Travel with JoinMyTrip

Concerns Before A Group Travel?

With these 6 tips, nothing can go wrong!

Especially during a time like this, group travel offers many travelers a certain sense of security. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone around to reassure you, who can help and advise you in case of an emergency on your trip at all times? At the same time, many travelers also think about the things that could ruin their trip. Whether it be due to different views, different travel wishes, or even disputes about travel costs! We reveal 6 tips that will make your next group travel perfect.

6. Communication is everything

In any kind of relationship, communication is the most important factor. Especially on group travels, so many things can go wrong because either there was no communication beforehand, or because people simply talked over each other. So, the ultimate tip from us: Before you start a trip together, communicate with each other. It’s not necessarily about discussing and planning every little detail, but communicate if you want to keep the trip flexible if you want security, which destinations you’d like to see, and how long you plan to travel. It could be a laugh if you can’t come to a mutual decision. See what you can do to make as many people happy as possible and most importantly: compromise!

4 young people communicating on their group trip.
Communication is everything

5. Share your travel costs with a group

One of the biggest advantages of traveling in a group is being able to share your travel costs. Which one amongst you all have thought, “The Caribbean? – That’s it, but where am I going to get the money?” It’s at these moments that you should think of JoinMyTrip and the opportunity to travel in a group. Everyone likes to see the price halved, quartered…. It’s best to give the planning to a, particularly reliable and structured person. After all, you don’t want to run out of budget halfway through your trip, do you? There are many ways to manage your travel costs. You can use the good old notebook or make it easy and let apps do the work for you. Check out this cool alternative here that will save you time and effort!

A jar full of money coins that has fallen over.
Share your travel costs with a group

4. Mutual respect

Besides communication, respect is one of the greatest gifts you can give to another. Let the other person talk and appreciate their skills and experience. If you’ve ever been in such a large group, be sure to take advantage of it to learn new things. Not everyone is the same. Your travel partner might be able to speak Chinese, which is an advantage for a group trip through China! Another one knows how to make a fire in the forest or can teach you how to surf. Isn’t that insanely cool? You can learn incredible things every day and come back from your group travel with much more knowledge than you started with. So, show yourselves the respect you deserve, listen to each other, and learn! 😉

3 women traveling together and having fun together as a group.
Mutual respect

3. Gain new connections through your group travel!

On a group trip, you’ll meet people who may lead completely different lives than you do. Does that give you pause for thought? Sure, we understand that! But also see the advantages! A trip creates different personalities, but also the perfect destinations. How great would it be if a group member has relatives in South America? Or the aunt of a fellow traveler who lives in Japan and welcomes you warmly. See? That’s how quickly concerns and potential problems can be turned into huge advantages! You could travel the country with help from local tips. Connections are everything. And logically, seven people have more connections than just one. 😉

8 young people sitting on a bench, holding each other in their arms and enjoying the view on their group trip.
Gain new connections through your group travel!

2. Get to know each other

At JoinMyTrip, we have found that for many of our TripLeaders, a face-to-face interview with their potential TripMates is essential. Now don’t get the impression that you have to go through an entire interview before you’re on board! It’s simply a matter of getting to know each other before you go, seeing if you have the same interests or if you’re not on the same page at all. This helps both the TripMates and the TripLeader, and it should work the same way before your group travel. Arrange a meeting, or in these times maybe rather a video call, and get to know each other. Talk about your expectations for the trip, how you usually spend your day, what you do in your free time, what you like to eat, etc.

A person holding up a cell phone and skyping with a young man.
Get to know each other

1. Relax and have fun on your group travel

Engage in new adventures, enjoy the vacation, have new experiences, after all, that’s why we travel and look forward to it all year. So don’t be too doubtful about going on vacation with strangers. Either you’ll make friends for life or you’ll know that group travel isn’t for you and travel again next year alone or as a couple. Try to let your soul dangle and just have fun. Enjoy even the difficult times, because in the end you only regret what you didn’t do. 😉

A camel and a group member on a trip having fun together.
Relax and have fun on your group travel

We hope that we can encourage you to try a group trip and of course, we wish that you travel together diligently. Check out JoinMyTrip and discover cool group trips where you can share your experiences and travel costs.

If you need more inspiration, check out these blogs too:

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Travel with JoinMyTrip