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Posts about: Multicutural trip

How to deal with racism when traveling in a group

Truth be told, I was really looking forward to writing this piece because “RACISM” is out there - so open! But probably, shoved aside and turned a blind eye. As I write this, I am not saying I am perfect myself but what’s important is “I TRY” - one day at a time to be there not just for myself but point it out when it has to be. Being an Indian, living in a foreign land and being away from “home” almost all of my adult life, I am ashamed to say this but unfortunately I have experienced or witnessed racism or racist comments. So, what do I do when I encounter such an act, especially when I am traveling? Here I am, vouching for the fact that I am not going to be frozen, angry, uncomfortable or sad. To feel this way is completely fine, because they are the most common emotions but I want to get out of that situation knowing my emotions were right! Knowing I did the right thing!

As the Black lives matter movement has raised a lot of awareness in every nook and corner of the world, we see a lot more acknowledgement from several industries - Of course, there is a lot of work to do! 

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Diversity when traveling in a group

Plan your perfect group trip with this guide! 

When I step out of my home, take a flight and land in a country never explored before, one thing I always think about is how grateful I am to be able to travel to a foreign country. Isn’t it the greatest privilege? For me, the highest education or the knowledge acquired is that which comes when I travel. The biggest gift is grasping a new culture and tradition with what time and money can give. As a person who was born and brought up in India, pursued her masters degree from the United Kingdom and now living in Germany - you can say that I have had my share of experiencing cultural differences especially while traveling in a group. 


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