Travel with JoinMyTrip

Posts about: Group Travel Destinations

Top 5 benefits of group travel


It's all about experiences with like-minded travelers. 

For years group travel has been perceived to be for the lazy, non-adventurous and inexperienced. Even for me, the idea of group travel is arriving at a destination in a bus with other clueless travelers and ushered like a herd of cattle through the most touristy location. That’s an age old tradition now because the concept of group travel has been completely revamped. Now, it's all about having travel experiences with like-minded travelers. These experiences will create memories and bonds that last a lifetime. 

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How to have a safe group trip

It's a hard miss and hit. 

Traveling for us is definitely an escape but it is very important to not get carried away while having the time of our lives. Over the years I have traveled with friends, strangers and family members. Sometimes, it’s a hard miss and hit with nothing going wrong while on a trip. Has that happened to you too? So, the bottom line is that we must establish certain boundaries or precautions before we head on to our adventure. This is only to be able to avoid any unnecessary troubles and problems that could possibly arise. 

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Group travel destinations based on your favorite NETFLIX shows

Binge watching Netflix shows is a thing of the past.....


When the pandemic hit us, we were confined into our homes - most of us binge watched Netflix shows for hours. Ahem! Ahem! Not proud of this but I have binge watched shows that are less memorable and less enjoyable (Yikes!). 

But there are so many of my favorite Netflix shows that are worth being left bleary-eyed on the couch.  

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How to travel in a Group in the New Normal

How to know when you are ready and how to stay committed... 


It’s not a shock that the perception of travel has changed for most of us. Now that vaccines are becoming available we are all eager than ever to take trips and go on vacations. But there is still something that is blocking us or making us feel uncomfortable. Unpredicted border closures, lockdowns and flight cancellations play a huge role in our decision to travel. But all that I can say is that our appetite to travel is stronger than ever. So here are a few of my tips to make sure you know when you are ready for your next big adventure with your travel buddies.  Hey! of course with us at JoinMyTrip

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The cheapest countries to visit with travel mates.

The Cheapest Countries to Visit With Travel Mates

What better way to save money than with these 10 countries! 

If your mind is telling you "You can't travel because you don't have money" then we are about to prove your mind wrong with the 10 cheapest countries to visit with travel mates! Not only are these countries affordable, but traveling with travel mates is even cheaper. Why? Because you are able to share the travel costs between you and your travel mates. Make sure to also check out the best European budget destinations to have a European adventure. So, let us begin! 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip

The Most Underrated Destinations for Group Travel

The Most Underrated Destinations for Group Travel

Have you ever thought about a trip to these destinations with your friends? 

Sometimes, the very best of travel destinations go under the radar. Or, we're just so used to going to the same destinations that we don't even consider other unique places to visit. It's time to expand your palette of tastes when it comes to travel destinations, so you can start planning your next adventure with your friends!

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Travel with JoinMyTrip