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Want to find the Best Remote Working stops for winter?

Top 5 countries where you can mix remote work with vacations

Are you already wondering where you will be doing remote work in the winter of 2020? We understand that especially now, during the second wave, traveling is not your first priority. Although going back to home office is already a big change in your daily work routine, traveling while you work is still a completely new experience. If you have the opportunity to work remotely, i.e. from somewhere other than your office or home, use it! Top tip: Be sure to check if your company has special rules for working remotely or if you are allowed to work from anywhere in the world. Today we want to show you where you can work and travel with your coworking buddies

Canary Islands – Summer paradise in winter

The Canary Islands are known for their wonderful climate, especially in winter. Many northern Europeans are drawn to the islands every year during the cold season because over there it is nice and warm. That is why the Canary Islands are a good address for those of you who want to experience the summer all year round. The Canary Islands group consists of 8 inhabited islands and numerous uninhabited islands. The largest and therefore most popular islands are Gran Canaria and Tenerife. These islands should also be your travel destinations, as you have a large selection of coworking spaces and/or vacation homes here. So you can choose how you would like to work and travel. 

The Canary Islands offer you a really huge amount of activities after work and on weekends so that working here remotely in winter becomes a real dream! 

Gran Canaria:

In Gran Canaria, you can experience a lot of the history of the islands. In the capital, Las Palmas, there are beautiful small houses in a Spanish style, as well as museums that exhibit Spanish paintings and art. Also the Castillo de la Luz, an old castle from 1541 is a very important place if you want to get to know the history of the country and the provinces. 

the coast of Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria


For all the nature lovers among you, there is so much to discover in Tenerife (and also in Gran Canaria). Since the islands were created by volcanic eruptions, there is a lot of this vegetation to explore, especially on Tenerife. The Pico de Teide, the third largest island volcano in the world, is a real highlight! Also very interesting are the pyramids of Güímar in the west of the island. These pyramids date back to the 19th century, but it is not clear what the purpose of the buildings built from lava stones was. Speaking of volcanic rock: in Tenerife, there are numerous beaches with black sand, which was created by volcanic rock! These include Playa Jardín and Playa de el Bollullo.

If you want to read more about coworking and remote working in the Canary Islands in winter, check out our blog “Canary Islands – the new coworking paradise in Europe“.

landscape in Tenerife

Madeira – The flower paradise in winter

Madeira, like the Canary Islands, is a paradise for those who do not want to miss the summer in winter and are looking for an adventure for their remote work trip in winter. Because at this time of year, it’s a comfortable 20 degrees during the day, so you can go on really nice trips after work. 

In the capital of Madeira, Funchal, you will find a variety of coworking spaces that will sweeten your working day with fast internet and cool design. If you prefer to work in your accommodation, we recommend that you rent a large vacation home for you and your travel partners, which offers enough jobs for everyone.

In Funchal, you can of course not only enjoy the Portuguese culture with its delicious food and wine after work but also visit cool attractions. One of them is the botanical garden, which is something very special with its elaborate “flower architecture”. On the Pico dos Barcelos you have a wonderful 360-degree view over the entire city, which you should not miss out on.

On the weekend you should definitely go to Pico Ruivo with your hiking travel partner and climb the mountain. The ascent takes about 2.5 to 3 hours and is secured with stairs.

Have you got the desire to go to Madeira and now you want to explore this beautiful island? But you do not feel like planning everything yourself? Then travel with our TripLeader Fabian! He is our Madeira specialist and knows the island like the back of his hand.

landscape in Madeira, a man looking on to it from a view point

Algarve – Digital Nomads Paradise in Winter

The Algarve, the south coast of Portugal, is the highlight for your remote working trip in winter in Europe! Our TripLeader Anna has led several remote coworking trips there herself. She is simply impressed by the weather, nature, the people and the community. You will find so many Digital Nomads here, who want to escape the winter just like you and have found their paradise in the Algarve. So there are a lot of possibilities to work together with other people. Whether it’s in coworking spaces in the bigger cities or in separate vacation homes, it’s up to you.

There are some bigger cities where you can experience a lot with your Portugal travel partner and meet other Digital Nomads. We will have a look at two of these cities.


Lagos, in the west of the Algarve, only has about 3545 inhabitants. But it has still a lot to offer, so the place is especially good for remote working in winter. There are many vacation homes to rent with your travel group and the prices are really affordable.

Now the question is of course, what can you do after work and on the weekends? A beautiful place to enjoy the sunset is the Ponta da Piedade, a rock formation in the sea. This formation consists of an elongated rock cliff and small formations in the water. This is how hidden bays and beaches have been formed that are waiting for you to discover them! For those of you who are interested in the history of the city: be sure to visit the Castle of Lagos! Here you can walk through the castle walls and experience a tour through the many centuries.

stone formations by the seah while remote working


The second city in the Algarve we want to tell you about is the capital of the region, Faro. Faro is the capital, so of course, there are many coworking spaces here. But it also means that you might hang out more with other people and you can’t necessarily distance yourself from strangers. This could be very important during the Corona pandemic. Faro is especially interesting because of its landscape, as the city is close to several long, stretched out islands, which are perfect for a day trip. Barreta Island is one of them. A ferry leaves in the morning, so you can spend the whole day here.

After your workday, you should not miss the city. The port of Faro is beautiful in the evening and also a great destination to watch the sunset. And of course, there are magnificent buildings that reflect the history and architecture of Portugal!

Especially in the Algarve, you will find a lot of cool trips for remote working in winter! Check it out today and book your place.

beautiful sunrise with a lighthouse by the coast

Sweden – nature paradise in winter

Of course, there are people among you who do not want to spend the winter in a summery destination. That’s why we have taken this into consideration while writing this blog and have chosen a real wintery country for you so that you can spend your remote work in the snow and not in grey, wet Germany. That’s why we chose Sweden as the destination for your remote work in winter! Here you will find a lot of peace and quiet after work.

At the moment (as of 03.11.20) Sweden is the only country without a lockdown. But there are still many regions that have come through the crisis relatively unscathed and have not been affected by the country’s high number of cases. Of course, this does not apply to the big cities, such as Stockholm or Gothenburg, but to smaller municipalities. But this is exactly where we want to go! 


Our first province, which is currently very safe, is the Blekinge region in the southeast of Sweden. The province is the smallest on the mainland with just 150,000 inhabitants, so you won’t meet many people. But the nature around you is simply breathtaking, beautiful, and incredibly calming. Here you can discover the typical nature of Sweden, numerous lakes and rivers and sweet gardens. You can also relax on the beach. There are many small islands off the coast of the mainland that you must visit. One of them is Ytteron, a beautiful spot with typical red wooden buildings, small bays and authentic fishing boats. The climate in Blekinge is somewhat cooler in winter than in Germany, with temperatures easily dropping to single-digit freezing point from November to March.

little huts, a boat, a flag by the sea while remote working


If you definitely want a snow guarantee for your winter 2020, your destination should be Öland. The island is located in the southeast of the country and is especially famous for its 400 windmills! The history of the island begins 7000 BC and a lot has happened since then. This history can be admired in the remains of 16 castles. Near Borgholm, a town on the island, you will find the summer residence of the Swedish royal family, because even the summers on the island are indescribably beautiful. The castle garden is freely accessible for you and your travel buddies! In winter, especially in December and January, you have snow most of the time, so you can watch the hustle and bustle outside from your warm vacation home.

stone formations by the sea


Iceland is always worth a trip. And if Iceland is not yet on your travel bucket list, you should change that immediately! Especially in winter Iceland has a completely different atmosphere because you will meet fewer tourists and get to know more about real-life in Iceland. If you want to travel to Iceland during the Corona pandemic, there are some steps you need to follow: When you enter the country, you will have to undergo either a 14-day quarantine or a corona test for 58 €. However, after the test, you will still have to be in quarantine for 5-6 days and then take a second test for free. If this test is also negative, you can start exploring the country. 

Iceland has the most coworking spaces, especially in Reykjavik. Many young people and digital nomads live here who want to explore the volcanic country just like you. 

A really impressive coworking space is located in the north of the country, in Thingeyri. Through the panorama windows, you have a breathtaking view of one of the many fjords. So you can let your creative thoughts flow and concentrate really well. In Thingeyri you can really enjoy nature, hopefully, wrapped up in several layers of Icelandic sweaters or from the inside with a hot drink in your hands.

a woman sat with a laptop looking out on to a lake and mountain

If you decide to stay in the capital with your Icelandic travel partners, there is of course a lot to discover. During the Corona pandemic, many bars and restaurants as well as tourist attractions will probably have limited opening hours. You can still move around freely and explore the city. You should also make a trip to the island of Videy. This island is located in front of the city in Kollafjördur and offers you an excellent opportunity to see the northern lights in winter! You can take a ferry to the island and spend the day hiking.

In Iceland, you should consider one thing, though: due to the heavy snowfall in winter, many roads are closed, as it would be too dangerous to drive on them. So it’s best to stay in one place or check if your road trip is possible in winter.

houses infront of a mountain with snow on top and blue skies while remote working

Although the winter in Germany will be cold and grey, Europe offers you ways out for your remote working trip in winter. The regions we have presented to you are safe at this point. However, this may change. To make sure that your travel destination is not affected, always check the site of the German Foreign Office or check our site with all important Corona travel information.

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