Travel with JoinMyTrip

Posts about: Group Travel Guide

Top 5 things you should definitely take with you on your group trip

Who needs a packing list?


Okay okay, you probably already know what you pack when you travel. If you're reading this, you're probably outgoing globetrotters and already experienced travelers. There is the basic equipment with all the trimmings that everyone has - and then everyone has so his little extras that they bring. But who thinks about the group?  

We do! That's why we've picked out a few things you shouldn't forget on your next group trip. They will not only make your life easier, but also ensure a good mood and fun evenings. 

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How to deal with racism when traveling in a group

Truth be told, I was really looking forward to writing this piece because “RACISM” is out there - so open! But probably, shoved aside and turned a blind eye. As I write this, I am not saying I am perfect myself but what’s important is “I TRY” - one day at a time to be there not just for myself but point it out when it has to be. Being an Indian, living in a foreign land and being away from “home” almost all of my adult life, I am ashamed to say this but unfortunately I have experienced or witnessed racism or racist comments. So, what do I do when I encounter such an act, especially when I am traveling? Here I am, vouching for the fact that I am not going to be frozen, angry, uncomfortable or sad. To feel this way is completely fine, because they are the most common emotions but I want to get out of that situation knowing my emotions were right! Knowing I did the right thing!

As the Black lives matter movement has raised a lot of awareness in every nook and corner of the world, we see a lot more acknowledgement from several industries - Of course, there is a lot of work to do! 

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Diversity when traveling in a group

Plan your perfect group trip with this guide! 

When I step out of my home, take a flight and land in a country never explored before, one thing I always think about is how grateful I am to be able to travel to a foreign country. Isn’t it the greatest privilege? For me, the highest education or the knowledge acquired is that which comes when I travel. The biggest gift is grasping a new culture and tradition with what time and money can give. As a person who was born and brought up in India, pursued her masters degree from the United Kingdom and now living in Germany - you can say that I have had my share of experiencing cultural differences especially while traveling in a group. 


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How to travel in a Group in the New Normal

How to know when you are ready and how to stay committed... 


It’s not a shock that the perception of travel has changed for most of us. Now that vaccines are becoming available we are all eager than ever to take trips and go on vacations. But there is still something that is blocking us or making us feel uncomfortable. Unpredicted border closures, lockdowns and flight cancellations play a huge role in our decision to travel. But all that I can say is that our appetite to travel is stronger than ever. So here are a few of my tips to make sure you know when you are ready for your next big adventure with your travel buddies.  Hey! of course with us at JoinMyTrip

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Group Travel - What every introvert needs to know

An introverts guide to group travel

Firstly, let’s just clarify that being an introvert doesn’t mean that you're anti-social, shy or awkward. In fact, many introverts have great social skills and can be outgoing. But, if you are like me who is quiet, reflective and often feels overwhelmed spending too much time with others, then the idea of group travel can be intimidating. So, group travel and being an introvert - how does that go hand in hand? As a fellow introvert, here are some of my tips that I have found helpful while planning or traveling in a group. 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip

A guide to planning the perfect group trip.

How to Plan the Perfect Group Trip

Plan your perfect group trip with this guide! 

Group trips can be stressful if they are not planned correctly. Everyone has their own needs and wants, especially when you have many different personalities involved. With this guide, we will show you how you can plan the perfect group trip and have a stress-free travel experience with your travel buddies! Being a company that promotes group trips, we sure know a thing or two about group travels. 😉

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How to: a Perfect Group Travel Experience

There’s a lot of things to keep in mind, but group travel done right will change your life! Here’s the best tips…

Have you ever wanted to travel in a group but not known who to go with? Maybe you’ve planned a group trip but it didn’t go over so well? At JoinMyTrip, we are the biggest fans of group travel. When it’s done right and you have the right people, traveling in a group will add a fun and adventurous spin to your travels. This is especially the case when you find like-minded friends to set out on an adventure with you…

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Travel with JoinMyTrip