Travel with JoinMyTrip

Top 5 benefits of group travel


It's all about experiences with like-minded travelers. 

For years group travel has been perceived to be for the lazy, non-adventurous and inexperienced. Even for me, the idea of group travel is arriving at a destination in a bus with other clueless travelers and ushered like a herd of cattle through the most touristy location. That’s an age old tradition now because the concept of group travel has been completely revamped. Now, it's all about having travel experiences with like-minded travelers. These experiences will create memories and bonds that last a lifetime. 

Firstly, we are no longer going to use the pandemic as an excuse anymore and be immersed in work at our home offices. It is time to pack our bags and go on an adventure of a lifetime. Of course, with caution and taking the necessary precautions as the Delta variant of Covid-19 is slowly creeping up and kicking us back to the way 2020 was. However, here is a guide to ensure that you can travel safely with these guidelines in place.

Whether you are a first time traveler or a seasoned one, group travel has many benefits and here are the reasons why: 




1. Making friends along the way 


CoWorking Trip

CoWorking group trip with TripLeader Lisa - Ericeira, Portugal

Isn't it all about sharing your first time experiences with someone else? Honestly, tasting an exquisite dish or getting lost in a new city or hiking towards sunrise or sunset and experiencing new cultures is always better when it is shared with a group. Having to experience it alone might have some disadvantages. Sharing special moments with friends who you haven't met is always exciting. So a group travel is a great way to meet new people who you would have necessarily not met during any given day. Just imagine to return back home with a handful of friends who you just met that are from all over the world. Check out this guide on how to find a perfect CoWorking buddy and create your first trip at JoinMyTrip

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2. Gain local experiences 


Horseback group trip

Bulgaria Trip on a horseback with TripLeader Frank 

It's all about the knowledge shared and the expertise from a TripLeader who has local experiences. Going off the beaten path and trying out restaurants, pubs and bars, chilling at the beach, relaxing at a beautiful park, trekking to find that perfect spot for viewing the sunrise or sunset can all be done when we have a local guiding us the way. This will help us get interact with locals and truly absorb the culture, tradition and historical information. 

Like to have a unique experience? 
Horseback group trip





Join TripLeader Frank in Bulgaria  That consists of Horses, nature, community and inner transformation


learn more


3. Save money 


Group Trip


No one would like to be on an expensive trip and this will not be the case when you share your experiences with like-minded travelers. In a group trip, the planning is perfected to the very last detail without any hiccups. Like I mentioned before, the TripLeader of your group trip might use their contacts and get you a perfect deal for your accommodation or any other activity. 


4. Save time on planning  


JoinMyTrip Sailing Trip

Sailing trip with TripLeader Riaz - Croatia 

Maybe planning and organising a trip is not your thing. There are some who would like to sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Planning a trip can take hours and hours of endless work and research. Finding that perfect accommodation and set of activities to partake in can involve reading countless reviews, comparing prices and researching on the perfect location. Well this need not be the case because in a group trip one can simply join a trip that is completely organised or share ideas with fellow travel mates


5. Gain a new perspective 


Group Trip

There are certainly some destinations you visit and come back a different person. This is because these destinations and the experiences you had make you happy and a better version of yourself. Traveling in a group will help you get out of your comfort zone, work your way through language barriers, make you more open minded, empathetic and compassionate. No education or money will give you the well required  common sense that only comes when you travel and share your experiences with others. So, just be open minded and think about all the memories and stories you will come back with to share. 

Related articles that will be useful for your next group trip: 

Has this article convinced you to finally pack your bags? Then click one of the buttons to set off on your ultimate adventure or check out JoinMyTrip and discover unique adventures all over the world or simply create your own trip. 

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