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Posts about: Castles

The Top Excursions in 3 of The Largest Federal States in Germany

Are you stuck in your state?

We do not know how long the Corona Pandemic will keep us in check for. That is why we want to be prepared in case we cannot travel abroad or are not allowed to leave our state. What is the best way to do this? Right, we have looked at 3 of the largest federal states in Germany and cool activities in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Pfalz and Lower Saxony.

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The 10 Most Beautiful Palaces and Castles in Germany

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Germany is known worldwide for its magnitude of its wonderful castles; however, many Germans have never visited them themselves. Nowadays people mostly travel according to the motto “the further away from their home country the better”. But this means many forget how beautiful their own country is. Germany has so much to offer and that includes the magical palaces and castles. Since there are a total of 25,000 castles and palaces in Germany, we have found our favourite locations and listed them here for you. Read into our world which comes close to being in a fairy tale. 

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The 10 Most Beautiful Palaces and Castles in Germany

Join our castle crawl

Germany is known worldwide for its magnitude of its wonderful castles; however, many Germans have never visited them themselves. Nowadays people mostly travel according to the motto “the further away from their home country the better”. But this means many forget how beautiful their own country is. Germany has so much to offer and that includes the magical palaces and castles. Since there are a total of 25,000 castles and palaces in Germany, we have found our favourite locations and listed them here for you. Read into our world which comes close to being in a fairy tale. 

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