Travel with JoinMyTrip

Posts about: Group

How to: a Perfect Group Travel Experience

There’s a lot of things to keep in mind, but group travel done right will change your life! Here’s the best tips…

Have you ever wanted to travel in a group but not known who to go with? Maybe you’ve planned a group trip but it didn’t go over so well? At JoinMyTrip, we are the biggest fans of group travel. When it’s done right and you have the right people, traveling in a group will add a fun and adventurous spin to your travels. This is especially the case when you find like-minded friends to set out on an adventure with you…

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Concerns Before A Group Travel?

With these 6 tips, nothing can go wrong!

Especially during a time like this, group travel offers many travelers a certain sense of security. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone around to reassure you, who can help and advise you in case of an emergency on your trip at all times? At the same time, many travelers also think about the things that could ruin their trip. Whether it be due to different views, different travel wishes, or even disputes about travel costs! We reveal 6 tips that will make your next group travel perfect.

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The New Co-Study Trend: Want to Study at the Beach?

Plan your co-study trip now

You’re tired of sitting at home alone and doing nothing but listening to one online lecture after another? Then we have just the thing for you! Because now is the perfect time to turn your study day into an adventure – out of the cold wet and into the sun! Find other students at JoinMyTrip with whom you can share the rent for a new home in a dreamlike place for a few weeks. Besides studying you have the chance to explore the area together in your free time. We will show you all the advantages of remote studying and why you should plan your co-study trip with JoinMyTrip right now.

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The Top Excursions in 3 of The Largest Federal States in Germany

Are you stuck in your state?

We do not know how long the Corona Pandemic will keep us in check for. That is why we want to be prepared in case we cannot travel abroad or are not allowed to leave our state. What is the best way to do this? Right, we have looked at 3 of the largest federal states in Germany and cool activities in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Pfalz and Lower Saxony.

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Travel with JoinMyTrip

5 Reasons Why Traveling in a Group is More Important than Ever

Why we love traveling in a group

Picture this; lockdown is a thing of the past, the borders are opening one by one and finally, there is hope that the world of travel will go back to normal. We might not be there yet, but that time will come for sure. The question you might have is: What will traveling look like, once this pandemic is under control? No one knows the answer to this yet but what we do know is, now is not the time to venture out into the world by yourself. We are sure traveling in a group has never been so important and we want to tell you why. 

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5 Reasons Why Traveling in a Group is More Important than Ever

Why we love traveling in a group

Picture this; lockdown is a thing of the past, the borders are opening one by one and finally, there is hope that the world of travel will go back to normal. We might not be there yet, but that time will come for sure. The question you might have is: What will traveling look like, once this pandemic is under control? No one knows the answer to this yet but what we do know is, now is not the time to venture out into the world by yourself. We are sure traveling in a group has never been so important and we want to tell you why. 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip