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Why people are already booking Spring 2021 vacations

Your travel guide for spring 2021

2020 has felt a little too long for most of us. The crisis affected most of us in some way, shape, or form. And this is exactly why you should start booking Spring 2021 in the right way… and what better way than to start planning your travels! We will show you why you should plan your trips for 2021 now and which types of travel are suitable for these uncertain times. 

And remember: Don’t wait too long to book accommodation and transportation, as many travelers will decide to book for next year and so everything will be booked out quickly.

Why should you plan right now?

Improved health situation:

Next year, by spring the coronavirus would have been with us for an entire year. A lot can change in one year. The overall situation could be so much better by then so that we are able to travel again with fewer restrictions than we can at the moment. This ideal situation would be made possible by a vaccine. Researchers around the world are working day and night to ensure that we can all return to our normal lives soon, without having to resort to the “new normality”.

Sudden classification of a risk area:

However, in case that some destinations will have to go back into lockdown, you will not be left out in the rain. Many providers of tourist services, such as accommodation or transport, grant you a rebooking, complete cancellation, or a voucher. Always remember: if all travelers cancel their bookings, the providers cannot survive. We as a startup in tourism ask you to rebook your trip.

Cheap airfares:

It’s still a little while until spring is upon us. However, airlines still want to fill their planes and earn money now, although it is uncertain if they will fly at all. That’s why the prices are extremely low right now! And even if your booked flight does not take place, you can easily change your booking or get a voucher for your next flight.

picture of a plane flying in the pink sky why you should start booking spring 2021
Profit from cheap airfares

Book your accommodation now:

Your campervan or houseboat of choice was not available in autumn? Then secure them for spring 2021! There are many providers, even the smaller ones, who will offer you discounts so that the decision is not that difficult. If you book a campervan now, the providers will benefit from it and can survive the winter, even if the crisis hits hard. Especially for groups, these offers are great because you not only get a group discount, but you can also split the travel costs easily. At JoinMyTrip you will definitely find the right travel partners!

two campervans in a forest
Booking your van for 2021

New rules in the new world:

6 months to go before spring 2021 is here. 6 months in which a lot can happen. The governments of many countries in the world are trying to open their national borders because for many destinations tourism is their main source of income. Especially in the spring months, we prefer to travel to the warmer regions. Especially in these areas, people depend on us, travelers. Before you set off, it is best to take enough time to check out what you need to keep in mind when you’re at the destination. Do you have to show a negative corona test? Do you need a certain track & trace app?

Customized cancellation policy:

 If you are in the process of booking your trip for spring 2021, you may have noticed one thing: there are a lot more options. Tour operators have adapted their options so that you can feel a lot more secure when it comes to booking your trip. Not only do we see changes in cancellation policies, but there are also many more discounts and codes that you can redeem to save money when you book. With us, you save 5% on every trip as TripMate at the moment!

Places outside of Germany are safe too:

Germany has gotten through the crisis pretty well so far. But we are not the only ones. Other countries have also reacted quickly and have been able to avoid far-reaching crises for the most part. In our community, there are some travelers who prefer to stay in another country where it is warmer and the same safety precautions are taken. During this time they have to work, of course. But since working on your own is not the most fun, they have created coworking trips. Find out more about them!

What is the best way to travel and where to go?

You have decided to travel with your Travel Buddies in spring 2021? Great! But where should you go…we will introduce you to our 5 favourite ways to travel and where you can do it best:

Road Trip in a Van – Iceland

Have you ever heard of the famous ring road in Iceland? Usually, the best time to travel in Iceland is in summer, but we think spring is just as good. There are fewer tourists on the road and until March you even have the chance to see the northern lights! 

The best way to get around Iceland is to take the famous ring road with a rental car. If you want to go to the highlands, which are a little ‘off the beaten track’, you should rent a car with four-wheel drive. These are much more expensive than normal rental cars, but you can easily share the costs with your Icelandic travel partner. You can begin your trip in Reykjavik. Afterwards, you will pass the Silfra Gap on the ring road where you are able to watch the Strokkur erupt. The country is also perfectly suited for hiking trips, as there are numerous trails that offer you unique panoramic views.

a waterfall in the midst of mountains why you should start booking spring 2021

Camping at the coast – Portugal

Portugal is becoming more and more important for many travelers from Europe and around the world. But in springtime, the country is still a real insider tip and is best explored by camping. Due to the mild climate, you can travel in the Algarve all year round and in spring everything blossoms. You may not be able to swim in the Atlantic Ocean at that time, but you can have many other wonderful experiences. You can start in Lisbon, Porto or Faro, the biggest cities in the country. Here you will find a variety of caravan providers. The earlier you rent your caravan, the cheaper they are. So book now for spring 2021! 

The good thing about Portugal is that not only the tourists travel all year round, but also the campsites have adapted to this, so you can find a place to stay all year round. In the whole country, wild camping is generally forbidden and there are high penalties if you violate it. Wild camping is also not necessary, because many of the campsites are not expensive and the prices can be shared with your travel partners. 

The good thing about Portugal is that not only tourists travel all year round, but also the campsites have adapted to it which means you can find a place to stay all year round. In the whole country, wild camping is generally forbidden and there are also high penalties if you violate it. Wild camping is also not necessary, because many campsites are not expensive and the prices can be shared with your travel partners. 

little boats on a river floating along side a city with colourful houses

Beautiful nature – Dolomites

The Dolomites are a beautiful place. This region includes South Tyrol, Trentino, Belluno and East Tyrol, in other words, parts of northern Italy. You should come here with your group of travel buddies if you want to dive into nature. Hiking through blooming meadows and enjoying the first warm sun rays is on the agenda. Especially in spring, it can be good that there is still a lot of snow high in the mountains, but it is this contrast between winter and spring that makes this region so special.

The Dolomites and the mountains are especially famous for their crenellations, peaks and towers, which were created over millions of years by erosion. Below the tops it is a little bit flatter, so you can walk here very well. If you arrive by car, pay attention to which pass roads are still closed. Since the winter in the Dolomites lasts a little longer, roads above 3000 meters are often still closed in spring. Spring is quite unique here, so don’t wait to start booking spring 2021 and find fellow travelers for your nature adventure today!

a shot of the landscapes in the Dolomites with mountains in a foggy light reason why you should start booking spring 2021

Sustainable instead of overloaded – Croatia

As probably many of you know, Croatia is beautiful. But you’re not the only one that thinks this. Millions of tourists flock to the country every year and overwhelm the historic cities. Mass tourism is an omnipresent problem here. That is why the Croatian government is working on green solutions for travelers. The country feels great importance to its nature, 10% of the area is under special protection. To bring this beauty closer to travelers, there are so-called Ethno villages. Here you can get to know the culture of the country authentically without causing any harm.

One of them is the village Stara Kapela, only 50 minutes away from Zagreb. The village is located in the Papuk Nature Park, where you can also enjoy a wonderful bike ride. Explore along the beautiful river, vineyards and forests where you can discover the unharmed natural system. A famous Ethno village is located in the region of Dalmatia, in Pakovo Selo. Here you can even step in the footsteps of Roman times, as there is a real amphitheatre.

Croatia has so much more to offer than the classic big cities. Go back in time and get to know the breathtaking nature of the country with your Croatia travel buddies.

a house sat on a lake with plants around it and blue skies

Fun as a group is guaranteed – Cuba

Do you have the feeling that you can’t think about long-distance travel at the moment? Then you should change your mindset immediately. Cuba adapted early on and made traveling to this beautiful country possible again soon after restrictions were put in place. They were one of the first countries to receive the Safe Travel Stamp from the WTTC, an award for especially safe travel destinations during the Corona Pandemic 2020. Due to the subtropical climate, Cuba is pleasant in every season, which is why people are already booking spring 2021. You can spend your first warm vacation here in spring. As spring, especially March and April are very popular, you should book your accommodation well in advance. This way you can also enjoy discounts and even group discounts.

In Cuba, you can do so many activities that we don’t know where to start. This tropical paradise has everything you would expect from a trip to the warmth of the tropics. Deep jungles, turquoise beaches and unique foods are only the beginning. A hike through the beautiful greenery is simply more fun in a group. From Cuba, it is also not far to Mexico, which is also a country that is currently open for tourists. There are no requirements or documents you need, you can simply just enter this country. 

impressive nature shot of Cuba with mountains, grass and palmtrees perfect place for booking spring 2021

But no matter where you decide on booking spring 2021, we think that you should not be on your own right now. You can find our reasons for this in our article on why a group trip during Corona is safe. Read our other blogs to get some more insights and travel tips: 

Top 10 places to visit in Germany

How to track costs while traveling in a group

How to prepare for your next roadtrip

Where to go in Spring 2021

Solo Female Travel

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