Travel with JoinMyTrip

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An Offbeat Group Travel Guide to North India

Travel to North India like a pro.....


Discovering North India is exactly like discovering treasure. Each state has it's own unique palaces, forts, gardens and other architectural wonders. It doesn't stop there! North India has a vibrant history, strong culture and traditions and tantalising cuisines that truly makes one enjoy wealth of experiences. Here are top things to do in North India that should definitely be a part of next vacation: 

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5 Sustainable travel tips for your next group trip

For the eco-conscious traveler 

You don’t drive, you don’t fly, you don’t buy any item wrapped in plastic, you only buy second hand clothing, you only use solar energy, you live a zero waste lifestyle and you are a vegan. This is the definition of 21st century environmentalism. A lot of us don’t exactly live this lifestyle but genuinely do care about the environment.  It is really difficult to fully deep dive into this lifestyle. However, what is really important is that we take baby steps to begin living sustainably and inspire everyone around us to do so. Everyone should be a part of the solution in whichever way they can to make a difference and save the planet.  Each one of us aims to do good and give back to mother earth the best way we can.  This will be the greatest gift we give our future generations.  

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Best accommodation style for a CoWorking Trip

Enjoy work, life and leisure balance

Covid-19 has led to an increase in remote jobs that let people free themselves from the restraints of a normal 9-5 job. Now that the world has returned back to a new normal, the concept of remote work and being a digital nomad has helped tremendously with achieving work/life balance. CoLiving and CoWorking is the concept that has been recently gating a lot of traction. This is a concept that millennials and remote workers have adopted for experiencing ultimate freedom and flexibility.  

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Safe destinations for a solo traveler

As a solo traveler, experience an independent getaway and explore the unexplored. 


Let’s just face it! Traveling solo is no more a thing of the past. This is 2021, where women today are creating impact right from the boardrooms, to the olympics and to the House of Representatives. As a solo traveller, you would like to have an independent getaway and explore the unexplored. Or maybe, you have watched Eat, Pray, Love and want to discover things about yourself just as much as wanting to discover about the world. So, whatever the reason, choosing the right getaway or the perfect adventure can make a big difference. The last thing we would want is to worry about our safety or having to compromise on the location.  So here is a guide to a list of safe destinations that are perfect for a solo traveler. But, before we move forward with our top destinations, here are  tips for a first solo traveler to ensure a safe solo-saving sojourn.

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Traveling on a budget in fall

Cool weather and hot pumpkin drinks... It's that time of the year again! 


September is the month where summer slowly fades away and the beautiful fall starts transitioning. This fall is special because unlike last year, this fall we can truly get out and travel places. Here are the top recommendations for budget friendly places to visit in October. So, here is a guide to budget friendly destinations that you can visit in fall.

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Travel with JoinMyTrip

How to create trips that get great reviews

Best tips for getting great reviews

We all use reviews to influence our decisions. Reviews form a key factor in deciding which restaurant we want to visit or which movie to watch or what fancy product we are going to splurge on next. So why not use reviews to decide on your next travel destination? At JoinMyTrip, once a TripMate has returned back successfully from a trip, they can submit a review about their TripLeaders. Reviews are empowered to be honest and transparent for our community members. 

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Top 5 benefits of group travel


It's all about experiences with like-minded travelers. 

For years group travel has been perceived to be for the lazy, non-adventurous and inexperienced. Even for me, the idea of group travel is arriving at a destination in a bus with other clueless travelers and ushered like a herd of cattle through the most touristy location. That’s an age old tradition now because the concept of group travel has been completely revamped. Now, it's all about having travel experiences with like-minded travelers. These experiences will create memories and bonds that last a lifetime. 

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Why India is a perfect destination for a CoWorking Trip

Incredible India

India might not be everyone’s first option when it comes to deciding on a destination for a CoWorking trip. Here is why I think India is one of the best destinations!  In one country you can experience a desert, backwaters, thick forests, snow-clad mountains, picturesque beaches and bustling cities. You get a myriad of experiences along with a culture that is so rich, history and tradition rooted so deep and for centuries India has been visited by many. This is because guests are treated like Gods (Atithi Devo Bhava). I can truly vouch for the fact that nowhere else in the world you will be welcomed and greeted with open arms as much as you would be in India. 

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The best places for a wellness group trip


Time to experience the benefits of mind, body and soul. 


Who will agree with me? The best way to detox and relax is by traveling! We all live a crazy and hectic lifestyle, and we choose to travel when we need to get away from the hustle and bustle. Traveling is not only about endless adventure, fun and thrill, it is also about educating oneself through all the experiences that enrich the mind, body and soul. When you travel, you strike a balance between the crazy life that you left behind and the enrichment that awaits you. You finally find sanity! Of course, traveling solo or traveling in a group is the most preferred choice. But, when do you know that you are ready for a wellness group trip?  


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How to deal with racism when traveling in a group

Truth be told, I was really looking forward to writing this piece because “RACISM” is out there - so open! But probably, shoved aside and turned a blind eye. As I write this, I am not saying I am perfect myself but what’s important is “I TRY” - one day at a time to be there not just for myself but point it out when it has to be. Being an Indian, living in a foreign land and being away from “home” almost all of my adult life, I am ashamed to say this but unfortunately I have experienced or witnessed racism or racist comments. So, what do I do when I encounter such an act, especially when I am traveling? Here I am, vouching for the fact that I am not going to be frozen, angry, uncomfortable or sad. To feel this way is completely fine, because they are the most common emotions but I want to get out of that situation knowing my emotions were right! Knowing I did the right thing!

As the Black lives matter movement has raised a lot of awareness in every nook and corner of the world, we see a lot more acknowledgement from several industries - Of course, there is a lot of work to do! 

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A guide to JoinMyTrip's payment and payout method

What is JoinMyTrip's TripLeader payment method and how does it work? 


The best part about JoinMyTrip's process for a TripLeader is to be paid without any frustration and confusion. So, in order to get paid for the expenses involved in leading a trip, one must have to set up a payout method. Imagine! You don’t have to have that awkward interaction with your TripMates to make sure your payments are sorted. The anticipation leading to a trip is the only vibe we need! Packing your bags and catching your flight on time is the only worry you should have!

JoinMyTrip payment method continues to form the core part of the platform. Without this, there is not going to be any trust, flexibility and financial security between our TripLeaders and TripMates

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Diversity when traveling in a group

Plan your perfect group trip with this guide! 

When I step out of my home, take a flight and land in a country never explored before, one thing I always think about is how grateful I am to be able to travel to a foreign country. Isn’t it the greatest privilege? For me, the highest education or the knowledge acquired is that which comes when I travel. The biggest gift is grasping a new culture and tradition with what time and money can give. As a person who was born and brought up in India, pursued her masters degree from the United Kingdom and now living in Germany - you can say that I have had my share of experiencing cultural differences especially while traveling in a group. 


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How to have a safe group trip

It's a hard miss and hit. 

Traveling for us is definitely an escape but it is very important to not get carried away while having the time of our lives. Over the years I have traveled with friends, strangers and family members. Sometimes, it’s a hard miss and hit with nothing going wrong while on a trip. Has that happened to you too? So, the bottom line is that we must establish certain boundaries or precautions before we head on to our adventure. This is only to be able to avoid any unnecessary troubles and problems that could possibly arise. 

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Group travel destinations based on your favorite NETFLIX shows

Binge watching Netflix shows is a thing of the past.....


When the pandemic hit us, we were confined into our homes - most of us binge watched Netflix shows for hours. Ahem! Ahem! Not proud of this but I have binge watched shows that are less memorable and less enjoyable (Yikes!). 

But there are so many of my favorite Netflix shows that are worth being left bleary-eyed on the couch.  

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How to travel in a Group in the New Normal

How to know when you are ready and how to stay committed... 


It’s not a shock that the perception of travel has changed for most of us. Now that vaccines are becoming available we are all eager than ever to take trips and go on vacations. But there is still something that is blocking us or making us feel uncomfortable. Unpredicted border closures, lockdowns and flight cancellations play a huge role in our decision to travel. But all that I can say is that our appetite to travel is stronger than ever. So here are a few of my tips to make sure you know when you are ready for your next big adventure with your travel buddies.  Hey! of course with us at JoinMyTrip

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Group Travel - What every introvert needs to know

An introverts guide to group travel

Firstly, let’s just clarify that being an introvert doesn’t mean that you're anti-social, shy or awkward. In fact, many introverts have great social skills and can be outgoing. But, if you are like me who is quiet, reflective and often feels overwhelmed spending too much time with others, then the idea of group travel can be intimidating. So, group travel and being an introvert - how does that go hand in hand? As a fellow introvert, here are some of my tips that I have found helpful while planning or traveling in a group. 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip