Travel with JoinMyTrip

Posts about: Corona Virus

Flying Long Haul During Coronavirus

These are strange times we live in, and the travel industry has had to adapt quickly, changing the way we travel. Very few people are flying long haul at the moment, especially to Australia where there are tough border restrictions. But recently I had to make this journey, so I’ll share my story with all you curious travelers.

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Traveling to Australia During Coronavirus

Hello, fellow travelers or curious procrastinators, I’m Lisa, JoinMyTrip’s Lead Designer. Born and raised in Perth, Australia, and having lived in Melbourne for 7 years, I may just be the JoinMyTrip employee who has ventured the furthest to now reside in Germany. After one and a half years of not seeing my fellow Australians, a sudden incident in my family has caused me to make the very quick decision to travel home to Australia.

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6 Alternatives To Celebrate Carnival 2021 At Home

Let’s make the most of it!

Probably the carnival muffles amongst you are just happy that the “fourth season” of Carnival 2021 can not take place due to Corona. The majority of people, however, are probably shedding huge crocodile tears right now! Carnival is simply a part of the year, especially in the German strongholds of Cologne, Düsseldorf or Mainz. I have to admit, I didn’t grow up with carnival either, but I understand that it is deeply missed this year.

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7 weird Covid Inspired Innovations

Brilliant or just plain weird things?

It’s not a lie that some of the weirdest things have come out of 2020, where you just sit there and question some of the things you just witnessed. Like, people cutting mouth holes in their mask so they can drink or eat, thinking it’s still going to protect them. Isn’t the whole point of wearing a mask is to keep your mouth and nose shielded? Well, cutting holes in the masks kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? But hey, who am I to say anything on that matter. I have done some pretty weird things myself, where I, later on, look back on it and think “What was I doing?”. Anyway, let’s get right into these 7 Covid inspired innovations! 

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7 weird Covid Inspired Innovations

Brilliant or just plain weird things?

It’s not a lie that some of the weirdest things have come out of 2020, where you just sit there and question some of the things you just witnessed. Like, people cutting mouth holes in their mask so they can drink or eat, thinking it’s still going to protect them. Isn’t the whole point of wearing a mask is to keep your mouth and nose shielded? Well, cutting holes in the masks kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? But hey, who am I to say anything on that matter. I have done some pretty weird things myself, where I, later on, look back on it and think “What was I doing?”. Anyway, let’s get right into these 7 Covid inspired innovations! 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip

10 Things To Do At Home During Winter Lockdown

How to continue living your best life

It’s been around 8 months since the pandemic came to Europe, bringing with it travel restrictions, anxiety and most of all boredom. Now its winter and we are still in lockdown. I know there’s nothing we can really do about the situation but, sometimes I really struggle with seeing the same four walls of my apartment 24/7. I don’t even know how it feels to live a normal life anymore. Clubs exist? Restaurants too?! 

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How Has Black Friday Changed Due to The Pandemic

May the hunger games begin!

Happy Black Friday everyone! Is your wallet ready to do some damage? I hope everyone is prepared to unleash their inner shopper: May the hunger games begin! I must admit, I have never been a huge fan of Black Friday or any huge sales day for that matter, but this year things will be looking quite different. If you are any bit like me, you might actually enjoy Black Friday this year. 

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How To Stay Safe This Holiday Season

Celebrating during the pandemic

The holidays in 2020 are something very special, especially in terms of planning. This year you should not jump from one party to the next without having thought about the consequences beforehand. Corona and the holidays are inseparable this year, so you need to start thinking about how you are going to spend them and how to stay safe. We will help you and answer the most important questions.

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This Is How You Celebrate Oktoberfest in 2021…

…without putting you at risk  

Oktoberfest, as well as many other traditional festivals, will not be taking place again this year due to the Corona Pandemic. But does this reduce your thirst for beer and your mood to party? Nope? Well neither does ours! That’s why we’ve picked out several exciting events for you that are safe replacements for Oktoberfest this Autumn. And if you prefer to avoid crowds, we have also put together a selection of fun activities for you and your travel partners.

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This Is How You Celebrate Oktoberfest in 2020…

…without putting you at risk  

Oktoberfest, as well as many other traditional festivals, will not be taking place this year due to the Corona Pandemic in 2020. But does this reduce your thirst for beer and your mood to party? Nope? Well neither does ours! That’s why we’ve picked out several exciting events for you that are safe replacements for Oktoberfest this Autumn. And if you prefer to avoid crowds, we have also put together a selection of fun activities for you and your travel partners.

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Ten Destinations that Beat The Winter Blahs

Cure coronavirus’ cabin fever with some winter travel planning

Right now, we’re all doing the right thing; staying home to “flatten” the coronavirus curve. Hopefully, we’ll soon be back to exploring the world as we did before. Until then, fight off the boredom by making some winter travel plans. Here are ten winter destinations to kickstart your imagination.

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Ten Destinations that Beat The Winter Blahs

Cure coronavirus’ cabin fever with some winter travel planning

Right now, we’re all doing the right thing; staying home to “flatten” the coronavirus curve. Hopefully, we’ll soon be back to exploring the world as we did before. Until then, fight off the boredom by making some winter travel plans. Here are ten winter destinations to kickstart your imagination.

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Coronavirus: 10 Things to do Under Lockdown 

How to keep busy and carry on “traveling” 

Spending your day at home when you’re told you can’t leave, feels different to when you do it in your free time, right?! The spread of coronavirus has led to many countries putting an official curfew on their citizens once again, leaving people wondering what on earth they could do apart from sitting on the sofa eating crisps. We have come up with 10 fabulous things you can do under the coronavirus lockdown instead! Because we might not be able to get on the next plane to visit another country, this doesn’t mean us travelers have to forgo our passion completely. 

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Coronavirus: 10 Things to do Under Lockdown 

How to keep busy and carry on “traveling” 

Spending your day at home when you’re told you can’t leave, feels different to when you do it in your free time, right?! The spread of coronavirus has led to many countries putting an official curfew on their citizens once again, leaving people wondering what on earth they could do apart from sitting on the sofa eating crisps. We have come up with 10 fabulous things you can do under the coronavirus lockdown instead! Because we might not be able to get on the next plane to visit another country, this doesn’t mean us travelers have to forgo our passion completely. 

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Coronavirus: 5 Important Tips for Traveling When Your Trips Get Cancelled

What to do when a virus cancels your plans

Does traveling plus Corona equal headache? Not in our books! We’ve got your back. Not knowing what to do about something, can often be a bigger cause of stress & anxiety than what is actually happening. With these tips for traveling, we want to share some useful information that could help you manage your planned or current trip if these have been affected by the coronavirus-cancellations. 

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8 Tips for Traveling After Corona

All you need to know when the world is ready for visitors

Around the world, quarantines are being lifted, borders are opening up and museums and restaurants are again hosting visitors. Hopefully, the whole world will be open for business soon. When it does, you and your travel buddies should be ready to hit the road. To make sure you’re prepared for traveling after corona, here’s some advice for meeting in the new world order.

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Travel with JoinMyTrip