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Posts about: Corona

7 weird Covid Inspired Innovations

Brilliant or just plain weird things?

It’s not a lie that some of the weirdest things have come out of 2020, where you just sit there and question some of the things you just witnessed. Like, people cutting mouth holes in their mask so they can drink or eat, thinking it’s still going to protect them. Isn’t the whole point of wearing a mask is to keep your mouth and nose shielded? Well, cutting holes in the masks kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? But hey, who am I to say anything on that matter. I have done some pretty weird things myself, where I, later on, look back on it and think “What was I doing?”. Anyway, let’s get right into these 7 Covid inspired innovations! 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip

7 weird Covid Inspired Innovations

Brilliant or just plain weird things?

It’s not a lie that some of the weirdest things have come out of 2020, where you just sit there and question some of the things you just witnessed. Like, people cutting mouth holes in their mask so they can drink or eat, thinking it’s still going to protect them. Isn’t the whole point of wearing a mask is to keep your mouth and nose shielded? Well, cutting holes in the masks kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? But hey, who am I to say anything on that matter. I have done some pretty weird things myself, where I, later on, look back on it and think “What was I doing?”. Anyway, let’s get right into these 7 Covid inspired innovations! 

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When Can I Travel Again? The answer is…

We (kind of) have the answer for you

When can I travel again? This is the question we all ask ourselves. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you an exact date, nobody can. But it is important that we don’t lose hope and work towards the time when we can finally travel again. But luckily traveling during Corona is possible. We will show you what you need to know for 2020/21 and where to go next.

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When Can I Travel Again? The answer is…

We (kind of) have the answer for you

When can I travel again? This is the question we all ask ourselves. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you an exact date, nobody can. But it is important that we don’t lose hope and work towards the time when we can finally travel again. But luckily traveling during Corona is possible. We will show you what you need to know for 2020/21 and where to go next.

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Is Mauritius the Remote Coworking Paradise for You?

Find out why Mauritius is the perfect destination to be Coworking from.

Winter is approaching, it is dark and cold and the days in the home office seem so incredibly long. We have the solution: Coworking on Mauritius! What sounds like a dream is not as impossible as you might think. We’ll tell you everything you need to know for wintering in paradise.

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Why people are already booking Spring 2021 vacations

Your travel guide for spring 2021

2020 has felt a little too long for most of us. The crisis affected most of us in some way, shape, or form. And this is exactly why you should start booking Spring 2021 in the right way… and what better way than to start planning your travels! We will show you why you should plan your trips for 2021 now and which types of travel are suitable for these uncertain times. 

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Why people are already booking Spring 2021 vacations

Your travel guide for spring 2021

2020 has felt a little too long for most of us. The crisis affected most of us in some way, shape, or form. And this is exactly why you should start booking Spring 2021 in the right way… and what better way than to start planning your travels! We will show you why you should plan your trips for 2021 now and which types of travel are suitable for these uncertain times. 

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Exciting Places in Germany Where You Can Travel to Now

Think you’ve seen it all? Check out these 6 Regions in Germany

It is still completely possible to explore the wonders Germany has to offer while still staying safe during corona times. Here are six amazing regions for you to travel in Germany; full of fairytale castles, traditional German architecture, and picturesque landscapes. So why not take advantage of the shortened lines and take a safe, socially-distanced holiday this autumn?

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Exciting Places in Germany Where You Can Travel to Now

Think you’ve seen it all? Check out these 6 Regions in Germany

It is still completely possible to explore the wonders Germany has to offer while still staying safe during corona times. Here are six amazing regions for you to travel in Germany; full of fairytale castles, traditional German architecture, and picturesque landscapes. So why not take advantage of the shortened lines and take a safe, socially-distanced holiday this autumn?

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Coronavirus: 5 Important Tips for Traveling When Your Trips Get Cancelled

What to do when a virus cancels your plans

Does traveling plus Corona equal headache? Not in our books! We’ve got your back. Not knowing what to do about something, can often be a bigger cause of stress & anxiety than what is actually happening. With these tips for traveling, we want to share some useful information that could help you manage your planned or current trip if these have been affected by the coronavirus-cancellations. 

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8 Tips for Traveling After Corona

All you need to know when the world is ready for visitors

Around the world, quarantines are being lifted, borders are opening up and museums and restaurants are again hosting visitors. Hopefully, the whole world will be open for business soon. When it does, you and your travel buddies should be ready to hit the road. To make sure you’re prepared for traveling after corona, here’s some advice for meeting in the new world order.

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