Travel with JoinMyTrip

Are you trying to find your perfect travel partner?

How to find the ultimate travel partner for you

You have grown out of traveling with your family and your friends have a completely different style of traveling? No need to bury your head in the sand. Somewhere out there is someone perfect for you and your style of travel… and we’ll help you find that someone! In this article, we will show you how to find the ultimate travel partner for you.

Based on our experience with TripMates and TripLeaders, we know what it takes and what you can do to find the perfect travel partner.

1. What are you finding in a travel partner?

In the first step, you should be clear about what you want in the first place. This is important for all further steps, because how can your travel buddies know what you are finding if you don’t even know it yourself. 😉 We recommend that you create a small checklist with all the things that are important to you on your trip. How thorough you make it depends on the duration of your trip, which you will be traveling with your travel partner. A trip around the world should be done more thoroughly compared to a weekend trip because in the best case scenario you will be traveling together for a very long time!

A Laptop with a coffee, a phone and a notice blog
What are you finding in a travel partner?

2. Communicate your expectations

Now that you know what you want and what you value, you can make your expectations clear to potential travel partners! Communication is everything. What are your goals during this time? How long do you want to be on the road? Clarify your favorite destinations and activities you would like to do. If you decide to take a longer trip or travel over the holidays, remember to talk about that, too. Are you willing to share the holidays you usually spend with your family, with strangers this time around? You should be open and honest and put all your cards on the table. However, make sure you don’t insist too much on your opinion and compromise sometimes because that’s the only way you’ll find the ultimate travel partner for you. Remember that your counterpart is also finding a perfect travel buddy!

2 women standing in front of the Golden Gate bridge in San Fransisco with their backs to the camera, happy because they found the perfect travel partner.
Communicate your expectations

3. Are you the same type of traveler?

After you have exchanged your expectations in detail, you should slowly be able to determine if you have found the perfect travel partner, or if you have different views in your way of traveling. If you have convinced each other and think you have found each other, then it’s time for the next step: a video call. 😉 Seeing someone face to face on a video call is something completely different than just writing to each other. Do you know the saying; The first impression is decided after the first 3 seconds? So you have 3 seconds to make the best impression ever. You will see, after this step, you will have much more confidence than before. If the chemistry between you two fits, the conversation will run all by itself, so to speak a self-runner. 😉 Converse your hobbies, your pets, and your personal skills.

People that are lying in the car and have a mountains view
Are you the same type of traveler?

4. Skill sharing

This brings us to the next point. 😉 This is where opinions can differ, but that’s not a bad thing at all. From our experience, we can say that many TripLeaders are looking for TripMates from who they can learn. Think of this as continuously learning, only that it is completely free! Take advantage of the opportunity to have people with different skills and abilities around you to learn cool things that are new to you! Share your knowledge and watch your knowledge double. After all, they don’t say travel educates for nothing! For one thing, it educates in the sense that traveling allows you to learn about different cultures and you begin to understand the words of another language. There is also so much to learn among yourselves. Let them show you how to make a fishing rod, the fastest way to set up your tent, or how to find your way home if you get lost. Being able to share your knowledge with each other is what makes perfect travel partners.

2 travel partners sitting together in the desert, happy to have found each other.
Skill sharing

5. JoinMyTrip

We’re telling you; Cool travel partners can’t be found around every corner. Of course, Facebook is full of groups where you can find travel partners. You can also search in WhatsApp groups, but who can guarantee that they won’t drop out just before the end of the trip, leaving you alone with your bookings? JoinMyTrip offers you a large community full of enthusiastic travelers who are waiting for you. You are covered by us and in case someone drops out just before the start of the trip, we’ll start advertising again to find a replacement for you!

We hope that we could give you some helpful tips on how to find the best travel partner for you and of course we hope that you will now travel together. Check out JoinMyTrip and discover cool trips where you can share your experiences and travel expenses.

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Travel with JoinMyTrip