Travel with JoinMyTrip

Search and Find Travel Partners – Tips and Reasons

Our tips to finding the right travel partners

One may ask, how do you find the perfect travel partners? And, what do you have to pay attention to when searching for travel partners? These are all relevant questions you need to ask yourself before you travel. We have gathered all the important tips and tricks you need to find the right travel partner for you!

Many roads lead to Rome and… to Venice, Paris, London, and everywhere else! These routes can be difficult if you have to travel alone but, with travel partners, they become much easier. Two is always better than one. There are countless ways to find your perfect travel partners and it’s understandable that you may become overwhelmed and frustrated, which is totally normal. 

Are you sad that all your friends don’t have the time or desire to participate in your adventure? Your parents aren’t exactly down to go backpacking? No worries! There are a lot of people out there who have been searching for travel partners and are only waiting for someone like you to get in touch. Because your adventures and your trips are in your hands! At the end of the day, you are the decider. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for travel partners or work and travel partners, you can apply the following tips for any search.

If you’re ready and would like to travel with other travelers, you should also consider how to identify your perfect travel partners. We have put together our 5 factors that you should be aware of.

5 factors that are important to finding your perfect travel partners

5. Travel partner tip: Travel style

It’s Important to know what your travel style is because finding a successful travel partner will be based on this. Do you want to find expedition travel partners or road trip travel partners? Which country or which regions are you planning on discovering? Do you want to travel to Australia and Malaysia? You need to consider all these factors before you find and choose travel partners. There is no point in telling travelers that you plan on going to a certain destination, but not how you want to spend your trip there. In Turkey, for example, you can have a backpacking trip as well as a club vacation. What is your thing?

A group of friends having a picnic watching the sunset on a stone cliff
Travel partner tip: Travel style

4. Travel partner tip: Budget

This factor will also be indicating what type of journey you will be on. It makes a difference whether you have a high budget to spend or simply want to save money. Depending on the type of trip you are planning, you should consider whether it fits your budget. For example, a road trip can be very expensive, depending on the length of the trip, the location, and the number of travelers. If there are five of you, you can easily share the costs and more budget is left available for other factors of your trip. For this, we always recommend using an app (like Travel Spend), where you can keep track of your travel expenses and easily share them afterwards.

a bunch of coins from all around the world
Travel partner tip: Budget

3. Travel partner tip: Accommodation

One of the most important questions you have to ask yourself and your travel partners is how are we sleeping? Do we book hotels, hostels, apartments or are we homeless for the night sleeping under the open sky? Do we sleep in single rooms or dormitories? These questions are not only important because of the budget, but they also show you how your travel partners are knitted. While you love to sleep in a room with 20 other people, but your partner is a single room type? In that case you can either find a solution together or you may have to start a new search for a travel partner once again. As we all know, the trip itself is one of the best times of our year and it is not worth making compromises that you are not fully happy with. The beautiful thing about all of this is that there are more and more options for accommodations to host every type of traveler. Be sure to check out hostels, because the image of long dormitories with worn out beds has been very outdated and has been growing popularity amongst young adults.

Three wooden houses in a warm country outside being surrounded by trees and plants
Travel partner tip: Accommodation

2. Travel partner tip: Planning activities

What will you do on site? Are you real party animals or do you love quiet evenings with a fancy cocktail? Listen to yourself, it’s not only important for you to know what kind of person you are, but also for your search for travel partners. There is nothing more exhausting than discussions over how to organize your days and activities. This does not necessarily mean that you’re not allowed to do things on your own just because your travel partners aren’t interested. Our advice is to be clear about what you want to experience and what your expectations for your potential travel partners are. If your travel companion would like to go surfing, you can sunbathe on the beach or try stand up paddling instead!

a group of friends surfing in the ocean with all their hands up
Travel partner tip: Planning activities

1. Travel partner tip: Expectations of the trip

What are your general expectations of the trip? This is the question you should ask yourself. You should know if the trip is purely for relaxation or if you want to come home exhausted from all the activities. There are many reasons why people choose to travel, you should be clear on why you want to travel. Once you have the answers to your questions, you can check in with your travel partners whether it matches. A perfect travel partner is when they have the same answer.

The wing of a plane flying in the sky during the sunset
Travel partner tip: Expectations of the trip

5 reasons why you should travel in a group

5. Reason for a group trip: Security

Traveling in a group will not only give you the comfort of feeling safe, but it also shows the outside world that you are not traveling alone. This will greatly minimize any possible dangers you may encounter! We are not only referring to pickpockets or getting ripped off, but also to diseases. What happens if you get food poisoning? Your group will help you and always be there for you!

4. Reason for a group trip: Collect experiences together

The best thing about a trip is the opportunity to gather new experiences and impressions to forever cherish. This feeling gets even better when you can share it with like-minded travelers! Just think about how much fun you will have with your Thailand travel partner jumping down a waterfall, this memory will last for a lifetime. The beauty of all of this is that you will forever associate this memory with people who you now call, friends.

2 girls sitting together while looking at the view of the sea and mountains and forests
Reason for a group trip: Collect experiences together

3. Reason for a group trip: Get to know new perspectives and life

Do you sometimes have the feeling that you’re stuck and you don’t know how to break free? Your travel partners can help! The more you interact with other people, the more perspectives you become familiarized with and understand how others tackle their problems to find solutions. You can use this wonderfully! Dare to try new things and become more confident.

Man jumping into the sea after swinging from a tree
Reason for a group trip: Get to know new perspectives and life

2. Reason for a group trip: Photo partner

You finally have the opportunity to take a real photo in front of Angkor Wat, without a selfie stick, because your Cambodia travel partners are there for you! Or, you can take pictures together, which you can show to your children years later and confidently say: “That was the coolest travel group I ever traveled with!” It doesn’t have to be just an adventure, you can always decide to meet up again, no matter where you come from! Your group of traveling friends can grow from trip to trip until you are surrounded by people who tick like you and perceive the world as one big adventure.

a group of friends smiling for the camera
Reason for a group trip: Photo partner

1. Reason for a group trip: Share costs

One of the best reasons to travel in a group is that you can share costs. You’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii, but the islands have been far too expensive for you! Your USA travel partners will help you. Together, you can take advantage of group discounts and book group accommodations that are equally cheaper than single or double rooms. At JoinMyTrip, you as a TripLeader will enter the cost per person, which includes the cost of accommodation, transportation, and other activities on-site, so that your future TripMates know what to pay for. For all your time and effort that goes into planning, TripMates can also pay you for the planning fees. You just have to add a TripLeader fee to the trip costs! This way you will be able to discover much more about the world, no matter if it is a trip to Germany or Australia.

a man walking behind 3 other men on a hiking trail in the forest
Reason for a group trip: Share costs

If you need even more reasons why you should travel in a group, check out our 5 reasons why you should travel in a group NOW.

Have you decided to go on an adventure group trip? Wonderful! In this article, we’ve summarized all the advantages of group travel over solo travel. If you are already one step ahead, we have also included 6 tips for planning a group trip.

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