astrology episodes depending on the element you were born under. For this week, we focus on the fire signs. If you don’t know your element, don’t fret! Simply Google and you will easily find out.  As we all know, Google has all the answers… 😉 

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7 Interesting Facts About Easter Island

Did you know this about the mysterious Easter Island?

The Chilean Easter Island rests in the eastern Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Chile. This little island may be small, but the stories (and head statues) it holds are big. So, why does this tiny isolated island attract tens of thousands of visitors every year? These interesting facts about this mystical island will give you a look into the reason why historians and travelers alike want to explore this unique destination.

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The Travel Food Show | English Food Edition

Fancy a cup of tea?

Hello, food lovers and welcome to another episode of the Travel Food Show! This week we are about to sip (and spill) some tea! You may have already guessed that is because we are taking a look at 5 English foods that should definitely be on your menu during your visit to England.

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What Kind of Traveler Are You? (Quiz)

Quiz time!

Ever wondered what kind of traveler you really are? Take this quiz to find out what kind of trip suits the traveler in you best! Go grab a piece of paper and your favorite pen or, if you are feeling a little more digital, then pull up your notepad on your desktop or on your phone.  After every question note down the letter that describes you best and this will determine what kind of traveler you are! Let’s get quizzing… 

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Travel Podcast – Saint Patrick’s Day Celebrations (S.2, EP.9)

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! 

Before we get started, happy Saint Patrick’s Day to everyone from JoinMyTrip! We hope everyone is having a very green day today. This week, we have Wil (USA), Stella (Germany), and Lisa (Australia) talk about one of the best holidays for travelers: Saint Patrick’s Day! You might be wondering why we think that this day is something every traveler should have at least celebrated once – so we are here to tell you why!

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The 6 Prettiest Villages in England

These small English villages are waiting to be discovered…

6. Robin Hood’s Bay: a village by the sea

England has its fair share of pretty seaside villages, but Robin Hood’s Bay just has that extra fairytale magic. First of all, the name of the village is already enough to catch anyone’s attention. Unfortunately, Robin Hood doesn’t live here (at least not that we know of!).

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Top 5 Travel Hacks (Pt. 2) | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday!

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have part 2 of travel hacks! If you haven’t seen the first part of travel hacks where we give you the best hacks to survive your travels make sure to check that out too. Let’s get started with our top 5 travel hacks part 2. 

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Ultimate Travel Guide to The West Coast, USA

Everything you need to know before a trip to the West Coast

Planning a trip to the United States can be pretty daunting considering the huge number of places and activities that can be covered. But don’t worry! We have made a note of everything important that you should do during your trip in our ultimate travel guide to the West Coast, USA.

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Women Day, Morocco, and Winter Destinations | Travel Recap

Need some travel content to spice up your week? JoinMyTrip Weekly Update is here!

Our colleague, Stella is back again with another travel recap! Watch every Saturday as Stella recaps all the amazing things we have released, on the JoinMyTrip Travel Recap with Stella Show. What you can read, watch, or listen to. A little bit of everything for everyone. For this week, our recommendation is to check out our international women’s day blog where we highlight all the JoinMyTrip women employee’s favorite travel destinations!

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10 Ways to Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day in 2021

How to make the most of Saint Patrick’s at home

We would all love to celebrate Irish culture and heritage by going to a festival, but well, that’s just not possible right now. Although we have high hopes for 2021, this Saint Patrick’s Day we want you to celebrate safely from home. And hey, if you see a leprechaun… tell him (or her) we want COVID to be over! Maybe this is the lucky day we’ve all been waiting for. 😉 And we know what we’ll be doing if the wish comes true- immediately packing our bags, of course! But for now, let’s work with what we have.

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The Travel Food Show | 5 Must-Eats in Finland

Welcome to the first episode of our newest show, the Travel Food Show! Our host, Mariellen, who has experience of visiting 27 countries shares with you the top 5 things you must try when visiting various countries. Food is always a part of the cultural experience when traveling, so we are excited to take you on this culinary journey! Plus, who doesn’t like eating? As our host is Finnish-Canadian, it’s only natural that our first food-y destination is *drum roll* Finland!

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What to Discuss With Your TripMates Before Going on a Trip | CoWorking Show

Find the perfect TripMates!

When organizing a remote work trip you want to have suitable TripMates for your trip. Not many people realize this, but you will be spending a lot of time with the same people, including spending your free time together. Imagine being stuck with someone who you, later on, find out on the trip that they don’t have the same interests as you do at all. After all, you will be living together for weeks at a time so it’s good to know now what to discuss with your TripMates before going on a remote work trip. There are a few things that Anna always discusses when finding suitable TripMates for her trips, so tune in to find out! 

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Top 5 Safety Tips when Travelling | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday!

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 5 safety travel tips for you! Traveling is fun but traveling can also get you into some pretty tricky situations that may complicate your travels. So, check out our newest video to stay safe during your next adventure! 

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Travel Essentials | Winter Destination Must-Haves

5 things you should definitely have on your winter trip!

Welcome to the ninth episode of the Travel Essentials YouTube show! To all of you who missed the first shows: Flori will be introducing you to 5 travel essentials for a specific type of trip each week. This week Flori picked out 5 must-have travel essentials for winter destinations! Get ready to have fun in the cold. The best part? Flori will be picking out products that are currently on sale so you can truly get some real bargains.

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The Ultimate Morocco Travel Guide

A 10-day guide to the best spots in Morocco

Day 1 & 2. The colorful city of Marrakesh

Marrakesh is the perfect place to start your journey through to Morocco, and this travel guide will quickly show you why. Traveling to the airport of Marrakesh is very convenient, as the airport is very well-connected to the major airports of the world. Additionally, the location of Marrakesh could not be more ideal. This is because the city also happens to be the most wonderful gateway to guide you to the wonders of the Atlas Mountains and the Saharan Desert.

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International Women’s Day With JoinMyTrip!

Happy International Women’s Day to all the goddesses out there

Since our diverse team consists of a strong group of females, naturally we wanted to do something special for this day as well! We decided to celebrate International Women’s Day at JoinMyTrip by highlighting our all-time favorite travel destination whilst getting to know our different personalities at the same time. So, without further ado, we wish all the goddesses out there to be strutting their heels high today! Let’s meet the women of JoinMyTrip.

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Escape to Japan | Travel Recap

Need some travel content to spice up your week? JoinMyTrip Weekly Update is here!

Our colleague, Stella is back again with another travel recap! Watch every Saturday as Stella recaps all the amazing things we have released, on the JoinMyTrip Travel Recap with Stella Show. What you can read, watch, or listen to. A little bit of everything for everyone. For this week, our recommendation is to check out the blog about an escape to Japan with an 11-day travel itinerary.

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How to Share Skills on a Remote Work Trip | CoWorking Show

Start learning from other professionals

Anna has been on quite a few coworking trips already and one thing that always stood out to her was the fact that she was surrounded by a bunch of like-minded professionals who all had different kinds of useful skills to share. It is a powerful moment to be in an environment with such inspiring people from who you can all learn something. This is why on this week’s episode of the CoWorking Show, Anna shares some tips and tricks on how you can share your skills with other remote professionals on a remote work trip and get the most out of your trip by implementing skill-sharing lessons. Start watching to see how! 

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5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Traveling to California

And that you should, too!

5. Renting a car in California is absolutely worth it.

Look, California is a big state. In fact, it is the third-largest state in the United States by area. It is even said that “everything is better (and bigger) in California.” During your travels to California or “The Golden State”, you will certainly feel like a movie star while strolling the set of many famous American movies, basically wherever you step foot.

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6 Must-Visit Spots in British Columbia

The most stunning spots in Canada’s ‘Wild West’

Canada is known for its versatile landscapes, friendly people and, well, maple syrup. The westernmost province of Canada, British Columbia, boasts some of the country’s most iconic landscapes. A visit to “Beautiful British Columbia” will evidently make for one of the most thrilling trips of your life.

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Travel Podcast – Anna Hangs With Founder of HÄNG, Tobi (S.2, Ep.8)

Come hang with us!

In this week’s travel podcast episode, someone special decided to join the podcast… We have the founder of the remote business ‘HÄNG’, Tobi. Together with Anna from JoinMyTrip, they discuss how the incredible business idea stems from! So, you might be wondering what HÄNG is? HÄNG is a German-based company that encourages people to spend more time outdoors by providing a range of outdoor gear. However, they are most famous for their hammocks. Check out our partnership with them here:

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Travel Essentials | Adventure Trips

5 things you should definitely have on your adventure trip!

Welcome to the eighth episode of the Travel Essentials YouTube show! To all of you who missed the first shows: Flori will be introducing you to 5 travel essentials for a specific type of trip each week. This week Flori picked out 5 travel essentials for your adventure trips! Get ready for a real adrenaline rush. The best part? Flori will be picking out products that are currently on sale so you can truly get some real bargains.

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5 Tips For Traveling Solo | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 5 important tips for traveling solo! Traveling solo is new to many, which is why Jasmine who has traveled solo before will share her most insightful tips. 

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The Best Road Trips in 2021: Sardinia Edition

The ultimate two-week itinerary

Hey Italophile, this one is for you! Welcome to the third chapter of our series “The best road trips in 2021.” This time our road trip takes us to the beautiful Italian island of Sardinia. For lovers of picture-perfect winding roads and beautiful coast lines (that’s everyone, right?), you can be sure to find all the inspiration you need for planning your Sardinian adventure right here!

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An Escape To Japan Travel Itinerary

Travel itinerary for visiting the best places in Japan

Japan is a country situated in East Asia and is considered one of the safest countries for travelers. Due to its vivid culture and traditions, Japan attracts a lot of visitors from all over the world yearly. Months from March to May and September to November are considered the best months to visit Japan. So, escape to Japan with our 11-day travel itinerary for traveling in Japan.

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The Wonders of Hawaii | Travel Recap

Need some travel content to spice up your week? JoinMyTrip Weekly Update is here!

Our colleague, Stella is back again with another travel recap! Watch every Saturday as Stella recaps all the amazing things we have released, on the JoinMyTrip Travel Recap with Stella Show. What you can read, watch, or listen to. A little bit of everything for everyone. For this week, our recommendation is to check out the blog about the wonders of Hawaii.

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How To Manage A Group On A Remote Coworking Trip | CoWorking Show

Planning on leading your own coworking group? 

Have you been thinking about leading your own coworking trip? You should first check out our CoWorking Show episode about how to manage a group on a remote coworking trip! In this week’s episode, Anna who has managed many remote coworking trips in the past shares some of her best tips. Trust us, it’s not as easy as it sounds. You may encounter some difficulties managing many different personalities in one household if you have never done so in the past. 

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Delve into the Wonders of Hawaii

With our travel itinerary

Hawaii is famous for its multicolored beaches, lush mountains and laidback vibe. This place is special. It’s so special that it has something few places have — a time zone named after it. Like just about every island, water plays a major role in everyday life. Surfing is one of the most popular things to do in Hawaii and draws the best from around the world. Add that to the complex history, easy mixing of cultures, interesting foods and beauty, it’s clear what drives millions to the Aloha State. This Hawaii travel guide includes information about beaches, adventure sports and much more. 

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Explore Israel in 5 Days

A guide to the holy land

Israel – The holy land. At least that is how it is referred to by Jews, Christians and Muslims, as very many religions consider it sacred. Israel is also famous for the many archaeological sites that can be found within its borders.
This beautiful corner of the world is also known for a cuisine that is a mix of Middle Eastern, North African and European. Israeli cuisine is not only very tasty but also healthy.
To help you find your way around this diverse country, we’ve created an Israel travel guide for a five-day trip.

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Travel Essentials | Coworking Trips

These 5 things you should definitely have on your trip!

Welcome to the seventh episode of my YouTube show! To all of you who missed the first shows: I’ll be introducing you to 5 travel essentials for a specific type of trip each week. CoWorking has become the norm due to the current situation. Every day we notice that many travelers are embracing this new form of work. So, due to its growing popularity, this week I’m showing you 5 travel paraphernalia for CoWorking trips. The best part? I’m picking out products that are currently on sale so you can get some real bargains.

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5 Tips To Make Friends While Traveling | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 5 tips to make friends while traveling! Start making friends from all over the world this summer. 

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5 Tips To Make Friends While Traveling | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 5 tips to make friends while traveling! Start making friends from all over the world this summer. 

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Travel Insider Tips | Ghana Edition

Ghana has it all!

Modern glass-and-steel buildings, rainforests, jazz lounges, ceremonies with traditional dance and music, clubs banging with highlife and hip music, democratically-elected leaders, tribal chiefs, wildlife, and major film industry. All of these things are possible because Ghana is a forward-thinking country that has not forgotten about the past. This Ghana insider tips edition will help you navigate the many riches of this diverse nation this summer!

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Backpacking around Belgium | Travel Recap

Need some travel content to spice up your week? JoinMyTrip Weekly Update is here!

Our colleague, Stella is back again with another travel recap! Watch every Saturday as Stella recaps all the amazing things we have released, on the JoinMyTrip Travel Recap with Stella Show. What you can read, watch, or listen to. A little bit of everything for everyone. For this week, our recommendation is to check out the blog about backpacking around Belgium.

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1st Annual JoinMyTrip Recap & Awards

Missed the awards? Watch it here!

In honor of the end of the year 2020, we decided to host our very 1st Annual JoinMyTrip Recap & Awards! We invited you, the JoinMyTrip community to join us on the 21st of January 2021, where we recapped everything that we accomplished in the year 2020. What our future plans for the year 2021 are, announcing JoinMyTrip awards, Q&A session with our CEO Niels, and lastly, we planned a huge giveaway for the participants. 

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What To Pack On A Remote Coworking Trip | CoWorking Show

Our list of remote work essentials

Welcome back to the 8th episode of the CoWorking Show! In this episode, Anna gives you a list of essentials you should pack with you when going on a remote coworking trip. For those of you who have never been remote working abroad before, you might not realize how important it is to have the right items with you. Having a laptop with you might not be enough… Start watching this episode to ensure maximum productivity! 

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What to do in Costa Rica

The only day-to-day travel itinerary you need to read

Costa Rica is a small nation but one of the most popular tourist destinations in Central America. It’s a country rich in flora and fauna. If you’re looking for eco-adventures, Costa Rica is the place to visit. Here’s a curated list of the best things to do in Costa Rica in 2, 5, 7 or 12 days. 

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Travel Essentials | Weekend Getaways

These 5 things you should definitely have on your trip!

Welcome to the sixth edition of my YouTube show! To all of you who missed the first shows: I’ll be introducing you to 5 travel essentials for a specific type of trip each week. Since we have to settle for short trips, if any, due to the current situation, I thought it’s time to introduce you to travel essentials for your weekend trips! I’m going to show you 5 essentials that are definitely not to be missed. The best part? I’ll pick out products that are currently on sale so you can get some real bargains.

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Travel Podcast – Traveling As A Single (S.2, Ep.7)

Tune in to our Valentine’s special for singles!

In this week’s travel podcast episode, we are joined with Jasmine (Finland), Flori (Germany), and our lovely producer, Tim (Australia) who also made an appearance. Last week we discussed what it’s like traveling with your partner. Now it’s time for all our single friends out there to shine. They discuss single life, what it’s like traveling as a single, and whether they have ever fallen in love with a foreign hottie while traveling…

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5 Tips to Become a Master Traveler in 2021 | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 5 tips to become a master traveler in 2021! We are not getting any younger, so start traveling like a pro today.

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5 Tips to Become a Master Traveler in 2021 | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 5 tips to become a master traveler in 2021! We are not getting any younger, so start traveling like a pro today.

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Backpacking Around Belgium

Explore the best places in Belgium

Belgium officially known as the Kingdom of Belgium is a small country in Western Europe. It is a mix of ancient architecture and modern towns. The country is known for its world-famous Belgium chocolate, waffles and has many distinctive dishes. You will witness that French, as well as Dutch languages, are spoken here the most and a bit of German too. The capital of Belgium is Brussels and the currency is Euro. Here is our 2-day itinerary where we will be providing a list of all the places that you can visit while backpacking around Belgium and explore the best places.

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Backpacking Around Belgium

Explore the best places in Belgium

Belgium officially known as the Kingdom of Belgium is a small country in Western Europe. It is a mix of ancient architecture and modern towns. The country is known for its world-famous Belgium chocolate, waffles and has many distinctive dishes. You will witness that French, as well as Dutch languages, are spoken here the most and a bit of German too. The capital of Belgium is Brussels and the currency is Euro. Here is our 2-day itinerary where we will be providing a list of all the places that you can visit while backpacking around Belgium and explore the best places.

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Must-See Places in Barcelona | Travel Recap

Need some travel content to spice up your week? JoinMyTrip Weekly Update is here!

Our colleague, Stella is back again with another travel recap! Watch every Saturday as Stella recaps all the amazing things we have released, on the JoinMyTrip Travel Recap with Stella Show. What you can read, watch, or listen to. A little bit of everything for everyone. For this week, our recommendation is to check out the blog about the must-see places in Barcelona.

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Remote Working Trip Activities | CoWorking Show

What To Do On A Coworking Trip Besides Working?

Welcome back to another episode of the CoWorking Show! For this episode our digital nomad, Anna is joined together with one of our coworkers, Riaz in Madeira. You might be wondering, what else is there to do on a coworking trip besides working and sharing the experience with other like-minded professionals? Well, in the 7th episode of the CoWorking Show, Anna will be sharing all kinds of fun activities you can do during your coworking trip with other coworkers! 

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Remote Working Trip Activities | CoWorking Show

What To Do On A Coworking Trip Besides Working?

Welcome back to another episode of the CoWorking Show! For this episode our digital nomad, Anna is joined together with one of our coworkers, Riaz in Madeira. You might be wondering, what else is there to do on a coworking trip besides working and sharing the experience with other like-minded professionals? Well, in the 7th episode of the CoWorking Show, Anna will be sharing all kinds of fun activities you can do during your coworking trip with other coworkers! 

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6 Meaningful Lessons Learned From Traveling

Can traveling be one of life’s greatest teachers?

Traveling is one of the most beautiful experiences you can have. Not only are you able to experience something new, but you also allow yourself to open up to different cultures and learn about the country in a matter of days or weeks. Traveling has taught me and many others some meaningful life lessons along the way. You might not realize it, but with every trip you come back from, you most likely have always learnt something new. So, could traveling be one of life’s greatest teachers? 

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6 Meaningful Lessons Learned From Traveling

Can traveling be one of life’s greatest teachers?

Traveling is one of the most beautiful experiences you can have. Not only are you able to experience something new, but you also allow yourself to open up to different cultures and learn about the country in a matter of days or weeks. Traveling has taught me and many others some meaningful life lessons along the way. You might not realize it, but with every trip you come back from, you most likely have always learnt something new. So, could traveling be one of life’s greatest teachers? 

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Must-See Places in Barcelona

A day-to-day travel itinerary for you

Barcelona is an intoxicating mix of ancient and up-to-the-minute modern. Gray, gothic structures draw as much attention as new, colorful buildings. Fast fashion is popular and so is the traditional and slow process that creates melt-in-your-mouth ham. This Barcelona travel itinerary will introduce you to the most interesting, new and old places in Barcelona.

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Travel Podcast – Traveling With Your Partner (S.2, Ep.6)

Tune in to our Valentine’s special for couples!

In this travel podcast episode we talk about what it’s like traveling with partners! Because it’s soon Valentine’s day and love is in the air, we thought we should share some experiences about what it’s like traveling as a significant other! We have some fun stories and some very interesting facts about mixing love and maybe some information that you didn’t know!

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Travel Essentials | Hand Luggage

The 5 things you should definitely take on your trip!

Welcome to the fifth edition of my YouTube show! To all of you who missed the first shows: I’ll be introducing you to 5 travel essentials for a specific type of trip each week. Of course, the current situation doesn’t allow for too many long haul flights, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared. Everyone, including me, has trouble choosing the right travel essentials for their hand luggage. I’m going to show you 5 items that you should never forget packing. The best part? I’ll pick out products that are currently on sale, so you can make real bargains.

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4 Tips For One Bag Travel | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 4 tips for one bag travel! As the saying goes, less is more. 

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Are you trying to find your perfect travel partner?

How to find the ultimate travel partner for you

You have grown out of traveling with your family and your friends have a completely different style of traveling? No need to bury your head in the sand. Somewhere out there is someone perfect for you and your style of travel… and we’ll help you find that someone! In this article, we will show you how to find the ultimate travel partner for you.

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The Only New Zealand Travel Guide That You Need

The land of scenic beauty and extreme adventure awaits

Kia Ora (Hello/Welcome) from the land of Maori Aotearoa (the Maori name to New Zealand). The country has a vast variety of attractions on its plate. New Zealand is not a very inexpensive destination, and definitely needs a lot of prior planning, budget estimation and travel advice before actually going on the trip. This is why we have created the only New Zealand travel guide that you will ever need in your life!

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The Best Places in Mexico | Travel Recap

Need some travel content to spice up your week? JoinMyTrip Weekly Update is here!

Our colleague, Stella is back again with another travel recap! Watch every Saturday as Stella recaps all the amazing things we have released, on the JoinMyTrip Travel Recap with Stella Show. What you can read, watch, or listen to. A little bit of everything for everyone. For this week, our recommendation is to check out the blog about places you must visit in Mexico.

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5 Tips For An Amazing Campervan Trip | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 5 tips for an amazing campervan trip! There is no better way to explore the world than being on the road. 

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5 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Traveling To Finland

Nothing beats personal experience!

Tips from the internet are all well and good, but who guarantees you that the claims are true? Before I went to Finland for half a year, I would have liked to talk to one or two people who have already experienced and traveled the country. Nothing beats personal experience and advice. So there I stood, completely at a loss and completely stumped as to how to pack my suitcase, whether I would have enough warm stuff with me, but at the same time enough stuff for the summer. That was something, I tell you. Whether I was right with my luggage in the end, you’ll see when the light comes on. No, fun!! Just read on.

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5 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Traveling To Finland

Nothing beats personal experience!

Tips from the internet are all well and good, but who guarantees you that the claims are true? Before I went to Finland for half a year, I would have liked to talk to one or two people who have already experienced and traveled the country. Nothing beats personal experience and advice. So there I stood, completely at a loss and completely stumped as to how to pack my suitcase, whether I would have enough warm stuff with me, but at the same time enough stuff for the summer. That was something, I tell you. Whether I was right with my luggage in the end, you’ll see when the light comes on. No, fun!! Just read on.

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6 Amazing Places in Mexico You Need to Visit

Tacos, Tequila & Travel Buddies

When we think of Mexico, a wide variety of images might pop into our heads. I might think of beautiful beaches with crisp blue water, you might think of tequila and tacos while my mum might think about the colorful old towns and Mayan culture. But one thing is for sure; Mexico has something to offer for everyone. If Mexico is still missing on your bucket list make sure to continue reading to find out all the amazing places that you can experience in Mexico in 2021. 

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Travel Podcast – City Escapes & ‘Concrete Jungle’ Adventures (S.2, Ep. 5)

Listen to our fun and most favourite memories!

Welcome back to another travel podcast episode! This week our two biggest city slickers Wil (USA) and Anna (Germany), talk about their concrete-jungle adventures, city and skyline experiences, some favourite & fun memories, some ‘less-favourable’ moments and finally, some very important and beneficial travel advice for you to take with you, if you decide to go traveling into the biggest & the best cities on earth. 

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Travel Podcast – City Escapes & ‘Concrete Jungle’ Adventures (S.2, Ep. 5)

Listen to our fun and most favourite memories!

Welcome back to another travel podcast episode! This week our two biggest city slickers Wil (USA) and Anna (Germany), talk about their concrete-jungle adventures, city and skyline experiences, some favourite & fun memories, some ‘less-favourable’ moments and finally, some very important and beneficial travel advice for you to take with you, if you decide to go traveling into the biggest & the best cities on earth. 

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Travel Essentials | Festival Trips

5 things you should definitely take on your trip!

Welcome to the fourth edition of my YouTube show! To all of you who missed the first shows: I’ll be introducing you to 5 travel essentials for a specific type of trip each week. This week I want to get your anticipation up for the next festival season that will hopefully be coming soon! I’m showing you 5 travel essentials for your next festivals. The best part? I’m picking out products that are currently on sale so you can get some real bargains 😉

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Concerns Before A Group Travel?

With these 6 tips, nothing can go wrong!

Especially during a time like this, group travel offers many travelers a certain sense of security. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone around to reassure you, who can help and advise you in case of an emergency on your trip at all times? At the same time, many travelers also think about the things that could ruin their trip. Whether it be due to different views, different travel wishes, or even disputes about travel costs! We reveal 6 tips that will make your next group travel perfect.

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Travel Insider Tips | Chicago Edition

6 Tips from locals experts in Chicago

Welcome back to the 5th article of the travel Insider Tips series! For this article, we travel to the most populated city in the state of Illinois, Chicago. The city is known for its museums, arts scene, and most importantly pizza! Anyone who says money can’t buy happiness is wrong because they clearly have not bought pizza. So, let’s start discovering the best of Chicago with our travel insider tips! 

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Remote Work Interview | Travel Recap

Need some travel content to spice up your week? JoinMyTrip Weekly Update is here!

Our colleague, Stella is back again with another travel recap! Watch every Saturday as Stella recaps all the amazing things we have released, on the JoinMyTrip Travel Recap with Stella Show. What you can read, watch, or listen to. A little bit of everything for everyone. For this week, our recommendation is to check out our remote work interview on Anna’s 6th episode of the CoWorking Show.

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Remote Work Interview | Travel Recap

Need some travel content to spice up your week? JoinMyTrip Weekly Update is here!

Our colleague, Stella is back again with another travel recap! Watch every Saturday as Stella recaps all the amazing things we have released, on the JoinMyTrip Travel Recap with Stella Show. What you can read, watch, or listen to. A little bit of everything for everyone. For this week, our recommendation is to check out our remote work interview on Anna’s 6th episode of the CoWorking Show.

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Live Remote Work Experience | CoWorking Show

Our TripMates spills the beans

We are back again with another episode of the CoWorking Show. In this episode, we have a live remote work experience with our coworking group in Portugal! Our digital nomad Anna does it again, and this time she finds herself in Madeira on a coworking trip with other like-minded professionals. Anna invited her two other TripMates to spill the beans on how their experience has been with remote working abroad and sharing a beautiful villa with others. 

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Live Remote Work Experience | CoWorking Show

Our TripMates spills the beans

We are back again with another episode of the CoWorking Show. In this episode, we have a live remote work experience with our coworking group in Portugal! Our digital nomad Anna does it again, and this time she finds herself in Madeira on a coworking trip with other like-minded professionals. Anna invited her two other TripMates to spill the beans on how their experience has been with remote working abroad and sharing a beautiful villa with others. 

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The World’s Scariest Ghost Towns

Dare enter the world’s most haunted places?

Who here is intrigued by whether the supernatural is real even just a tiny bit? I definitely am. I love to watch horror movies (I swear, I’m not a psychopath) and listen to ghost stories, or then I am just plain weird. You decide. Now the earth has been around for years and years, who even knows the exact time? With it, brings some pretty creepy places… and spooky stories that have been told. So, are you brave enough to explore the world’s scariest ghost towns? We will have to see about that… Get ready for goosebumps. 

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The World’s Scariest Ghost Towns

Dare enter the world’s most haunted places?

Who here is intrigued by whether the supernatural is real even just a tiny bit? I definitely am. I love to watch horror movies (I swear, I’m not a psychopath) and listen to ghost stories, or then I am just plain weird. You decide. Now the earth has been around for years and years, who even knows the exact time? With it, brings some pretty creepy places… and spooky stories that have been told. So, are you brave enough to explore the world’s scariest ghost towns? We will have to see about that… Get ready for goosebumps. 

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Travel Podcast – Travel-Related Firsts (Season 2, Episode 4)

Don’t miss out on our crazy story time!

Welcome lovely listeners to our 2nd season and 4th episode of the JoinMyTrip Travel Podcast! This week Will (USA), Niels (Germany), and Jasmine (Finland) discuss their travel-related firsts. They all have had their fair share of traveling and have some crazy stories to share. One of us might have a possible child look-alike somewhere out there in the world, while the other one talks about the ancient times of traveling. Can you guess who?

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Best Places To Vacation At Sea

Top 5 destinations for sea lovers

Do you love being near the water and are you a true sea lover? Here at JoinMyTrip, we have the 6 best destinations from all around the world for you to vacation at sea. We carefully picked out these locations to ensure you have variety and fulfill every sea lover’s needs. Buckle up and let us surf the waves.

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Best Places To Vacation At Sea

Top 5 destinations for sea lovers

Do you love being near the water and are you a true sea lover? Here at JoinMyTrip, we have the 6 best destinations from all around the world for you to vacation at sea. We carefully picked out these locations to ensure you have variety and fulfill every sea lover’s needs. Buckle up and let us surf the waves.

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Travel Essentials | Camping Trips

5 things you should definitely have on your camping trips!

Welcome to the third episode of my YouTube show! To all of you who missed the first shows: I’ll be introducing you to 5 travel essentials for a specific type of trip each week. This week you can enjoy cool travel essentials for camping trips! The best part? I’ll pick out products that are currently on sale, so you can get real bargains. 😉

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Travel Essentials | Camping Trips

5 things you should definitely have on your camping trips!

Welcome to the third episode of my YouTube show! To all of you who missed the first shows: I’ll be introducing you to 5 travel essentials for a specific type of trip each week. This week you can enjoy cool travel essentials for camping trips! The best part? I’ll pick out products that are currently on sale, so you can get real bargains. 😉

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Jamaica Getting Ready for 2021 Tourism | Travel News

Check out today’s TOP travel news!

JoinMyTrip has you covered! On today’s travel news, in order to ensure all prospective tourists have the Covid-19 testing procedures needed to travel back to their home country, Jamaica is getting ready for 2021 tourism by increasing its Covid-19 testing capacity.

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Jamaica Getting Ready for 2021 Tourism | Travel News

Check out today’s TOP travel news!

JoinMyTrip has you covered! On today’s travel news, in order to ensure all prospective tourists have the Covid-19 testing procedures needed to travel back to their home country, Jamaica is getting ready for 2021 tourism by increasing its Covid-19 testing capacity.

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5 Valuable Tips for When Your Trip Gets Canceled | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday!

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 5 valuable tips for when your trip gets canceled! No need to start freaking out, simply follow our tips for the best outcome. 

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Best Cities to Live in | Europe Edition

Top 7 cities to live in Europe

Europe, the continent of an explosion of cultures mushed in together, and the birthplace of western civilization. Plus, living in Europe gives you epic opportunities to travel around. You can easily drive to another country or take a flight in only a couple of hours. We all know what that calls for… Great weekend trips at all times! If you want to know where the best cities to live in Europe are, the hub of cultures then we have 7 of them listed for you in this article. 

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Travel Recap with Stella | Episode 1

Need some travel content to spice up your week? JoinMyTrip Weekly Update is Here!

We are happy to announce that it’s time for our colleague, Stella to get her very own YouTube show! Watch every Saturday as Stella recaps all the amazing things we have released, on the JoinMyTrip Weekly Recap Show. What you can read, watch, or listen to. A little bit of everything for everyone

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The 6 Creepiest Bodies of Waters in The World

Not for the faint of heart! Scary Lake, Waterfalls, Rivers, and more.

Did you know that over 71% of the earth is covered with water? That’s a lot, isn’t it? You’re probably thinking of the gentle, vast oceans and shallow, turquoise waters, but let me tell you: among that 71% of waters, whose appearance and formation will give you the creeps! The sea and its waters are not as harmless as they seem in “Ariel the Little Mermaid”. In our blog, you can learn more about the 6 creepiest bodies of waters in the world! Be curious, because nothing is more exciting than the mysterious.

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9 Silly Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Travel mistakes you’re most likely still doing

The moment you’re stuck in a tricky situation while traveling, you look back and think of all the travel mistakes you could have easily avoided. Yet, here you are… and you just missed your flight. Why? Because of a silly mistake you made. That also just cost you another flight ticket back home. If you were to follow our 9 tips to avoid these dumb travel mistakes then this would never happen. So, without making you read any longer, let’s get into how you can avoid these mistakes when traveling! 

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Travel Podcast – Interview With Travel Writer, Katherine (Season 2, Episode 3)

Listen to Katherine’s amazing experiences traveling around the world

Welcome lovely listeners to our 2nd season and 3rd episode of the JoinMyTrip Travel Podcast! This week Jasmine (Finland) and Alex (UK) have a super special guest on the podcast. We interview travel writer, Katherine Parker-Magyar a New York-based writer who spills the beans about all of her absolutely amazing travel experiences. She has been around the world, writing about all the amazing places she’s seen and the great people she’s met along the way. Kenya, Brazil, China… just to name a few.

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Biden rejects Trump’s plans to lift travel bans | Travel News

Check out today’s TOP travel news!

JoinMyTrip has you covered! On today’s travel news, Joe Biden has rejected Donald Trump’s plans to lift travel bans for non-American citizens arriving from the EU, the UK, and Brazil

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Biden rejects Trump’s plans to lift travel bans | Travel News

Check out today’s TOP travel news!

JoinMyTrip has you covered! On today’s travel news, Joe Biden has rejected Donald Trump’s plans to lift travel bans for non-American citizens arriving from the EU, the UK, and Brazil

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Travel Essentials | Outdoor Trips

5 things you should definitely have on your trip!

Welcome to the second edition of my YouTube show! To all of you who missed the first show; I’m featuring 5 travel essentials for a specific type of trip each week. This week you can look forward to cool travel essentials for outdoor trips! The best part? I’ll pick out products that are currently on sale, so you can get real bargains. 😉

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Travel Essentials | Outdoor Trips

5 things you should definitely have on your trip!

Welcome to the second edition of my YouTube show! To all of you who missed the first show; I’m featuring 5 travel essentials for a specific type of trip each week. This week you can look forward to cool travel essentials for outdoor trips! The best part? I’ll pick out products that are currently on sale, so you can get real bargains. 😉

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6 Travel Hacks | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday!

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 6 travel hacks!

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6 Travel Hacks | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday!

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 6 travel hacks!

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Travel Insider Tips | Iceland

7 Secret tips from locals experts in Iceland

Welcome back to the 4th article of the Insider Tips series! For this article, we travel to cold Iceland which we call nordic paradise. Where some of the most beautiful natural wonders can be found, on the island isolated away from the rest of the world. Who would ever want to leave this island we call Iceland anyway? Let’s start discovering the best of Iceland with these 7 insider tips! 

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Travel Insider Tips | Iceland

7 Secret tips from locals experts in Iceland

Welcome back to the 4th article of the Insider Tips series! For this article, we travel to cold Iceland which we call nordic paradise. Where some of the most beautiful natural wonders can be found, on the island isolated away from the rest of the world. Who would ever want to leave this island we call Iceland anyway? Let’s start discovering the best of Iceland with these 7 insider tips! 

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6 Fun Ways To Go Abroad

These are your opportunities in the big world!

I’m sure that, especially now during this difficult time, a lot of you out there are thinking about fun ways to go abroad. The pandemic is building up some frustration in all of us that needs to come out sooner or later. The best way to do that is to travel! Having thought about taking a year off myself for quite some time. After graduating from high school, I’ve been well-informed in many ways about the options we have. So I feel well prepared to present you with the best options. 😉

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6 Fun Ways To Go Abroad

These are your opportunities in the big world!

I’m sure that, especially now during this difficult time, a lot of you out there are thinking about fun ways to go abroad. The pandemic is building up some frustration in all of us that needs to come out sooner or later. The best way to do that is to travel! Having thought about taking a year off myself for quite some time. After graduating from high school, I’ve been well-informed in many ways about the options we have. So I feel well prepared to present you with the best options. 😉

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The Most Beautiful Places in The World

10 Unique must-sees

Welcome back to another series where we show you what the most beautiful places around the world are! Of course, since there are so many beautiful places, we can’t possibly fit them all into one article. We narrowed them down and have picked out the 10 most beautiful places in the world for you and your travel mates!

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Travel Podcast – Best Motorsport Trips (Season 2, Episode 2)

The boys are back!

Today, on our 2nd Episode of the 2nd Season of the JoinMyTrip Travel Podcast, the boys are back in town… Tired of hearing only girls on the podcast? Well, dreams do come true. Niels (German), Wil (US), Max (France), and Tim (Australia) talk about the best motorsport trips on this week’s podcast. 

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The Ultimate Travel Guide: Iceland

The most beautiful places that you simply must see!

Although Iceland is only a small island compared to other popular vacation destinations, this beautiful spot on earth is full of different facets, colors, and landscapes. After the hit series “Game of Thrones” was filmed in Iceland, the island was suddenly the talk of the town! From year to year, the island experiences a real boom in tourism – and not without reason! So, it’s time for the ultimate guide for Iceland. 😉

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7 Cheap Last-Minute Tips | Travel Tips

It’s time for Travel Tips Tuesday!

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. From finding the right travel partner to cheap last-minute tips. 

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7 Cheap Last-Minute Tips | Travel Tips

It’s time for Travel Tips Tuesday!

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. From finding the right travel partner to cheap last-minute tips. 

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How To Travel Around The World On A Budget

Travel cheaply spending little to no money!

Did you know it’s possible to travel around the world on a budget if you are up for the challenge? As Nike would say, Just do it! Who doesn’t love the idea of being able to travel without breaking your bank account? The correct answer is no one because the cheaper the travel the better! Do you want to save a couple of bucks and learn how you can travel on a budget? Let JoinMyTrip show you how you can do that with these tips! Traveling should not only be for the rich, and everyone should be able to explore the world. Or, if you simply want to try how far you can get without spending a fortune while traveling, then this could be a challenge for the new year 2021!

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Best cities to live in or remote work in | For Young Professionals Edition

Top 9 cities to live in or remote CoWork as a young professional

You just graduated or you have been working for a while now, and it’s time to get out of the same old town. You want to go to a place where you can find other young professionals such as you, where you can connect and enjoy your time living with. Since we are a team of international globetrotters we understand you so well it hurts! This is why we have personally picked out these 9 best cities to live in for young professionals where you can spread out your wings and fly. 

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6 Alternatives To Celebrate Carnival 2021 At Home

Let’s make the most of it!

Probably the carnival muffles amongst you are just happy that the “fourth season” of Carnival 2021 can not take place due to Corona. The majority of people, however, are probably shedding huge crocodile tears right now! Carnival is simply a part of the year, especially in the German strongholds of Cologne, Düsseldorf or Mainz. I have to admit, I didn’t grow up with carnival either, but I understand that it is deeply missed this year.

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Insider Tips | Bali Edition

8 Secret travel tips in Bali

Welcome back to the 3rd article of the Insider Tips series! For this article, we travel to Bali, the paradise of Indonesia. Bali has been a hotspot amongst travelers for many years now, the picture-perfect place for your Instagram feed. Filled with perfect beaches and gorgeous rice fields, what more can you ask for? Next time you travel to Bali make sure you try one of these 8 Insider tips in Bali that we have collected for you. Traveling and experiencing places not common amongst locals allows you to truly discover Bali on another level. 

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Travel Podcast – How To Plan A Trip With TripLeader Fabian (Season 2, Episode 1)

Start planning like a professional!

Welcome to our 2nd season and 1st episode of the JoinMyTrip Travel Podcast! In this week’s episode, we have Anna (Germany) and Alex (UK) joined together with one of our most trusted TripLeaders; Fabian, who will give you advice on how to plan a trip like a professional. Fabian has been offering guided trips in Madeira and the Azores for a while now, so he has a few tips and tricks up his sleeves to share with you all.

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Travel Podcast – How To Plan A Trip With TripLeader Fabian (Season 2, Episode 1)

Start planning like a professional!

Welcome to our 2nd season and 1st episode of the JoinMyTrip Travel Podcast! In this week’s episode, we have Anna (Germany) and Alex (UK) joined together with one of our most trusted TripLeaders; Fabian, who will give you advice on how to plan a trip like a professional. Fabian has been offering guided trips in Madeira and the Azores for a while now, so he has a few tips and tricks up his sleeves to share with you all.

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How to Plan Your CoWorking Trip | CoWorking Show

Become a Coworking expert

You can’t seem to find a coworking trip that suits you? Why not plan your own and make it yours! Welcome back to another episode. On the fourth episode of our CoWorking Show, Anna gives you tips on how you can plan your own coworking trip and what to keep in mind, becoming a coworking expert yourself. 

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How to Plan Your CoWorking Trip | CoWorking Show

Become a Coworking expert

You can’t seem to find a coworking trip that suits you? Why not plan your own and make it yours! Welcome back to another episode. On the fourth episode of our CoWorking Show, Anna gives you tips on how you can plan your own coworking trip and what to keep in mind, becoming a coworking expert yourself. 

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7 weird Covid Inspired Innovations

Brilliant or just plain weird things?

It’s not a lie that some of the weirdest things have come out of 2020, where you just sit there and question some of the things you just witnessed. Like, people cutting mouth holes in their mask so they can drink or eat, thinking it’s still going to protect them. Isn’t the whole point of wearing a mask is to keep your mouth and nose shielded? Well, cutting holes in the masks kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? But hey, who am I to say anything on that matter. I have done some pretty weird things myself, where I, later on, look back on it and think “What was I doing?”. Anyway, let’s get right into these 7 Covid inspired innovations! 

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7 weird Covid Inspired Innovations

Brilliant or just plain weird things?

It’s not a lie that some of the weirdest things have come out of 2020, where you just sit there and question some of the things you just witnessed. Like, people cutting mouth holes in their mask so they can drink or eat, thinking it’s still going to protect them. Isn’t the whole point of wearing a mask is to keep your mouth and nose shielded? Well, cutting holes in the masks kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? But hey, who am I to say anything on that matter. I have done some pretty weird things myself, where I, later on, look back on it and think “What was I doing?”. Anyway, let’s get right into these 7 Covid inspired innovations! 

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Travel Essentials | YouTube Show Premiere

5 things you should definitely have on your trip!

We are experiencing a flood of offers these days, doesn’t matter in which industry it is in. As we say, we can’t see the forest for the trees, but we bring light into the darkness because we have picked out 5 useful travel essentials for you, which you can use during your trip.

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Travel Essentials | YouTube Show Premiere

5 things you should definitely have on your trip!

We are experiencing a flood of offers these days, doesn’t matter in which industry it is in. As we say, we can’t see the forest for the trees, but we bring light into the darkness because we have picked out 5 useful travel essentials for you, which you can use during your trip.

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Travel Horoscope 2021 for all Zodiac Signs (Part 1)

Here you can find travel destinations for your star sign

Do you already have an idea where you will spend the year 2021? And are you also interested in zodiac signs? Perfect! Today we give you your travel horoscope 2021 (part 1). For each destination, we’ve carefully picked out the destinations for your lucky month so you can gather a lot of inspiration.

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Travel Horoscope 2021 for all Zodiac Signs (Part 1)

Here you can find travel destinations for your star sign

Do you already have an idea where you will spend the year 2021? And are you also interested in zodiac signs? Perfect! Today we give you your travel horoscope 2021 (part 1). For each destination, we’ve carefully picked out the destinations for your lucky month so you can gather a lot of inspiration.

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End Of The Year 2020 Letter From Our CEO

Thank you for being a part of our traveler’s community!

It’s the end of 2020 and the beginning of a new year. What a rollercoaster ride it has been, filled with many ups and downs, but we are here to stay! Our CEO, Niels would like to personally thank you for being part of our special traveler’s community and we are looking forward to a new year with all of you. 

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End Of The Year 2020 Letter From Our CEO

Thank you for being a part of our traveler’s community!

It’s the end of 2020 and the beginning of a new year. What a rollercoaster ride it has been, filled with many ups and downs, but we are here to stay! Our CEO, Niels would like to personally thank you for being part of our special traveler’s community and we are looking forward to a new year with all of you. 

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Christmas Culinary Traditions Around The World

The most unusual food and drinks from other countries

Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas! In the spirit of the festive mood, we want to spoil you a little and show you how other cultures celebrate these days. For this, we’ve gathered the most extraordinary Christmas culinary traditions around the world. Enjoy!

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Best Cities To Live In | Germany Edition

Top 8 cities to live in Germany

Want to settle down in a place with one of the strongest economies in Europe? Welcome to the second article of the “Best cities to live in” series, where we show you what the best places to live all around the world are. For this article, we will be giving you the 8 best cities to live in Germany, our home country. Germany is a country full of different variations, depending on which part of Germany you decide to live in, it can be very different from the “Germany” you know. 

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Best Cities To Live In | Germany Edition

Top 8 cities to live in Germany

Want to settle down in a place with one of the strongest economies in Europe? Welcome to the second article of the “Best cities to live in” series, where we show you what the best places to live all around the world are. For this article, we will be giving you the 8 best cities to live in Germany, our home country. Germany is a country full of different variations, depending on which part of Germany you decide to live in, it can be very different from the “Germany” you know. 

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New Partnership JoinMyTrip x Ordios

This is how you can make people at home happy while traveling

Making money while traveling doesn’t sound so strange, does it? We at JoinMyTrip are not the only ones who want to make traveling easier and cheaper. The startup Ordios has also taken this concept and reinterpreted it. It’s not about traveling with other people, but what travelers can do for you. Do you miss that very special chocolate you ate in Colombia and can’t order in your home country? Then our new partnership JoinMyTrip x Ordios will help you! At Ordios you can find travelers who will bring you this very special chocolate.

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Insider Tips | Amsterdam Edition

Discover secret travel tips!

Welcome back to the 2nd article of the Insider Tips series. For this article, we travel to beautiful Amsterdam and the capital city of the Netherlands. We asked our local Amsterdam friends what you should do when you visit the city filled with Instagram-worthy canals and they have answered. We asked and now it’s time to deliver you some real insider tips of Amsterdam that you won’t find anywhere else! 😉 

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Valentine’s Trips For Singles

 6 hot spots for singles

All the single ladies, all the single ladies, now put your hands up! Sorry, Beyonce just fit too perfectly into this article. Just to clarify; This article isn’t directed to only women, but to all genders! If you happen to be single this Valentine’s and can’t stand being around your local couples, then we have the perfect Valentine’s trips for singles right this way. Start living your best single life with some fun travel mates!

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How to Convince Your Boss to let you go on a Remote Work Trip | CoWorking Show

Valid arguments to tell your boss

You might be stuck at home and your whole team is working remotely, but you’re missing the work environment of being surrounded by your colleagues. So, why would you want to be at home alone, when you can go on a remote work trip at anywhere in the world with like-minded professionals who continuously inspire you? Maybe your boss doesn’t allow it?

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The Top 6 Packing Tips for Your Next Adventure

How to become the ultimate packing pro

Do you know this situation: you plan your trip, have a lot of anticipation, but wait, one thing is missing: you still have to pack! If you’re like us, you’re always the least excited about packing. That’s why today we’re sharing our top 6 packing tips for your next adventure, so you can focus more on looking forward to the trip instead of stressing.

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New Year Traditions Around The World

Find out how these 6 countries celebrate New Year!

Right, 2020 is coming to an end already… Can you believe it?! What a year it has been, filled with lots of ups and downs but hey, we made it! However, the start of the year 2021 might not necessarily be the most extravagant or huge this year, but let’s make the most out of it. In this article, I will be showing you a couple of different New Year traditions around the world, how they celebrate the New Year, and when. Take some inspiration on how the other half of the world celebrates and incorporate that into your New Year this year! 

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Insider Tips | Munich Edition

Discover secret travel tips!

Are you ready to discover the insider tips for Munich? Forget about the mainstream spots and explore cities like a true local on our new “Insider Tips” series. Discover places only locals know about, and we guarantee your experience will be a whole lot better! For the first article, we will be giving you insider tips for Munich, the capital of Bavaria, and home to the infamous Oktoberfest.

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Best Cities To Live In | America Edition

Top 10 cities to live in the U.S.

Have you been thinking about moving to the land of the free and the home of the brave? Welcome to our first article of the “best cities to live in” series, where we show you what the best places to live all around the world are. For the first article, the lucky winner is the USA! So, if you have been thinking about possibly moving to the USA one day, make sure to read this article to know where the best cities to live in America are. 

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Travel Through The Eyes Of MomImFine | JoinMyTrip Series

Discover our new JoinMyTrip series

Ever wondered what it’s like to go on a trip with JoinMyTrip? Instead of reading reviews, we thought why don’t we just show you?  In this series we send Jonathan (also known as MomImFine) traveling around the world, discovering new adventures with JoinMyTrip where we asked him to film his authentic experiences for everyone to see. 

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Travel Through The Eyes Of MomImFine | JoinMyTrip Series

Discover our new JoinMyTrip series

Ever wondered what it’s like to go on a trip with JoinMyTrip? Instead of reading reviews, we thought why don’t we just show you?  In this series we send Jonathan (also known as MomImFine) traveling around the world, discovering new adventures with JoinMyTrip where we asked him to film his authentic experiences for everyone to see. 

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The 6 Best Places To See Bioluminescence

Watch the sea light up and dive in

First of all, we want to explain to you what bioluminescence actually is. Sea lights, or bioluminescence, is created by a collection of microorganisms that are activated by touch and then light up. So it is not the sea itself that glows, but the thousands and thousands of plankton or algae. Therefore, this type of bioluminescence can be observed mainly on beaches, but also in the sea. In general, marine luminescence is possible everywhere, but it requires a large number of microorganisms in one place and optimal water conditions. Today we show you the best places to experience bioluminescence.

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The 6 Best Places To See Bioluminescence

Watch the sea light up and dive in

First of all, we want to explain to you what bioluminescence actually is. Sea lights, or bioluminescence, is created by a collection of microorganisms that are activated by touch and then light up. So it is not the sea itself that glows, but the thousands and thousands of plankton or algae. Therefore, this type of bioluminescence can be observed mainly on beaches, but also in the sea. In general, marine luminescence is possible everywhere, but it requires a large number of microorganisms in one place and optimal water conditions. Today we show you the best places to experience bioluminescence.

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The Best Road Trips In 2021: North America Edition

Discover the USA and Canada with the top road trips in North America

Welcome to the second part of our series “The best road trips in 2021”. Today we take you across the Atlantic Ocean for the best road trips in North America! From west to east we show you how to explore the USA and Canada on the so-called Scenic Byways, the most beautiful side roads. Part 1 of our road trip series can be found under “The best road trips in 2021: Europe Edition”.

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How to Find The Perfect Coworking Buddy | CoWorking Show

So you can have the time of your life!

After watching the first episode, you now want to be a digital nomad but don’t want to do it alone? In our second episode, Anna will be giving you some tips on how you can find the perfect coworking buddy for your trip! What you need to take into consideration and what kind of coworking buddies you should be looking for. 

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How to Find The Perfect Coworking Buddy | CoWorking Show

So you can have the time of your life!

After watching the first episode, you now want to be a digital nomad but don’t want to do it alone? In our second episode, Anna will be giving you some tips on how you can find the perfect coworking buddy for your trip! What you need to take into consideration and what kind of coworking buddies you should be looking for. 

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6 Unique Alternatives To Celebrating Christmas

A Traditional Christmas Is Not Your Style?

Another year, another Christmas. We’re calling out to all of our fellow grinches to say: The Christmas season is here! We know you’re dreading it… again. This year is going to be different though because this year you have us to show you some Christmas alternatives that will get your holiday spirit going. If you happen to be part of a small percentage of the population who do not exactly enjoy the traditional jolly ol’ Christmas, then this one’s for you!

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6 Unique Alternatives To Celebrating Christmas

A Traditional Christmas Is Not Your Style?

Another year, another Christmas. We’re calling out to all of our fellow grinches to say: The Christmas season is here! We know you’re dreading it… again. This year is going to be different though because this year you have us to show you some Christmas alternatives that will get your holiday spirit going. If you happen to be part of a small percentage of the population who do not exactly enjoy the traditional jolly ol’ Christmas, then this one’s for you!

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Around The World Trip Series | Get Insider Tips From Our Very Own CEO

Get all the info you need for your own around the world trip 

We are so excited to have our CEO, Niels, share his story of his around the world trip. In this series, you will be getting insider tips on how he planned his trip, which locations he chose and why he chose them. But that’s not it! So many more questions will be answered. He’s also encountered some tricky situations during his trip, keep following to know how he got out of those and what happened! 

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The Most Beautiful Places in Turkey

6 travel tips for Turkey

When you think of Turkey some of you might think of Alanya, its all-inclusive hotels, lots of tourists and wide beaches. This is understandable because Turkey has those parts too but only in very specific parts of the country. The rest of the country has so much more to offer. Today we will show you the most beautiful places in Turkey and give you the most important travel tips. We will show you the top 3 all-time favorites for all those who don’t want an all-inclusive, but also 3 real insider tips.

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The Most Beautiful Places in Turkey

6 travel tips for Turkey

When you think of Turkey some of you might think of Alanya, its all-inclusive hotels, lots of tourists and wide beaches. This is understandable because Turkey has those parts too but only in very specific parts of the country. The rest of the country has so much more to offer. Today we will show you the most beautiful places in Turkey and give you the most important travel tips. We will show you the top 3 all-time favorites for all those who don’t want an all-inclusive, but also 3 real insider tips.

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Easter 2021: Where to Spend Your Vacation

Our top 6 destinations for the coming Easter holidays

How will you spend your next spring? Will you spend Easter 2021 at home or do you want to get away from all the hustle and bustle and go traveling? We have prepared something for you! Today we will show you our travel tips for Easter, which include the best destinations in April. Get ready for a warm spring!

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Travel Podcast – 10 Weird Laws Around The World (Episode 8)

Can you believe these crazy and weird laws exist?!

In this week’s episode on our travel podcast, Anna (Germany), Will (USA), Niels (Germany) and Lisa (Australia) will be sitting down and talking about weird laws they have experienced and encountered when they were abroad. One of them may have even gotten in trouble with the law.. Guess who? Or maybe it’s all of them? The only way to find out is to tune in and listen!

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The Best Girls Trips For 2021

The top 7 places for your next girls’ vacation

How will you spend next year? 2021 is nearly among us and despite Corona, many of us are already planning out the next year, especially regarding possible trips. In general, it is safer to travel in a group and many of us look for travel buddies we feel we would get on well with. Especially girls like to travel together. That’s why today we have put together the best girls’ trips for 2021. Side note: Of course, these travel tips are not gender-specific, but a must for everyone!

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10 Things To Do At Home During Winter Lockdown

How to continue living your best life

It’s been around 8 months since the pandemic came to Europe, bringing with it travel restrictions, anxiety and most of all boredom. Now its winter and we are still in lockdown. I know there’s nothing we can really do about the situation but, sometimes I really struggle with seeing the same four walls of my apartment 24/7. I don’t even know how it feels to live a normal life anymore. Clubs exist? Restaurants too?! 

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Emirates covers its customers with free travel insurance | Travel News

Check out this week’s TOP travel news!

JoinMyTrip has you covered! Here are the most important travel news from around the world, and also any big company news we would like to share with you. Watch our new weekly YouTube Travel News Show, so you can stay informed every Saturday afternoon, and If you’ve missed last week’s episode, make sure to check it out too!

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The Best Road Trips | In Europe

Discover the European continent on the road

Welcome to our first article in the series “The best road trips in 2021”! In the following weeks and months, we will show you the coolest routes around the world. We will give you a good overview as well as share some real insider tips with you. We start the series with Europe, our home continent, and move from the far north to the most beautiful south.

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The Best Road Trips | In Europe

Discover the European continent on the road

Welcome to our first article in the series “The best road trips in 2021”! In the following weeks and months, we will show you the coolest routes around the world. We will give you a good overview as well as share some real insider tips with you. We start the series with Europe, our home continent, and move from the far north to the most beautiful south.

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How Has Black Friday Changed Due to The Pandemic

May the hunger games begin!

Happy Black Friday everyone! Is your wallet ready to do some damage? I hope everyone is prepared to unleash their inner shopper: May the hunger games begin! I must admit, I have never been a huge fan of Black Friday or any huge sales day for that matter, but this year things will be looking quite different. If you are any bit like me, you might actually enjoy Black Friday this year. 

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Visa Requirements For Russia, India, Cuba and More

“For which countries do I need a visa with a German passport” is one of the most important searches that travelers type into Google before they head for a new destination with possible visa requirements. The German passport is currently ranked second among the most powerful passports in the world. Germans can enter 128 countries without a visa or with “visa on arrival”. Nevertheless, there are of course some places we want to travel to where a visa is required. We will show you today which countries are among them.

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Visa Requirements For Russia, India, Cuba and More

“For which countries do I need a visa with a German passport” is one of the most important searches that travelers type into Google before they head for a new destination with possible visa requirements. The German passport is currently ranked second among the most powerful passports in the world. Germans can enter 128 countries without a visa or with “visa on arrival”. Nevertheless, there are of course some places we want to travel to where a visa is required. We will show you today which countries are among them.

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How To Stay Safe This Holiday Season

Celebrating during the pandemic

The holidays in 2020 are something very special, especially in terms of planning. This year you should not jump from one party to the next without having thought about the consequences beforehand. Corona and the holidays are inseparable this year, so you need to start thinking about how you are going to spend them and how to stay safe. We will help you and answer the most important questions.

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How I Became a Digital Nomad | CoWorking Show

Why we jumped on the coworking bandwagon

Since the pandemic started, many employees were sent to home offices to minimize the risk of infection, and ever since, there has been a continuous rise in remote workers. We realized that there is a need for coworking but not much could be found on the topic itself since it’s still relatively new. So, we decided to take this opportunity to jump on the coworking train and introduce you to everything you need to know about the digital nomad life! 

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How I Became a Digital Nomad | CoWorking Show

Why we jumped on the coworking bandwagon

Since the pandemic started, many employees were sent to home offices to minimize the risk of infection, and ever since, there has been a continuous rise in remote workers. We realized that there is a need for coworking but not much could be found on the topic itself since it’s still relatively new. So, we decided to take this opportunity to jump on the coworking train and introduce you to everything you need to know about the digital nomad life! 

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South Africa Opens Its Borders To All Travelers | Travel News

Check out this week’s TOP travel news!

JoinMyTrip has you covered! Here are the most important travel news from around the world, and also any big company news we would like to share with you. Watch our new weekly YouTube Travel News Show, so you can stay informed every Saturday afternoon, and If you’ve missed last week’s episode, make sure to check it out too!

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Find us on Google News!

JoinMyTrip travel news is now live on Google News

You have probably read it in the title. Yes, that’s right. JoinMyTrip can now be found on Google news cause we are LIVE! Once again serving you with more access and information on everything you need to know that is happening in the travel industry right now. Simply find the JoinMyTrip Google news here or download it here for iOS and Android.

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Announcement: Launch of The JoinMyTrip Travel Insurance

Insurance is now available for German and Austrian residents! 

The majority of us let the excitement of traveling take over us and we end up forgetting about all the things that could go wrong… until it does go wrong. That is why we have launched the JoinMyTrip Travel Insurance (powered by Allianz), available for every TripMate and TripLeader who are residents of Austria and Germany. Oh, and it’s for FREE! That’s right, we are not charging you a single penny for the insurance. 

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Announcement: Launch of The JoinMyTrip Travel Insurance

Insurance is now available for German and Austrian residents! 

The majority of us let the excitement of traveling take over us and we end up forgetting about all the things that could go wrong… until it does go wrong. That is why we have launched the JoinMyTrip Travel Insurance (powered by Allianz), available for every TripMate and TripLeader who are residents of Austria and Germany. Oh, and it’s for FREE! That’s right, we are not charging you a single penny for the insurance. 

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When Can I Travel Again? The answer is…

We (kind of) have the answer for you

When can I travel again? This is the question we all ask ourselves. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you an exact date, nobody can. But it is important that we don’t lose hope and work towards the time when we can finally travel again. But luckily traveling during Corona is possible. We will show you what you need to know for 2020/21 and where to go next.

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When Can I Travel Again? The answer is…

We (kind of) have the answer for you

When can I travel again? This is the question we all ask ourselves. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you an exact date, nobody can. But it is important that we don’t lose hope and work towards the time when we can finally travel again. But luckily traveling during Corona is possible. We will show you what you need to know for 2020/21 and where to go next.

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Travel Podcast – Live From Portugal (CoWorking Trip) (Episode 6)

Find out what our TripMates think about their Coworking trip!

On this week’s episode, we invite our TripLeader and fellow TripMates who are currently on a coworking trip in Lagos, Portugal to join the podcast for a live coworking interview! Wil (USA), Anna (Germany), and our two special guests, Kate (Germany) and Nuru (Germany) will be sharing how their everyday lives with other coworkers are like and why they decided to join a coworking trip in the first place!

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Working For a Travel Startup During a Global Pandemic

An insider’s point of view!

If you haven’t been living under a rock, then you’re probably aware that the global pandemic is affecting the travel industry, HARD. We have watched multiple companies struggling within this travel industry, trying their hardest to keep the business alive, and unfortunately some resulting in bankruptcy. I am not saying it’s all rainbows and sunshine here at JoinMyTrip either, we aren’t exactly thriving. We have definitely been affected to a certain extent by the global pandemic, but we choose to stay hopeful and keep on moving forward with the resources we have available, and, lucky for me I am fortunate enough to be part of this experience.

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EasyJet will fly no more than 20% of planned capacity over the next 3 months | Last Week’s News

JoinMyTrip has you covered! Here are the most important travel news from around the world, and also any big company news we would like to share with you. Watch our new weekly YouTube Travel News Show, so you can stay informed every Saturday afternoon, and If you’ve missed last week’s episode, make sure to check it out too!

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The New Co-Study Trend: Want to Study at the Beach?

Plan your co-study trip now

You’re tired of sitting at home alone and doing nothing but listening to one online lecture after another? Then we have just the thing for you! Because now is the perfect time to turn your study day into an adventure – out of the cold wet and into the sun! Find other students at JoinMyTrip with whom you can share the rent for a new home in a dreamlike place for a few weeks. Besides studying you have the chance to explore the area together in your free time. We will show you all the advantages of remote studying and why you should plan your co-study trip with JoinMyTrip right now.

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Is Mauritius the Remote Coworking Paradise for You?

Find out why Mauritius is the perfect destination to be Coworking from.

Winter is approaching, it is dark and cold and the days in the home office seem so incredibly long. We have the solution: Coworking on Mauritius! What sounds like a dream is not as impossible as you might think. We’ll tell you everything you need to know for wintering in paradise.

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Travel Podcast – Announcing Coworking Trips (Episode 5)

Everything and anything you need to know about coworking!

On this week’s episode, we have something extremely exciting to announce! Alex (UK/Germany), Lisa (Australia), Anna (Germany) and Niels (Germany) will be discussing the story behind our launch of coworking trips and how we came up with this brilliant idea. In addition, they will be sharing their own experiences when it comes to coworking. 

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Travel Podcast – Announcing Coworking Trips (Episode 5)

Everything and anything you need to know about coworking!

On this week’s episode, we have something extremely exciting to announce! Alex (UK/Germany), Lisa (Australia), Anna (Germany) and Niels (Germany) will be discussing the story behind our launch of coworking trips and how we came up with this brilliant idea. In addition, they will be sharing their own experiences when it comes to coworking. 

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Travel Podcast – Greek Islands (Episode 4)

Discover 5 of Greece’s most beautiful Islands

In this week’s episode on our travel podcast, Anna (Germany), Will (USA) and Niels (Germany) are sitting down to talk about where they have been to in Greece and what the most beautiful Greek islands are, in their opinion. Anna herself has lived in Greece (Kos) for 4 months, while Will and Niels have both traveled to Greece and are excited to share their experiences with all of you! 

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Marriott Enters Home Office Market | Last Week’s News

Did you miss last week’s TOP Travel News?

JoinMyTrip has you covered! Here are the most important travel news from around the world, and also any big company news we would like to share with you. Watch our new weekly YouTube Travel News Show, so you can stay informed every Saturday afternoon, and If you’ve missed last week’s episode, make sure to check it out too!

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Marriott Enters Home Office Market | Last Week’s News

Did you miss last week’s TOP Travel News?

JoinMyTrip has you covered! Here are the most important travel news from around the world, and also any big company news we would like to share with you. Watch our new weekly YouTube Travel News Show, so you can stay informed every Saturday afternoon, and If you’ve missed last week’s episode, make sure to check it out too!

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Want to find the Best Remote Working stops for winter?

Top 5 countries where you can mix remote work with vacations

Are you already wondering where you will be doing remote work in the winter of 2020? We understand that especially now, during the second wave, traveling is not your first priority. Although going back to home office is already a big change in your daily work routine, traveling while you work is still a completely new experience. If you have the opportunity to work remotely, i.e. from somewhere other than your office or home, use it! Top tip: Be sure to check if your company has special rules for working remotely or if you are allowed to work from anywhere in the world. Today we want to show you where you can work and travel with your coworking buddies

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Want to find the Best Remote Working stops for winter?

Top 5 countries where you can mix remote work with vacations

Are you already wondering where you will be doing remote work in the winter of 2020? We understand that especially now, during the second wave, traveling is not your first priority. Although going back to home office is already a big change in your daily work routine, traveling while you work is still a completely new experience. If you have the opportunity to work remotely, i.e. from somewhere other than your office or home, use it! Top tip: Be sure to check if your company has special rules for working remotely or if you are allowed to work from anywhere in the world. Today we want to show you where you can work and travel with your coworking buddies

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How is Halloween celebrated in Mexico?

Updated: 2nd Nov. 2021

The tradition of the “Dia de los Muertos”

If you hadn’t heard about this day before, James Bond in “Specter” probably changed this. The famous opening scene is set on “Dia de Los Muertos” (the Day of the Dead) in Mexico City. But what are the customs, traditions and history behind this day? In which Mexican city can you best experience it? We will tell you everything there is to know about Halloween in Mexico!

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How is Halloween celebrated in Mexico?

The tradition of the “Dia de los Muertos”

If you hadn’t heard about this day before, James Bond in “Specter” probably changed this. The famous opening scene is set on “Dia de Los Muertos” (the Day of the Dead) in Mexico City. But what are the customs, traditions and history behind this day? In which Mexican city can you best experience it? We will tell you everything there is to know about Halloween in Mexico!

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New Partnership Announcement: JoinMyTrip x Viselio

Bored of annoying visa applications? We’re here to help!

For many people, planning the journey is almost as fun as actually being on vacation. Looking for the cheapest flights, reserving accommodation, or checking out the best activities gets a lot of us super excited. But for many destinations in the world it requires a further consideration: Do I need a visa for this country? With a German passport, we can travel to 178 countries without a visa, but for the remaining regions, it is necessary to apply for a visa.

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New Partnership Announcement: JoinMyTrip x Viselio

Bored of annoying visa applications? We’re here to help!

For many people, planning the journey is almost as fun as actually being on vacation. Looking for the cheapest flights, reserving accommodation, or checking out the best activities gets a lot of us super excited. But for many destinations in the world it requires a further consideration: Do I need a visa for this country? With a German passport, we can travel to 178 countries without a visa, but for the remaining regions, it is necessary to apply for a visa.

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Discover Coworking Trips with JoinMyTrip

Our 5 Tips for Coworking

Winter can be super depressing, especially in Germany, where there are more cold days than warm ones. So why not spend the winter somewhere else? If you know that you will be able to work well even without sitting at your desk in the office you’re already halfway to escaping the winter of 2020 with your coworking crew! Either you plan your coworking trip on JoinMyTrip yourself or you take part in already planned coworking adventures. We’ll show you our coworking tips and trips for the perfect outcome.

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The Top Excursions in 3 of The Largest Federal States in Germany

Are you stuck in your state?

We do not know how long the Corona Pandemic will keep us in check for. That is why we want to be prepared in case we cannot travel abroad or are not allowed to leave our state. What is the best way to do this? Right, we have looked at 3 of the largest federal states in Germany and cool activities in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Pfalz and Lower Saxony.

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Why people are already booking Spring 2021 vacations

Your travel guide for spring 2021

2020 has felt a little too long for most of us. The crisis affected most of us in some way, shape, or form. And this is exactly why you should start booking Spring 2021 in the right way… and what better way than to start planning your travels! We will show you why you should plan your trips for 2021 now and which types of travel are suitable for these uncertain times. 

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Why people are already booking Spring 2021 vacations

Your travel guide for spring 2021

2020 has felt a little too long for most of us. The crisis affected most of us in some way, shape, or form. And this is exactly why you should start booking Spring 2021 in the right way… and what better way than to start planning your travels! We will show you why you should plan your trips for 2021 now and which types of travel are suitable for these uncertain times. 

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Hiking in Germany – The Most Beautiful Regions and Routes

Everything you need for your hiking vacation in the relaxing nature

Yes, even us at JoinMyTrip know that traveling this year probably did not look the way we imagined it in our wildest dreams (or nightmares). The coronavirus has put a damper on our plans and cancelled many festivals, beach vacations, or trips to faraway places for a lot of us. But this is no time to be sad. Hiking in Germany in the most beautiful routes has a lot to offer as well. With the right planning & fun travel partners, you will still have a great autumn.

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Hiking in Germany – The Most Beautiful Regions and Routes

Everything you need for your hiking vacation in the relaxing nature

Yes, even us at JoinMyTrip know that traveling this year probably did not look the way we imagined it in our wildest dreams (or nightmares). The coronavirus has put a damper on our plans and cancelled many festivals, beach vacations, or trips to faraway places for a lot of us. But this is no time to be sad. Hiking in Germany in the most beautiful routes has a lot to offer as well. With the right planning & fun travel partners, you will still have a great autumn.

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The 6 Most Beautiful Regions in Austria…

…To visit in 2020

Right next to Germany is a rather unique country waiting for you. This country goes by the name of Austria. Even if at the moment some parts of the country are considered risk areas for Germans, there are still so many other beautiful areas in Austria to discover. We have collected our top 6 of the most beautiful regions in Austria for you.

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The Top 5 Islands in Greece

Where you can travel to safely – NOW!

You want to escape from the bleak autumn days, but don’t know where it’s safe right now? We can help you find the perfect places. Greece and especially the Greek islands have reacted early to Covid-19 and got great safety measures in place right from the get-go. As a result, the Corona Pandemic was kept under control which means you can travel there safely today without having to worry. We have compiled our Top 5 most beautiful Greek islands for you!

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The Top 5 Islands in Greece

Where you can travel to safely – NOW!

You want to escape from the bleak autumn days, but don’t know where it’s safe right now? We can help you find the perfect places. Greece and especially the Greek islands have reacted early to Covid-19 and got great safety measures in place right from the get-go. As a result, the Corona Pandemic was kept under control which means you can travel there safely today without having to worry. We have compiled our Top 5 most beautiful Greek islands for you!

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Things to do in Vancouver

Top Vancouver tourist spots

Among hundreds of Canadian cities, Vancouver seems to be the most special one, with rich diverse culture and breathtaking nature, which has made Vancouver a travel spot that no tourist wants to miss. You will never get bored in the city because there are plenty of cool things to do in Vancouver, therefore, we have narrowed down some must-do activities for you!

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How To Prepare For Your Next Road Trip

5 tips to prepare you for your next road trip

Freedom should be the best word to describe a road trip. Having the open road in front, the music blasting and one arm out of the window gives travelers the ultimate surge of wanderlust. To be the captain of your own ship, the leader of the pack, and the driver behind the wheel… The opportunities are limitless on four wheels. Here are 5 tips to help prepare for your road trip that you should know in advance. 

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How To Prepare For Your Next Road Trip

5 tips to prepare you for your next road trip

Freedom should be the best word to describe a road trip. Having the open road in front, the music blasting and one arm out of the window gives travelers the ultimate surge of wanderlust. To be the captain of your own ship, the leader of the pack, and the driver behind the wheel… The opportunities are limitless on four wheels. Here are 5 tips to help prepare for your road trip that you should know in advance. 

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The 4 Best Brewery & Beer Tours in Germany

Discover Germany’s Best Breweries and Tours

A nice evening with friends simply includes… a cold beer. Since we may not be able to sit on the Riviera, we still have the option to indulge in beer. To us, this is the perfect solution as it’s the world-famous beer for a reason. We have put together the four best German brewery and beer tours for you, one tour for each direction. Now you can explore Germany in a different way. Cheers to that!

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This Is How You Celebrate Oktoberfest in 2021…

…without putting you at risk  

Oktoberfest, as well as many other traditional festivals, will not be taking place again this year due to the Corona Pandemic. But does this reduce your thirst for beer and your mood to party? Nope? Well neither does ours! That’s why we’ve picked out several exciting events for you that are safe replacements for Oktoberfest this Autumn. And if you prefer to avoid crowds, we have also put together a selection of fun activities for you and your travel partners.

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This Is How You Celebrate Oktoberfest in 2020…

…without putting you at risk  

Oktoberfest, as well as many other traditional festivals, will not be taking place this year due to the Corona Pandemic in 2020. But does this reduce your thirst for beer and your mood to party? Nope? Well neither does ours! That’s why we’ve picked out several exciting events for you that are safe replacements for Oktoberfest this Autumn. And if you prefer to avoid crowds, we have also put together a selection of fun activities for you and your travel partners.

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Exciting Places in Germany Where You Can Travel to Now

Think you’ve seen it all? Check out these 6 Regions in Germany

It is still completely possible to explore the wonders Germany has to offer while still staying safe during corona times. Here are six amazing regions for you to travel in Germany; full of fairytale castles, traditional German architecture, and picturesque landscapes. So why not take advantage of the shortened lines and take a safe, socially-distanced holiday this autumn?

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Exciting Places in Germany Where You Can Travel to Now

Think you’ve seen it all? Check out these 6 Regions in Germany

It is still completely possible to explore the wonders Germany has to offer while still staying safe during corona times. Here are six amazing regions for you to travel in Germany; full of fairytale castles, traditional German architecture, and picturesque landscapes. So why not take advantage of the shortened lines and take a safe, socially-distanced holiday this autumn?

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The 5 Best Travel Instagram Accounts

Top 5 Instagram accounts to get the traveling heart racing

You wanna escape from the mundane life and dream yourself far, far away? You love to travel but just not sure where to go or what to do? Below you will find the best travel Instagram accounts, which may give you tons of inspiration for traveling and which will make you grab your suitcase and book a flight immediately! Ready to go?

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6 Best Autumn Destinations in Europe

Best Autumn Destinations to Help Beat the Autumn Blues…

Summer is almost over, but this doesn’t mean vacations have to stop. Europe is a great place to travel all year round, each country offers something different through each season. However, traveling to Europe in the summer can be a bit overwhelming at times, the heat, crowds and prices. That’s why we have rounded up the best autumn destinations in Europe. The perfect time to go on vacation.

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The 10 Best Snorkeling Spots in Europe

Top places to dive into this summer!

Updated on the 11th February 

What could be better than diving into the cool blue water on a hot day and exploring the world below sea level? Nearly nothing! We believe snorkeling is a must-do activity on your travel itinerary. That’s why we think it’s important to let you discover with us the most beautiful snorkeling spots for your summer 2020 in Europe. This blog will give you a wide insight into spots from the gorges of Iceland to the hidden bays in Greece.

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10 Tips on How to be an Ideal TripMate

Tips to ensure everyone has a great time!

So, it might be your first time traveling with JoinMyTrip and the nerves are kicking in. You’re not too sure what to expect or how it’s going to be. Or even if it’s your tenth time traveling with JoinMyTrip, you might be asking yourself what makes me an ideal TripMate? As always, we want to ensure that you and your fellow TripMates have an unforgettable experience together with the help of these 10 tips.

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10 Tips on How to be an Ideal TripMate

Tips to ensure everyone has a great time!

So, it might be your first time traveling with JoinMyTrip and the nerves are kicking in. You’re not too sure what to expect or how it’s going to be. Or even if it’s your tenth time traveling with JoinMyTrip, you might be asking yourself what makes me an ideal TripMate? As always, we want to ensure that you and your fellow TripMates have an unforgettable experience together with the help of these 10 tips.

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Top 6 Unique Summer Destinations to Visit in 2021

Hidden gems of Europe to explore! 

Feeling the need to spice things up and seek out unusual places in Europe for your next summer destination in 2021? Fear not, we’ve got you covered! Traveling to destinations that may have never crossed your mind or never knew existed can be hard to come by, which is why we are here to provide you with a magical list of 6 unique destinations that we know will be worth your while.

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10 Tips on How to be the Perfect TripLeader

Updated: 2nd August 2021

So, do you want to become a great TripLeader?

We are going to show you how to exactly do that! This Blog gives you 10 tips that will pave your way to a wonderful adventure, follow these tips and your trip will be exactly as you imagined it. At times the planning process can be overwhelming and you may not understand where you are going wrong, that’s why it’s best to follow our tips to keep everything straightforward and have everything go to plan. This way, both you and your TripMates will have a wonderful experience! Head to JoinMyTrip to become a TripLeader now.

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10 Tips on How to be the Perfect TripLeader

So, do you want to become a great TripLeader?

We are going to show you how to exactly do that! This Blog gives you 10 tips that will pave your way to a wonderful adventure, follow these tips and your trip will be exactly as you imagined it. At times the planning process can be overwhelming and you may not understand where you are going wrong, that’s why it’s best to follow our tips to keep everything straightforward and have everything go to plan. This way, both you and your TripMates will have a wonderful experience! Head to JoinMyTrip to become a TripLeader now.

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How to Track Costs While Traveling in a Group

TravelSpend is the answer

If you ever faced the problem of splitting up all the travel costs on a trip with other people, you are in luck: We’ve found this cool startup that created an app that will help you track costs. It’s called TravelSpend! We wanted to introduce the founders to you and also the general concept of the app. Hop right in!

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Go Traveling With a Professional Tour Guide

Three local destination experts who will show you the best time

We at JoinMyTrip believe that anyone can be a tour guide. As long as you’re open-minded, love meeting new people, and have the ability to plan and organize, then you, my friend, can be a tour guide too. But we also think that the people who do this as a profession have a different kind of special touch when it comes to trips. They have turned their passion into work and people who do this, never really work a day in their lives. They love what they do, which is something you can really feel when you become part of their adventures. This is why we want professional tour guides to join our quest at bringing people closer together and making it easier for everyone to see the world and experience moments they will never forget. 

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The 6 Best Tips for Backpacking through Europe

Have you ever thought of a backpacking trip across Europe? Just the thought of traveling through all the different European countries and experiencing their unique cultures gets you excited, right? No wonder, as Europe has so much to offer for every backpacker who decides to take the first step towards the adventure of their lives. But just to make your backpacking trip a bit more comfortable and even more enjoyable, we have gathered here the best tips and tricks to use while being on the road across Europe. Enjoy!

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10 Reasons Why YOU Should Become a TripLeader

Find out why JoinMyTrip is right for you

You want to travel the world but the only thing missing is the fun travel buddies? Then JoinMyTrip is the right place for you. Create and offer your unique trips on our platform, find amazing TripMates to join you and besides that, earn some money while doing what you love most. Sounds great? We think so too! So read on to find out why you should become a TripLeader on JoinMyTrip now. 

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Top 10 cities to visit in Europe and Worldwide in 2021 (Part 2)

City trips have kept their popularity among travellers all over the world. When planning on a city trip, you usually end up first thinking of cities like London, Paris or maybe even Rome. But even though these cities are one of the most beautiful ones in Europe, don’t you also think these cities seem a bit overrated already? At least we have been feeling this, which is why we decided to gather the 10 best cities to visit in Europe and worldwide for the year 2021! These cities are spread all across Europe, including few in Asia and in the USA. Keep on reading to get inspired for your next city trip in the year 2021!

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Top 5 Tips for Camper Van Trip

Camping with a van has grown in popularity over the years and we’re not surprised. The mobility and flexibility that camping with a van gives you is something you will never experience with any other accommodation option. Being able to take your sleeping spot with you where ever you want without having to carry all of your luggage, makes camper van trips a popular go-to. Thanks to the increase in camper vans and the possibility to rent them pretty easily, it has made camper van traveling more accessible than ever before. But before you head up to your next camper van adventure, be sure to look up these tips to ensure the best and most enjoyable trip for yourself and your travel buddies!

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5 Backpacking Tips for Southeast Asia

5 tips for your travel to Southeast Asia

Backpacking in Southeast Asia is one of the best experiences you should have in your travel wishlist. Although it may seem easy at first but could be dreadful, because there are so many options to choose from which sometimes can create confusion. Choosing the flights, picking an accommodation or planning a route could be a tiring job. Here are some backpacking tips we believe that could help you solve this problem before heading your way to Southeast Asia.

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5 Backpacking Tips for Southeast Asia

5 tips for your travel to Southeast Asia

Backpacking in Southeast Asia is one of the best experiences you should have in your travel wishlist. Although it may seem easy at first but could be dreadful, because there are so many options to choose from which sometimes can create confusion. Choosing the flights, picking an accommodation or planning a route could be a tiring job. Here are some backpacking tips we believe that could help you solve this problem before heading your way to Southeast Asia.

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Is Campervan Travel Right For You?

5 questions to consider before Campervan Travel

Traveling in a van is one of the best and inexpensive ways to discover a new land, and allows travelers to experience it at their own pace, own itinerary, and own essentially exactly how they want to. But as easy as it looks, there are things to consider before jumping in the van and setting off. You need to ask yourself whether campervan travel is right for you. Here are our top 5 questions to consider.

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Is Campervan Travel Right For You?

5 questions to consider before Campervan Travel

Traveling in a van is one of the best and inexpensive ways to discover a new land, and allows travelers to experience it at their own pace, own itinerary, and own essentially exactly how they want to. But as easy as it looks, there are things to consider before jumping in the van and setting off. You need to ask yourself whether campervan travel is right for you. Here are our top 5 questions to consider.

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Ten Destinations that Beat The Winter Blahs

Cure coronavirus’ cabin fever with some winter travel planning

Right now, we’re all doing the right thing; staying home to “flatten” the coronavirus curve. Hopefully, we’ll soon be back to exploring the world as we did before. Until then, fight off the boredom by making some winter travel plans. Here are ten winter destinations to kickstart your imagination.

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Ten Destinations that Beat The Winter Blahs

Cure coronavirus’ cabin fever with some winter travel planning

Right now, we’re all doing the right thing; staying home to “flatten” the coronavirus curve. Hopefully, we’ll soon be back to exploring the world as we did before. Until then, fight off the boredom by making some winter travel plans. Here are ten winter destinations to kickstart your imagination.

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Guest Article: Traveling Alone as a Woman – The Most Important Tips

How I discovered the world alone

Traveling alone as a woman? Sure. I’m Evelyn, I was on a 7 month trip around the world and would like to share my experiences with you. I am a super spontaneous person and followed the motto ‘Young & Wild & Free’ as I went on this world trip adventure with only hand luggage and had no plan. In the end I traveled to 14 countries and had a whole bunch of unique experiences and unforgettable adventures. I will now show you my world trip alone as a woman.

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Guest Article: Traveling Alone as a Woman – The Most Important Tips

How I discovered the world alone

Traveling alone as a woman? Sure. I’m Evelyn, I was on a 7 month trip around the world and would like to share my experiences with you. I am a super spontaneous person and followed the motto ‘Young & Wild & Free’ as I went on this world trip adventure with only hand luggage and had no plan. In the end I traveled to 14 countries and had a whole bunch of unique experiences and unforgettable adventures. I will now show you my world trip alone as a woman.

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5 Reasons Why Traveling in a Group is More Important than Ever

Why we love traveling in a group

Picture this; lockdown is a thing of the past, the borders are opening one by one and finally, there is hope that the world of travel will go back to normal. We might not be there yet, but that time will come for sure. The question you might have is: What will traveling look like, once this pandemic is under control? No one knows the answer to this yet but what we do know is, now is not the time to venture out into the world by yourself. We are sure traveling in a group has never been so important and we want to tell you why. 

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5 Reasons Why Traveling in a Group is More Important than Ever

Why we love traveling in a group

Picture this; lockdown is a thing of the past, the borders are opening one by one and finally, there is hope that the world of travel will go back to normal. We might not be there yet, but that time will come for sure. The question you might have is: What will traveling look like, once this pandemic is under control? No one knows the answer to this yet but what we do know is, now is not the time to venture out into the world by yourself. We are sure traveling in a group has never been so important and we want to tell you why. 

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Coronavirus: 10 Things to do Under Lockdown 

How to keep busy and carry on “traveling” 

Spending your day at home when you’re told you can’t leave, feels different to when you do it in your free time, right?! The spread of coronavirus has led to many countries putting an official curfew on their citizens once again, leaving people wondering what on earth they could do apart from sitting on the sofa eating crisps. We have come up with 10 fabulous things you can do under the coronavirus lockdown instead! Because we might not be able to get on the next plane to visit another country, this doesn’t mean us travelers have to forgo our passion completely. 

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Coronavirus: 10 Things to do Under Lockdown 

How to keep busy and carry on “traveling” 

Spending your day at home when you’re told you can’t leave, feels different to when you do it in your free time, right?! The spread of coronavirus has led to many countries putting an official curfew on their citizens once again, leaving people wondering what on earth they could do apart from sitting on the sofa eating crisps. We have come up with 10 fabulous things you can do under the coronavirus lockdown instead! Because we might not be able to get on the next plane to visit another country, this doesn’t mean us travelers have to forgo our passion completely. 

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Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Germany in 2021

Great things to do and see in Germany 

When you think of Germany, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Probably just the thought of beer, sausage, or maybe even pretzels. But believe it or not, Germany has a lot more to offer than the obvious noteworthy delicacies. Grab yourself a beer and stay awhile, the adventure doesn’t stop there. We have a list of the 10 best places to visit in Germany! 

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Coronavirus: 5 Important Tips for Traveling When Your Trips Get Cancelled

What to do when a virus cancels your plans

Does traveling plus Corona equal headache? Not in our books! We’ve got your back. Not knowing what to do about something, can often be a bigger cause of stress & anxiety than what is actually happening. With these tips for traveling, we want to share some useful information that could help you manage your planned or current trip if these have been affected by the coronavirus-cancellations. 

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7 Tips You Need to Read if You’re Traveling Last-Minute

Read on for cheap last minute travel tips 

Plans changed last minute? Do you have a free weekend all of a sudden? Why not head off for a last-minute adventure with fun travel buddies in tow. This idea would cause stress for some, but it doesn’t have to. We believe it could do the opposite. Last-minute travel can be one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself. Don’t miss these last-minute travel tips below, for a safer and cheaper trip!

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7 Tips You Need to Read if You’re Traveling Last-Minute

Read on for cheap last minute travel tips 

Plans changed last minute? Do you have a free weekend all of a sudden? Why not head off for a last-minute adventure with fun travel buddies in tow. This idea would cause stress for some, but it doesn’t have to. We believe it could do the opposite. Last-minute travel can be one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself. Don’t miss these last-minute travel tips below, for a safer and cheaper trip!

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Top 5 Travel Destinations in Asia

Best destinations in Asia as Thailand substitutes

Thailand must be the most popular Asian destinations, with more than 35 million visitors annually. It is true that with its own irresistible beauty, the country has become world-famous. But what if we told you there are several other hidden gems in Asia, other than Thailand? There are places just as beautiful, just as wildly cheap, all without the insanely overcrowded and populated. Here are our top 5 destinations in Asia besides Thailand that you should consider! 

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4 Tips for One Bag Travel (+ Packing Tips)

One bag traveling and packing light

As the saying goes, less is more. I am sure we have all fallen victim to this. And, have been put to test with this idea when planning and packing for an upcoming trip. We start going through our closets and imagine the time and place where we will need all of these clothes. But, in the end, you regret your decision and know that you should have ditched the extra luggage at home. Especially if you are planning a backpacking tour, packing light and keeping it easy is at the top of your priority list. Here we have gathered 4 tips for packing light and traveling with only one bag.

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The 10 Most Beautiful Palaces and Castles in Germany

Join our castle crawl

Germany is known worldwide for its magnitude of its wonderful castles; however, many Germans have never visited them themselves. Nowadays people mostly travel according to the motto “the further away from their home country the better”. But this means many forget how beautiful their own country is. Germany has so much to offer and that includes the magical palaces and castles. Since there are a total of 25,000 castles and palaces in Germany, we have found our favourite locations and listed them here for you. Read into our world which comes close to being in a fairy tale. 

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The 10 Most Beautiful Palaces and Castles in Germany

Join our castle crawl

Germany is known worldwide for its magnitude of its wonderful castles; however, many Germans have never visited them themselves. Nowadays people mostly travel according to the motto “the further away from their home country the better”. But this means many forget how beautiful their own country is. Germany has so much to offer and that includes the magical palaces and castles. Since there are a total of 25,000 castles and palaces in Germany, we have found our favourite locations and listed them here for you. Read into our world which comes close to being in a fairy tale. 

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Top 10 Cities to Visit in Europe and Worldwide (Part 1)

Best cities to visit in Europe and worldwide

City trips are perfect for a short getaway whether you are planning to do this inside Europe or worldwide. But these are not destinations like Amsterdam, London, Paris or Venice for city trips. Here you will find the best and unique places to visit at any time of the year in 2020! Get inspired for your next city trip! 

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Top 10 Cities to Visit in Europe and Worldwide (Part 1)

Best cities to visit in Europe and worldwide

City trips are perfect for a short getaway whether you are planning to do this inside Europe or worldwide. But these are not destinations like Amsterdam, London, Paris or Venice for city trips. Here you will find the best and unique places to visit at any time of the year in 2020! Get inspired for your next city trip! 

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The 6 Best Things To Do in Argentina

Tips for traveling in Argentina

Argentina, referred to as the “Paris of South America” is one of the most exciting countries to visit when traveling in South America. This is a perfect destination for any nature lovers not to mention enthusiastic food lovers. Argentina offers everything from amazing landscapes to mouth-watering dishes with the possibility to travel also with a budget. If you are planning a trip to Argentina but are not sure what to do and where to go during your stay then keep on reading and find out the 6 best things to do in Argentina in 2020!

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List of The Best Travel Movies and Books

For every movie-lover and bookworm

We understand that the idea of another quarantine has gotten you a little down. Because we feel the same at JoinMyTrip! Nonetheless, it is vital for everyone to stay at home again because this is the only chance to #flattenthecurve. That’s why we sat together (video chat of course) and thought about the best travel movies and books for travel inspiration. So, at least your mind and creativity can go around the world

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List of The Best Travel Movies and Books

For every movie-lover and bookworm

We understand that the idea of another quarantine has gotten you a little down. Because we feel the same at JoinMyTrip! Nonetheless, it is vital for everyone to stay at home again because this is the only chance to #flattenthecurve. That’s why we sat together (video chat of course) and thought about the best travel movies and books for travel inspiration. So, at least your mind and creativity can go around the world

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Low Budget Travel Destinations for Students in Germany

Locations for a small budget

We know that you are currently all sitting at home waiting to finally be able to travel again. Especially if you are a student, doing nothing but taking online classes, you are probably wondering how to make better use of your time. We’ve got the answer: short trips within Germany! We made a list of our favourite travel destinations that you can explore this summer 2020, even on a tight budget. We are also going to give you some valuable travel tips that will help you save some extra money on the road.

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8 Tips for Traveling After Corona

All you need to know when the world is ready for visitors

Around the world, quarantines are being lifted, borders are opening up and museums and restaurants are again hosting visitors. Hopefully, the whole world will be open for business soon. When it does, you and your travel buddies should be ready to hit the road. To make sure you’re prepared for traveling after corona, here’s some advice for meeting in the new world order.

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The 10 Best Travel Gadgets for a Safer Adventure

So that you can focus on the fun things on your trip

Safety is a hot topic when it comes to travelling, and for good reason. For some, this is the very reason they avoid embarking on a new adventure across the sun. They deem it is too dangerous and too risky setting off into the unknown. Therefore, it is always better if you are well-prepared with the 10 best travel gadgets below to keep you and your belongings minimizing the risk of ruining your travel days. 

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The 3 Unique Ways to Experience Kerala, South-India

Tips from a local

Of all the places I’ve been to, Kerala holds a special place in my heart. It’s my home! And I have spent most of my summers different on road trips exploring it. There are so many wonderful experiences to discover which are all unique in their own way, for example, the Houseboats in Alappuzha, stargazing in Munnar and trekking in Wayanad. If you are planning to visit Kerala or just looking to be inspired then you have come to the right place as I want to share all my special recommendations for the most amazing trip to my home state with you. Let’s start exploring and experience Kerala.

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The 3 Unique Ways to Experience Kerala, South-India

Tips from a local

Of all the places I’ve been to, Kerala holds a special place in my heart. It’s my home! And I have spent most of my summers different on road trips exploring it. There are so many wonderful experiences to discover which are all unique in their own way, for example, the Houseboats in Alappuzha, stargazing in Munnar and trekking in Wayanad. If you are planning to visit Kerala or just looking to be inspired then you have come to the right place as I want to share all my special recommendations for the most amazing trip to my home state with you. Let’s start exploring and experience Kerala.

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Best Places to Travel in 2021 That Will Blow You Away

Cities, Countries and Regions

Believe it or not, 2020 is knocking on the door! Please don’t tell us that you are going to spend all 365 days sitting in the office doing the same task and signing. Instead, let 2020 be a special year of travel, discovery, adventure and beautiful memories. If you are still considering whether to start an amazing journey, let us show you the 10 best places to travel in 2021. Keep reading and fill yourself with tons of travel inspiration.

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Top 5 Alpine hiking trails in The World

Best hikes in the Alps

To put it simply, the Alpine is renowned as the best-hiking destinations in the entire world. There is nowhere else in the world where you can enjoy vast, towering, and pristine mountain scenery equipped with trails for all levels. Does this sound good? But you are not sure where to start? No worries, we’ve got you covered with the top 5 Alpine hiking trails!

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Top 5 Alpine hiking trails in The World

Best hikes in the Alps

To put it simply, the Alpine is renowned as the best-hiking destinations in the entire world. There is nowhere else in the world where you can enjoy vast, towering, and pristine mountain scenery equipped with trails for all levels. Does this sound good? But you are not sure where to start? No worries, we’ve got you covered with the top 5 Alpine hiking trails!

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The Top 10 Cheap New Year Destinations

Top recommendations for your next cheap new year trips

Are you tired of celebrating the new year at the same place every year, with the same people and the same traditions? Instead, you want to see something new, discover a new New Year’s Eve experience and celebrate cool parties? Here we’ve picked out some cool but cheap New Year destinations for you and your travel buddies that completely suit your tight budget (after Christmas!).

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The Top 10 Cheap New Year Destinations

Top recommendations for your next cheap new year trips

Are you tired of celebrating the new year at the same place every year, with the same people and the same traditions? Instead, you want to see something new, discover a new New Year’s Eve experience and celebrate cool parties? Here we’ve picked out some cool but cheap New Year destinations for you and your travel buddies that completely suit your tight budget (after Christmas!).

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5 Best Destinations for Photographers

Top 5 destinations for travel photographers

If you’re seeking some serious spots for amazing travel photos (amateur or professional) to keep your followers happy, then keep reading. Below are the 5 best destinations for travel photographers. Or, even if you are not very interested in photography, make sure to not skip this because you may find some great suggestions for your next trip!

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Best Caribbean Islands to Visit

Best Caribbean Islands to Visit for Vacation

If you’re like us who are dreaming of warmer days, you might also be thinking about heading to the Caribbean. We understand that Winter months can be so unforgiving and everyone deserves a little sun on the back and a fruity cocktail in their hand. But with a dozen of beautifully vast islands scattered across the Caribbean, it could be difficult to decide on just one. But which of the most beautiful Caribbean islands should you visit? Here are some choices for you!

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Best Caribbean Islands to Visit

Best Caribbean Islands to Visit for Vacation

If you’re like us who are dreaming of warmer days, you might also be thinking about heading to the Caribbean. We understand that Winter months can be so unforgiving and everyone deserves a little sun on the back and a fruity cocktail in their hand. But with a dozen of beautifully vast islands scattered across the Caribbean, it could be difficult to decide on just one. But which of the most beautiful Caribbean islands should you visit? Here are some choices for you!

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Solo Travel as a Female to East Africa

Tips for solo female travelers in East Africa

Setting off on a solo travel as a female can seem like a far off idea that most of us would put to bed rather than considering the “I can do that” possibility. We get it, it sounds scary, intimidating and unfamiliar, but setting off in the unknown and testing our boundaries can have more positive effects, more rewards and more surprises than we could ever even imagine. Here are our top tips for having a solo travel as a female to East Africa.

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Solo Travel as a Female to East Africa

Tips for solo female travelers in East Africa

Setting off on a solo travel as a female can seem like a far off idea that most of us would put to bed rather than considering the “I can do that” possibility. We get it, it sounds scary, intimidating and unfamiliar, but setting off in the unknown and testing our boundaries can have more positive effects, more rewards and more surprises than we could ever even imagine. Here are our top tips for having a solo travel as a female to East Africa.

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Best Travel Destinations for Vegetarians

10 best vegetarian friendly places to travel

Life as vegetarian traveler can have a long list of challenges. Learning how to ask for meat free options in the local language is a challenge in itself and then being in the situation where you choose something off the menu and then find chicken in your dish. But, don’t panic, there are plenty of meat-free havens out there waiting for your arrival. Here below are the 10 best vegetarian’s travel destinations for you!

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Solo Female Travel

Tips for solo female travelers

Solo female travel can seem like a far off idea that most of us would put to bed rather than considering the “I can do that” possibility. We get it, it sounds scary, intimidating and unfamiliar, but setting off in the unknown and testing our boundaries can have more positive effects, more rewards and more surprises than we could ever imagine. Here are our top tips for solo female travelers which make this idea become real! 

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Solo Female Travel

Tips for solo female travelers

Solo female travel can seem like a far off idea that most of us would put to bed rather than considering the “I can do that” possibility. We get it, it sounds scary, intimidating and unfamiliar, but setting off in the unknown and testing our boundaries can have more positive effects, more rewards and more surprises than we could ever imagine. Here are our top tips for solo female travelers which make this idea become real! 

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Best Destinations to Travel to in December

Top 5 December Travel Destinations

For many, December is the last month they consider to travel within. But why? There are countless Christmas classics to get your holiday spirit on, or off-season beautiful spots to become sun-kissed waiting for you. We’ve handpicked 5 best destinations in December for you and your travel mates to consider this winter.

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Best Destinations to Travel to in December

Top 5 December Travel Destinations

For many, December is the last month they consider to travel within. But why? There are countless Christmas classics to get your holiday spirit on, or off-season beautiful spots to become sun-kissed waiting for you. We’ve handpicked 5 best destinations in December for you and your travel mates to consider this winter.

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Festival Packing List For a Great Time!

Top 10 essentials for your festival packing list

Music festivals can be one of the most memorable times of your life. Hanging out with your friends, watching your favourite bands, sun on your back, and partying until the early hours of the morning. This is festival life and it doesn’t get much better than that. But all can be quickly ruined if you’re not prepared and planning ahead. Here’s our Festival packing list for making the most out of your music-filled venture.

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