Travel with JoinMyTrip

How to: a Perfect Group Travel Experience

There’s a lot of things to keep in mind, but group travel done right will change your life! Here’s the best tips…

Have you ever wanted to travel in a group but not known who to go with? Maybe you’ve planned a group trip but it didn’t go over so well? At JoinMyTrip, we are the biggest fans of group travel. When it’s done right and you have the right people, traveling in a group will add a fun and adventurous spin to your travels. This is especially the case when you find like-minded friends to set out on an adventure with you…

Tip 1: Have a TripLeader

We all know there’s usually one person who figures everything out and makes sure everything for the trip is well-planned. It’s the person we know that we probably wouldn’t end up going on a trip without… they just know what’s up. Plus, that makes travel all the less stressful for everyone else. Make use of the strengths of yourself and your TripMates. Is one person really good at cooking? Make them the chef in the kitchen. Perhaps one person is really good at planning activities… ask them to organize possible fun ventures for the days of your trip. Someone enjoys driving? Make them the delegated driver of the rental car. The point is, always have at least one person, a TripLeader, who knows what’s happening at all times. If you’re the TripLeader sort yourself, start planning a trip for you and some awesome travel buddies! Don’t know what kind of traveler you are? Take this quiz to find out!

A person jumping into water in a tropical country
Choose a trustworthy TripLeader

Tip 2: Plan some activities in advance

If you’re planning to travel to a location that is popular amongst tourists, its good to check if the activities you want to partake in with your group require a pre-booking. Sometimes its just easier to pre-book so that you can avoid huge line-ups. Not all activities require pre-bookings, and sometimes it is just more fun to ‘wing it’ once you arrive at your destination. If you’re wanting to take surf classes or partake in any other courses, do your research in advance as well! You don’t want your trip plans going to trash because some activity suddenly doesn’t have enough room for one of your TripMates…

Tip 3: Choose accommodation wisely

When traveling in a group, the atmosphere can get quite cozy! So, make sure your accommodation has enough room and that there aren’t any issues with sleeping arrangements in advance. Of course, you can’t get too picky and sometimes traveling in a group just means that you’ll be sharing a bed with a TripMate, but it is important to make sure there is enough space for everyone! Especially if you’re setting out on a Coworking Trip, you want there to be enough table space for everyone to have enough room to do their daily work. Usually, Airbnb’s or other house/apartment rental platforms such as HomeAway work best for getting spacious and reasonably priced accommodation for you and your group. It might be okay to spend a night or two in a hotel, but it is much nicer when you can spend time along with your group in the same space!

Tip 4: Spend time getting to know each other

Sometimes it might even be the case that you don’t know your TripMates before traveling! One of the best parts about group travel is getting to know new people from around the world. Even before your trip, you can schedule a group call to vibe out with your TripMates. On your trip, let your guards down and truly spend time enjoying each other’s company. We all need some alone time sometimes, but make an effort to play games or have dinner together in the evenings to get the most of the quality time you spend with your group.

Travel group posing at a destination
Group travel with JoinMyTrip is a perfect way to make life-long friends

Tip 5: Have a platform to share costs

Group travel is made easy with platforms like JoinMyTrip, where basically when you join a trip, the trip is planned for you. However, costs like food or fuel are sometimes not included in the trips, so its good to have an app or platform where you can split costs and make sure every person on the trip covers their part. One handy app to use is Splitwise, where you can share and track expenses on the trip!

Tip 6: Pick a group travel friendly destination

Although of course it is possible to almost any country you wish, it’s best to pick a destination that is relatively easy for group travel and where costs aren’t too high. Some things you might want to take into consideration about the destination might be:

  • Are you traveling during high-season or off-season? Off-season is usually cheaper and you’ll beat the crowds.
  • Does the destination have built-in activities? I.e., can you go hiking and swimming in your backyard? Usually city trips require a bit more planning.
  • How long will your trip be? Especially with a group, it’s important you reserve enough time for the destination and that you’ll enjoy your time in the destination for however long it might be.
  • Where will you stay? One key things to consider inside your destination is the location of your accommodation, and that everything you need is relatively accessible.

Tip 7: Quality time: at least one dinner and activity with the whole group!

Although you might be eating and doing activities much more together, make sure you and your TripMates get at least some quality time together. TripLeader, this is your responsibility to make it happen! It’s also a good way to just pause and connect with everyone in your travel group. Plus, the best conversations happen with some food and drinks.

All ready for your first (or perhaps already one of many) group travel experiences? Join a fun, like-minded group of friends on one of JoinMyTrip‘s ready-planned trips, or become a TripLeader and create your first trip! We have plenty of reasons on why you should become a TripLeader. 😉

Check out this trip to start your group travel experience…

Join TripLeader Mostafa on a group expedition to Morocco

Feeling inspired? Read along for more about some of our favorite destinations…

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Travel with JoinMyTrip