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7 weird Covid Inspired Innovations

Brilliant or just plain weird things?

It’s not a lie that some of the weirdest things have come out of 2020, where you just sit there and question some of the things you just witnessed. Like, people cutting mouth holes in their mask so they can drink or eat, thinking it’s still going to protect them. Isn’t the whole point of wearing a mask is to keep your mouth and nose shielded? Well, cutting holes in the masks kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? But hey, who am I to say anything on that matter. I have done some pretty weird things myself, where I, later on, look back on it and think “What was I doing?”. Anyway, let’s get right into these 7 Covid inspired innovations! 

7. Workstation cabins

Covid has been present longer than anyone would have ever expected, and we are starting to grow tired of working from home. I mean, don’t you just get tired of being inside your house all the time? Surprised we’re still sane to a certain extent. Many have been seeking different ways on how they can get out of the house and work remotely from somewhere else, even going on coworking trips has been a possibility. Of course, companies naturally picked up on the trend and started innovating themselves. One of them being a Hungary-based company that created ‘workstation cabins’, which is a small cabin designed specifically for home office. You don’t have to expand your house, you can just buy one and pop it outside anywhere you want. Plus, the workstation cabin makes you feel like you’re outside with their big windows. However, if you rather travel somewhere while working remotely you can check out our many coworking trips

One of the covid inspired innovations Is a workstation cabin in the woods.
Workstation Cabins

6. Properly wash your hands’ stamp

We’re all guilty of not properly washing our hands, so don’t even try to deny it and paint me as the villain. Sometimes we simply forget or we’re in such a rush that we just don’t. Being the humans that we are, it’s not a surprise why a Japanese company would create a stamp that helps people properly wash their hands. The idea behind this covid inspired innovation is to stamp your hand with the stamper and wash your hands until the stamp disappears. When the stamp disappears, that shows that you have washed your hands properly. The product seems to be targeted at kids but hey, some of us just don’t grow up and need some help every now and then. Could be a great product to have, making washing your hands more fun when you’re traveling around with your travel mates!

a man washing his hands in a sink.
Properly wash your hands’ stamp

5. Miss your colleagues?

This is one of those covid inspired innovations where I’m not too sure if this is brilliant or just plain weird? A Swedish company launched “The Sound Of Colleagues” for people who miss their workplaces. I personally never really thought “Oh, I miss the sound of being in the office” but if it helps you then no judgment from here. With The Sound Of Colleagues, you can adjust the volume of different sounds, for example, the sound of the coffee machine or the window opening (If you miss the sound of the window opening, please comment something. I am intrigued if there is anyone out there who genuinely misses that). If this doesn’t sound like it’s for you and you prefer to be surrounded by real colleagues, why not try planning your own coworking trip and find like-minded professionals to remote work with. Of course, be respectful of the covid regulations in the countries you plan on traveling to as well. 

A covid inspired innovation of the sound of your colleagues with 3 woman in a bright office space.
Miss your colleagues?

4. Home delivery jazz night

This idea actually comes from my hometown Turku, Finland! Which happens once in a blue moon. A Finnish company came up with the initiative where people in the area can order The Flame Jazz delivery car to their own yard between 3 pm and 9 pm. You get a live performance for 15 mins from your own yard or window at a safe distance. You also support artists that have been impacted by Covid at the same time. Since you’re already home, why not have your own private concert and boogie down to some tunes while you’re at it! If you happen to be traveling in Finland during these times, specifically in Turku, then Jazz up your night with The Flame Jazz. 

jazz band playing in the evening.
Home delivery Jazz night

3. IKEA face mask

Whatever it is, IKEA never gets old. People can’t seem to get enough of the iconic blue IKEA shopping bag. I am not even really sure how it became so iconic, but it is. Do you see what I mean with people in general, we are so weird! Anyway, I got a bit sidetracked here but a Beijing-based artist transformed the IKEA shopping bag into a face mask and people are loving it. It’s definitely a show stopper if you want to up your covid outfit game. Definitely, a covid inspired innovation for sure. I wonder how you can breathe through the material though, hmm… Who knows?  

a covid inspired innovation Ikea face masks.
IKEA Face masks

2. Social distancing dog robot

The future is here ladies and gentlemen. If you happen to be in one of the Singaporean parks with your travel mates this time around you might run into one of the many dog robots. A company created a dog robot that runs around the park with a voice recording that repeats “For your own safety, and those around you, please stand at least one meter apart. Thank you” to encourage people to social distance. Pretty cool, right? I would still prefer a real cute fluffy dog over a dog robot though. Isn’t it crazy to think that we are slowly approaching robot times even though some may say we already are with all the latest technology? Head over to JoinMyTrip to find unique experiences or find travel mates to travel with to possibly see these dog robots in action. 

a social distancing dog robot which is a covid inspired innovation.
Social distancing dog robot

1. Build your own home fortress

Your inner child is about to thank me for this. This isn’t necessarily any ground-breaking covid inspired innovation but IKEA has definitely stepped up for sure. During the lockdowns, IKEA created a set of manuals that helped people build fortresses at home out of household furniture and items to kill their boredom. I mean, I am not complaining, I will gladly take one of these manuals. It’s one of those very simple yet effective innovations that everyone can get by with, because at the end of the day who doesn’t love home fortresses?! You’re never too old to build one, plus maybe you can get creative yourself and use it as inspiration for the next time you plan on going camping with your travel mates. Build shelter like you would never before in unique places!

A covid inspired innovation building home fortresses with Ikea manuals.
Build your own home fortress

We hope you enjoyed this article on our 7 Covid inspired innovations that could possibly help you during these unprecedented times. If you want to possibly experience it with other travelers, plan or join unique trips with JoinMyTrip.

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