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Posts about: Home Fortress

7 weird Covid Inspired Innovations

Brilliant or just plain weird things?

It’s not a lie that some of the weirdest things have come out of 2020, where you just sit there and question some of the things you just witnessed. Like, people cutting mouth holes in their mask so they can drink or eat, thinking it’s still going to protect them. Isn’t the whole point of wearing a mask is to keep your mouth and nose shielded? Well, cutting holes in the masks kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? But hey, who am I to say anything on that matter. I have done some pretty weird things myself, where I, later on, look back on it and think “What was I doing?”. Anyway, let’s get right into these 7 Covid inspired innovations! 

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7 weird Covid Inspired Innovations

Brilliant or just plain weird things?

It’s not a lie that some of the weirdest things have come out of 2020, where you just sit there and question some of the things you just witnessed. Like, people cutting mouth holes in their mask so they can drink or eat, thinking it’s still going to protect them. Isn’t the whole point of wearing a mask is to keep your mouth and nose shielded? Well, cutting holes in the masks kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? But hey, who am I to say anything on that matter. I have done some pretty weird things myself, where I, later on, look back on it and think “What was I doing?”. Anyway, let’s get right into these 7 Covid inspired innovations! 

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