Travel with JoinMyTrip

Posts about: Traveling

Traveling to Australia During Coronavirus

Hello, fellow travelers or curious procrastinators, I’m Lisa, JoinMyTrip’s Lead Designer. Born and raised in Perth, Australia, and having lived in Melbourne for 7 years, I may just be the JoinMyTrip employee who has ventured the furthest to now reside in Germany. After one and a half years of not seeing my fellow Australians, a sudden incident in my family has caused me to make the very quick decision to travel home to Australia.

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Explore Israel in 5 Days

A guide to the holy land

Israel – The holy land. At least that is how it is referred to by Jews, Christians and Muslims, as very many religions consider it sacred. Israel is also famous for the many archaeological sites that can be found within its borders.
This beautiful corner of the world is also known for a cuisine that is a mix of Middle Eastern, North African and European. Israeli cuisine is not only very tasty but also healthy.
To help you find your way around this diverse country, we’ve created an Israel travel guide for a five-day trip.

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5 Tips To Make Friends While Traveling | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 5 tips to make friends while traveling! Start making friends from all over the world this summer. 

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5 Tips To Make Friends While Traveling | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 5 tips to make friends while traveling! Start making friends from all over the world this summer. 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip

6 Meaningful Lessons Learned From Traveling

Can traveling be one of life’s greatest teachers?

Traveling is one of the most beautiful experiences you can have. Not only are you able to experience something new, but you also allow yourself to open up to different cultures and learn about the country in a matter of days or weeks. Traveling has taught me and many others some meaningful life lessons along the way. You might not realize it, but with every trip you come back from, you most likely have always learnt something new. So, could traveling be one of life’s greatest teachers? 

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6 Meaningful Lessons Learned From Traveling

Can traveling be one of life’s greatest teachers?

Traveling is one of the most beautiful experiences you can have. Not only are you able to experience something new, but you also allow yourself to open up to different cultures and learn about the country in a matter of days or weeks. Traveling has taught me and many others some meaningful life lessons along the way. You might not realize it, but with every trip you come back from, you most likely have always learnt something new. So, could traveling be one of life’s greatest teachers? 

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Must-See Places in Barcelona

A day-to-day travel itinerary for you

Barcelona is an intoxicating mix of ancient and up-to-the-minute modern. Gray, gothic structures draw as much attention as new, colorful buildings. Fast fashion is popular and so is the traditional and slow process that creates melt-in-your-mouth ham. This Barcelona travel itinerary will introduce you to the most interesting, new and old places in Barcelona.

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6 Amazing Places in Mexico You Need to Visit

Tacos, Tequila & Travel Buddies

When we think of Mexico, a wide variety of images might pop into our heads. I might think of beautiful beaches with crisp blue water, you might think of tequila and tacos while my mum might think about the colorful old towns and Mayan culture. But one thing is for sure; Mexico has something to offer for everyone. If Mexico is still missing on your bucket list make sure to continue reading to find out all the amazing places that you can experience in Mexico in 2021. 

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New Partnership JoinMyTrip x Ordios

This is how you can make people at home happy while traveling

Making money while traveling doesn’t sound so strange, does it? We at JoinMyTrip are not the only ones who want to make traveling easier and cheaper. The startup Ordios has also taken this concept and reinterpreted it. It’s not about traveling with other people, but what travelers can do for you. Do you miss that very special chocolate you ate in Colombia and can’t order in your home country? Then our new partnership JoinMyTrip x Ordios will help you! At Ordios you can find travelers who will bring you this very special chocolate.

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Easter 2021: Where to Spend Your Vacation

Our top 6 destinations for the coming Easter holidays

How will you spend your next spring? Will you spend Easter 2021 at home or do you want to get away from all the hustle and bustle and go traveling? We have prepared something for you! Today we will show you our travel tips for Easter, which include the best destinations in April. Get ready for a warm spring!

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Travel Podcast – 10 Weird Laws Around The World (Episode 8)

Can you believe these crazy and weird laws exist?!

In this week’s episode on our travel podcast, Anna (Germany), Will (USA), Niels (Germany) and Lisa (Australia) will be sitting down and talking about weird laws they have experienced and encountered when they were abroad. One of them may have even gotten in trouble with the law.. Guess who? Or maybe it’s all of them? The only way to find out is to tune in and listen!

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The Top Excursions in 3 of The Largest Federal States in Germany

Are you stuck in your state?

We do not know how long the Corona Pandemic will keep us in check for. That is why we want to be prepared in case we cannot travel abroad or are not allowed to leave our state. What is the best way to do this? Right, we have looked at 3 of the largest federal states in Germany and cool activities in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Pfalz and Lower Saxony.

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Why people are already booking Spring 2021 vacations

Your travel guide for spring 2021

2020 has felt a little too long for most of us. The crisis affected most of us in some way, shape, or form. And this is exactly why you should start booking Spring 2021 in the right way… and what better way than to start planning your travels! We will show you why you should plan your trips for 2021 now and which types of travel are suitable for these uncertain times. 

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Why people are already booking Spring 2021 vacations

Your travel guide for spring 2021

2020 has felt a little too long for most of us. The crisis affected most of us in some way, shape, or form. And this is exactly why you should start booking Spring 2021 in the right way… and what better way than to start planning your travels! We will show you why you should plan your trips for 2021 now and which types of travel are suitable for these uncertain times. 

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The Top 5 Islands in Greece

Where you can travel to safely – NOW!

You want to escape from the bleak autumn days, but don’t know where it’s safe right now? We can help you find the perfect places. Greece and especially the Greek islands have reacted early to Covid-19 and got great safety measures in place right from the get-go. As a result, the Corona Pandemic was kept under control which means you can travel there safely today without having to worry. We have compiled our Top 5 most beautiful Greek islands for you!

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The Top 5 Islands in Greece

Where you can travel to safely – NOW!

You want to escape from the bleak autumn days, but don’t know where it’s safe right now? We can help you find the perfect places. Greece and especially the Greek islands have reacted early to Covid-19 and got great safety measures in place right from the get-go. As a result, the Corona Pandemic was kept under control which means you can travel there safely today without having to worry. We have compiled our Top 5 most beautiful Greek islands for you!

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The 10 Best Snorkeling Spots in Europe

Top places to dive into this summer!

Updated on the 11th February 

What could be better than diving into the cool blue water on a hot day and exploring the world below sea level? Nearly nothing! We believe snorkeling is a must-do activity on your travel itinerary. That’s why we think it’s important to let you discover with us the most beautiful snorkeling spots for your summer 2020 in Europe. This blog will give you a wide insight into spots from the gorges of Iceland to the hidden bays in Greece.

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How to Track Costs While Traveling in a Group

TravelSpend is the answer

If you ever faced the problem of splitting up all the travel costs on a trip with other people, you are in luck: We’ve found this cool startup that created an app that will help you track costs. It’s called TravelSpend! We wanted to introduce the founders to you and also the general concept of the app. Hop right in!

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Top 5 Tips for Camper Van Trip

Camping with a van has grown in popularity over the years and we’re not surprised. The mobility and flexibility that camping with a van gives you is something you will never experience with any other accommodation option. Being able to take your sleeping spot with you where ever you want without having to carry all of your luggage, makes camper van trips a popular go-to. Thanks to the increase in camper vans and the possibility to rent them pretty easily, it has made camper van traveling more accessible than ever before. But before you head up to your next camper van adventure, be sure to look up these tips to ensure the best and most enjoyable trip for yourself and your travel buddies!

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Ten Destinations that Beat The Winter Blahs

Cure coronavirus’ cabin fever with some winter travel planning

Right now, we’re all doing the right thing; staying home to “flatten” the coronavirus curve. Hopefully, we’ll soon be back to exploring the world as we did before. Until then, fight off the boredom by making some winter travel plans. Here are ten winter destinations to kickstart your imagination.

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Ten Destinations that Beat The Winter Blahs

Cure coronavirus’ cabin fever with some winter travel planning

Right now, we’re all doing the right thing; staying home to “flatten” the coronavirus curve. Hopefully, we’ll soon be back to exploring the world as we did before. Until then, fight off the boredom by making some winter travel plans. Here are ten winter destinations to kickstart your imagination.

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Best Caribbean Islands to Visit

Best Caribbean Islands to Visit for Vacation

If you’re like us who are dreaming of warmer days, you might also be thinking about heading to the Caribbean. We understand that Winter months can be so unforgiving and everyone deserves a little sun on the back and a fruity cocktail in their hand. But with a dozen of beautifully vast islands scattered across the Caribbean, it could be difficult to decide on just one. But which of the most beautiful Caribbean islands should you visit? Here are some choices for you!

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Best Caribbean Islands to Visit

Best Caribbean Islands to Visit for Vacation

If you’re like us who are dreaming of warmer days, you might also be thinking about heading to the Caribbean. We understand that Winter months can be so unforgiving and everyone deserves a little sun on the back and a fruity cocktail in their hand. But with a dozen of beautifully vast islands scattered across the Caribbean, it could be difficult to decide on just one. But which of the most beautiful Caribbean islands should you visit? Here are some choices for you!

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Solo Travel as a Female to East Africa

Tips for solo female travelers in East Africa

Setting off on a solo travel as a female can seem like a far off idea that most of us would put to bed rather than considering the “I can do that” possibility. We get it, it sounds scary, intimidating and unfamiliar, but setting off in the unknown and testing our boundaries can have more positive effects, more rewards and more surprises than we could ever even imagine. Here are our top tips for having a solo travel as a female to East Africa.

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Solo Travel as a Female to East Africa

Tips for solo female travelers in East Africa

Setting off on a solo travel as a female can seem like a far off idea that most of us would put to bed rather than considering the “I can do that” possibility. We get it, it sounds scary, intimidating and unfamiliar, but setting off in the unknown and testing our boundaries can have more positive effects, more rewards and more surprises than we could ever even imagine. Here are our top tips for having a solo travel as a female to East Africa.

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Solo Female Travel

Tips for solo female travelers

Solo female travel can seem like a far off idea that most of us would put to bed rather than considering the “I can do that” possibility. We get it, it sounds scary, intimidating and unfamiliar, but setting off in the unknown and testing our boundaries can have more positive effects, more rewards and more surprises than we could ever imagine. Here are our top tips for solo female travelers which make this idea become real! 

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Solo Female Travel

Tips for solo female travelers

Solo female travel can seem like a far off idea that most of us would put to bed rather than considering the “I can do that” possibility. We get it, it sounds scary, intimidating and unfamiliar, but setting off in the unknown and testing our boundaries can have more positive effects, more rewards and more surprises than we could ever imagine. Here are our top tips for solo female travelers which make this idea become real! 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip