Travel with JoinMyTrip

Posts about: TripMate

How to: Promote a JoinMyTrip Trip

Hello, TripLeader (or aspiring one)! All ready to promote your awesome trip?

So, incase you did not already know, JoinMyTrip is a platform where you (yes, you) can join trips with like-minded travelers, or you can create and plan a new and unique trip yourself! After the trip is all planned, though, you’ll need some awesome Travel Buddies to join in on your adventure. Aspiring TripLeaders, if you’re thinking about posting your first voyage, we can assure you that there is plenty of good reason to become a TripLeader. If you’ve just created your trip: congratulations, we’re happy to have you on board! 🎉 Here’s how to best promote the piece of art that is your new trip:

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How to: a Perfect Group Travel Experience

There’s a lot of things to keep in mind, but group travel done right will change your life! Here’s the best tips…

Have you ever wanted to travel in a group but not known who to go with? Maybe you’ve planned a group trip but it didn’t go over so well? At JoinMyTrip, we are the biggest fans of group travel. When it’s done right and you have the right people, traveling in a group will add a fun and adventurous spin to your travels. This is especially the case when you find like-minded friends to set out on an adventure with you…

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What Kind of Traveler Are You? (Quiz)

Quiz time!

Ever wondered what kind of traveler you really are? Take this quiz to find out what kind of trip suits the traveler in you best! Go grab a piece of paper and your favorite pen or, if you are feeling a little more digital, then pull up your notepad on your desktop or on your phone.  After every question note down the letter that describes you best and this will determine what kind of traveler you are! Let’s get quizzing… 

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Are you trying to find your perfect travel partner?

How to find the ultimate travel partner for you

You have grown out of traveling with your family and your friends have a completely different style of traveling? No need to bury your head in the sand. Somewhere out there is someone perfect for you and your style of travel… and we’ll help you find that someone! In this article, we will show you how to find the ultimate travel partner for you.

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Travel with JoinMyTrip

Live Remote Work Experience | CoWorking Show

Our TripMates spills the beans

We are back again with another episode of the CoWorking Show. In this episode, we have a live remote work experience with our coworking group in Portugal! Our digital nomad Anna does it again, and this time she finds herself in Madeira on a coworking trip with other like-minded professionals. Anna invited her two other TripMates to spill the beans on how their experience has been with remote working abroad and sharing a beautiful villa with others. 

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Live Remote Work Experience | CoWorking Show

Our TripMates spills the beans

We are back again with another episode of the CoWorking Show. In this episode, we have a live remote work experience with our coworking group in Portugal! Our digital nomad Anna does it again, and this time she finds herself in Madeira on a coworking trip with other like-minded professionals. Anna invited her two other TripMates to spill the beans on how their experience has been with remote working abroad and sharing a beautiful villa with others. 

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Announcement: Launch of The JoinMyTrip Travel Insurance

Insurance is now available for German and Austrian residents! 

The majority of us let the excitement of traveling take over us and we end up forgetting about all the things that could go wrong… until it does go wrong. That is why we have launched the JoinMyTrip Travel Insurance (powered by Allianz), available for every TripMate and TripLeader who are residents of Austria and Germany. Oh, and it’s for FREE! That’s right, we are not charging you a single penny for the insurance. 

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Announcement: Launch of The JoinMyTrip Travel Insurance

Insurance is now available for German and Austrian residents! 

The majority of us let the excitement of traveling take over us and we end up forgetting about all the things that could go wrong… until it does go wrong. That is why we have launched the JoinMyTrip Travel Insurance (powered by Allianz), available for every TripMate and TripLeader who are residents of Austria and Germany. Oh, and it’s for FREE! That’s right, we are not charging you a single penny for the insurance. 

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Discover Coworking Trips with JoinMyTrip

Our 5 Tips for Coworking

Winter can be super depressing, especially in Germany, where there are more cold days than warm ones. So why not spend the winter somewhere else? If you know that you will be able to work well even without sitting at your desk in the office you’re already halfway to escaping the winter of 2020 with your coworking crew! Either you plan your coworking trip on JoinMyTrip yourself or you take part in already planned coworking adventures. We’ll show you our coworking tips and trips for the perfect outcome.

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10 Tips on How to be an Ideal TripMate

Tips to ensure everyone has a great time!

So, it might be your first time traveling with JoinMyTrip and the nerves are kicking in. You’re not too sure what to expect or how it’s going to be. Or even if it’s your tenth time traveling with JoinMyTrip, you might be asking yourself what makes me an ideal TripMate? As always, we want to ensure that you and your fellow TripMates have an unforgettable experience together with the help of these 10 tips.

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10 Tips on How to be an Ideal TripMate

Tips to ensure everyone has a great time!

So, it might be your first time traveling with JoinMyTrip and the nerves are kicking in. You’re not too sure what to expect or how it’s going to be. Or even if it’s your tenth time traveling with JoinMyTrip, you might be asking yourself what makes me an ideal TripMate? As always, we want to ensure that you and your fellow TripMates have an unforgettable experience together with the help of these 10 tips.

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How to Track Costs While Traveling in a Group

TravelSpend is the answer

If you ever faced the problem of splitting up all the travel costs on a trip with other people, you are in luck: We’ve found this cool startup that created an app that will help you track costs. It’s called TravelSpend! We wanted to introduce the founders to you and also the general concept of the app. Hop right in!

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5 Reasons Why Traveling in a Group is More Important than Ever

Why we love traveling in a group

Picture this; lockdown is a thing of the past, the borders are opening one by one and finally, there is hope that the world of travel will go back to normal. We might not be there yet, but that time will come for sure. The question you might have is: What will traveling look like, once this pandemic is under control? No one knows the answer to this yet but what we do know is, now is not the time to venture out into the world by yourself. We are sure traveling in a group has never been so important and we want to tell you why. 

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5 Reasons Why Traveling in a Group is More Important than Ever

Why we love traveling in a group

Picture this; lockdown is a thing of the past, the borders are opening one by one and finally, there is hope that the world of travel will go back to normal. We might not be there yet, but that time will come for sure. The question you might have is: What will traveling look like, once this pandemic is under control? No one knows the answer to this yet but what we do know is, now is not the time to venture out into the world by yourself. We are sure traveling in a group has never been so important and we want to tell you why. 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip