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When Can I Travel Again? The answer is…

We (kind of) have the answer for you

When can I travel again? This is the question we all ask ourselves. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you an exact date, nobody can. But it is important that we don’t lose hope and work towards the time when we can finally travel again. But luckily traveling during Corona is possible. We will show you what you need to know for 2020/21 and where to go next.

News about the vaccine

Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, thousands of scientists have been researching for a vaccine. Again and again, we receive news about their progress, but also about the many defeats. Today we will show you the latest news about possible vaccines, when they could be released, and what this could mean for travel during Corona.

According to reports from the World Health Organization (WHO), research is currently underway worldwide on 48 possible vaccines. Among them, there are several very promising candidates, also from Germany. One of them is BioNTech, which is already in the final testing phase. In the last few days, however, another vaccine has been added, which is far more promising than BioNTech’s. This vaccine comes from the USA from the Moderna Group and has an efficacy rate of 94.5%.

For a vaccine to be sold in Europe, it must first be tested by the European Medicines Agency. This is meant to happen more quickly for the American vaccine.

Of course, it is important to say that as soon as a vaccine is on the market, not everyone can be tested immediately. First, the risk groups in society are treated with the substance. This means that even if a vaccine is released this year, you might not be vaccinated until the middle of next year.

So we can be curious to see how traveling develops during Corona and when we can travel again!

What is the Corona traffic light?

The Corona traffic light was introduced by the EU in the third quarter of this year and shows you which regulations and bans apply in the individual European countries. This is evaluated according to how many cases occur per 100,000 inhabitants. These cases must be reported to the EU disease control authority beforehand.

What does each color stand for?

  • Red: Infection rate is either over 150 per 100,000 population with a rate of positive test results of over or under 4%. You will also be shown red if the infection rate is between 50 and 149 per 100,000 inhabitants, but the rate of positively tested people is above 4%.
  • Yellow: The infection level is between 25 and 149 per 100,000 population at a rate of less than 4%. Yellow is also shown if there are fewer than 25 people with the disease per 100,000 population and a rate of positive test results of more than 4%.
  • Green: Green is only displayed if there are less than 25 patients per 100,000 inhabitants with a rate of positive test results below 4%.

You should definitely check the Corona traffic light once a week. So you are up to date when it comes to your vacation destination. You can find the interactive map on the website of the European Union.

Wieder reisen während Corona - Corona Ampel der EU
Have a look at the corona traffic light before your trip.

List of risk areas according to the Robert-Koch Institut

This list is probably the most important list for trips during Corona. To be able to travel again, you should definitely have a look at the list of risk areas according to the Robert Koch Institute and filter by your destination. You can find the list here.

Unfortunately, it looks pretty bad for traveling without quarantine measures at the moment. Even though there are many countries that only let us in with a negative corona test, you have to plan the way back. If you travel to a risk area and come back, you will have to go into a quarantine of at least 5 days. After 5 days you can be tested for the coronavirus and have to stay in quarantine until you have the result. If you don’t want to be tested, you will have to stay in quarantine for 10 days. So if you want to travel to a risk area and you are employed by a company that does not have a home office, plan on 5-10 days during your vacation. Otherwise, you may have to take unpaid vacations for this time.

It is also possible that sometimes only certain regions in the countries are considered risk areas. Then you could easily avoid them and return without quarantine measures.
If you want to have comprehensive information about the whole topic of traveling during Corona, take a look at our COVID-19 guide.

Top 4 countries outside of Europe you can travel to in 2021

Although the following countries are currently classified as risk areas or are discouraged from traveling to, we can well imagine one thing: these countries will be among the first to be safe to travel to next year.

South Africa

South Africa is still considered a risk area according to the RKI and is therefore subject to the quarantine regulations for you and your travel buddies. Since 13.11.20 the borders to the southernmost tip of the African continent are open and here you can travel again. All you need is a negative corona test, which must not be older than 72 hours. If you want to enter without a test, you have to go into a 10-day quarantine at your own expense. You will also have to undergo a health check upon entry. You will also need the app “COVID Alert South Africa”, travel health insurance and proof of accommodation.

In South Africa you should, of course, visit the big cities like Cape Town. Here you can get to know the culture of South Africa and celebrate that you can finally travel again. Many travelers also take road trips through the country to enjoy both cities and nature. Especially popular in nature is the Kruger National Park, which is bordering Mozambique. South Africa is also a great destination for coworking, as many companies have a time zone regulation. This means that employees are only allowed to work remotely in other countries if they observe a certain time difference. Since South Africa is only one hour ahead of Germany, it is the perfect destination for a coworking adventure.

travek again:
Nature in South Africa


Mauritius is indeed a real gold treasure in the Corona Pandemic, as there is no travel warning for this country! The island has come through the crisis surprisingly well, there is no threat of quarantine upon return. You may enter Mauritius if you will stay longer than 14 days and bring a negative corona test not older than 7 days. You will have to go to the airport and get tested again. However, you will have to go to a hotel for a 14-day quarantine, while on the 7th and 14th day you will be tested for the coronavirus again.

Mauritius also has the “Safe Travel Stamp” badge of the World Tourism Organization WTTC. This means that the destination is particularly safe to travel during corona thanks to well thought-out hygiene concepts.
If you come here with the intention of coworking, you will even get a free visa for 3 months! Digital Nomads are more than welcome here, so you will find really cool accommodation for you and your travel buddies. In the capital, Port Louis, you will find a lot of history from the French colonial period. This includes the cathedral of Port Louis, but you will also notice culture from many other parts of the world. If you prefer to experience the nature of Mauritius, you should rent a car and explore the island on your own. A side trip to the mountain Pieter Both should not be missing. Check out our blog about Mauritius now!

travel again to Mauritius: the coastline with a sandy beach and blue water
The coast of Mauritius

Costa Rica

Although Costa Rica does not have high infection rates, the country is still considered a risk area. Therefore you have to go into quarantine in Germany, just like South Africa. For entry into Costa Rica, you do not need to show a negative corona test. You only have to fill out the health form “Pase de Salud” and show it at the airport. Furthermore, you need health insurance that meets the Costa Rican requirements, which also covers corona disease.

Costa Rica is a real paradise for those who love nature. There are hundreds of national parks, beautiful beaches and unique animals that you can visit and observe. The most popular national park is the Corcovado National Park. It is located on the Osa Peninsula and is home to thousands of animal species. It is also one of the best-preserved rainforests in Costa Rica. You should also visit Rincón de la Vieja, an active volcano with numerous hot springs, hiking trails and beautiful waterfalls.

a vulcano in costa rica with green grass and mountains in the background
Vulcano in Costa Rica

The year 2020 was difficult for all of us and for many people life has changed drastically. That’s why we are so looking forward to the time when we can travel again and traveling is safe. Unfortunately, we can’t say when this will be, but at least we can prepare ourselves and let our anticipation rise! If you need more travel inspiration or just want to dream away, read the following articles:

Canary Islands: the coworking paradise

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Why people are already booking for spring 2021

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