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Discover Coworking Trips with JoinMyTrip

Our 5 Tips for Coworking

Winter can be super depressing, especially in Germany, where there are more cold days than warm ones. So why not spend the winter somewhere else? If you know that you will be able to work well even without sitting at your desk in the office you’re already halfway to escaping the winter of 2020 with your coworking crew! Either you plan your coworking trip on JoinMyTrip yourself or you take part in already planned coworking adventures. We’ll show you our coworking tips and trips for the perfect outcome.

1. Tip: Search for the optimal destination

Where would you like to spend this year’s winter? Would you like to spend the winter in a warm place and go surfing while your friends in Germany are freezing cold? Then we have just the right trips for you! More and more people have the opportunity to work remotely. This means that they don’t work in an office or home office, but somewhere else in the world. If you live in Hamburg, for example, remote working can be on the North Sea coast. But remote and coworking can also take place in Thailand or Australia. Anywhere in the world really – which is the beauty of remote work. 

But first of all, it is important for you to find out a couple of things; What do I want to experience after finishing work every day? What should my weekends look like? Do I want to go to a place where I have been before or would I rather discover something completely new?

JoinMyTrip is the right address for such coworking trips, because no matter if you want to plan a trip yourself or if you want to join an already planned trip, we are happy to help!

a hand holds up a compass with a view of mountains
Search for the optimal destination

2. Tip: Coordinate with your employer

Many employers, especially in the start-up scene, offer the opportunity to work from different locations. At JoinMyTrip, we have the regulation whereby we are allowed to work anywhere, within a radius of 2 hours time difference. This ensures that the meeting times are not in the middle of the night for anyone and that everyone works at about the same time. So before you plan or choose your adventure it is important to find out what the rules are in your company. Especially in big companies, this can vary from department to department.

Make sure to discuss everything with your supervisors, as working remotely can be a little difficult to organize if you haven’t set up a proper plan. In addition, you should hand over any tasks that may require an office presence, to your team members so that they can continue to be performed. 

It is also important to have clear plans and great time management. You should show your team members that you can be as efficient on the beach as you are in the office and for this, you need to have schedules, enough meetings, and constant communication. After that, nothing stands in the way of your coworking trip!

people sat in a meeting infront of laptops
Coordinate with your employer

3. Tip: Find “coworking” accommodation

One of our most important tips: choose the right accommodation. There are many aspects to consider when choosing your hotel, hostel or apartment. We have outlined the most important ones here:


 If you live together with several coworking buddies, everyone should have enough space to work. There is nothing worse than sitting like chickens on a ladder while everyone is in meetings. This would mean a quiet working atmosphere can no longer be guaranteed and your concentration levels will be lower than low. 


Find a place to stay where you can also have your peace and quiet. Downtown sounds cool, but you really shouldn’t be dealing with construction noise and loud honking during your working day. Wouldn’t it be much nicer if you could see the coastline while working?

Internet access

Nowadays, internet access is essential for working. Especially when working remotely in coworking spaces you need to have access to an extremely good Wifi. Unfortunately, there are still many accommodation owners who are not aware of this importance. So make sure that your apartment or remote office has an optimal connection to the Internet. If this is not the case, there are also mobile Wifi hotspots that you can buy in Germany and take with you.

Job opportunities

Of course there are some options you can choose for your coworking office. In many hostels, there are extra rooms for digital nomads to work on site. If you are renting an apartment with your coworking crew, make sure that there is either an extra office or a large dining table where everyone can sit, or desks in each bedroom. You should also find a comfortable chair and a suitable table, as you probably won’t want to work 8 hours a day sitting on a beanbag.


The price is of course the deciding factor. Maybe you cannot afford to sublet your apartment at home because your partner still lives there. That’s why you have to pay double the rent. The solution, of course, is to live with as many like-minded travel partners as possible on your coworking trip. This way you can comfortably share all costs and at the same time discover the destination together. Managing all costs while traveling is essential, so our blog on cost management will help you.

modern coworking space for remote work
Find “coworking” accommodation

4. Tip: Join like-minded travelers

If you are away from home for several weeks or even months, you don’t want to be alone. That’s why it’s important to find the coolest coworking buddies so you can have this unique coworking trip together. 

What should you consider when choosing your travel partners?

Everyday work-life

Check whether your everyday work life fits together. Does your potential travel buddy work at night, but you work during the day? Are you both going to be in thousands of meetings every day so getting on each other’s nerves is pretty much guaranteed? Then you should consider whether or not you should really travel together or how you could overcome these issues. Important reminder if you work in the same room: check if your meetings overlap. If this is the case and you both have meetings in the same room where you also have to talk, you should either be in different rooms or not sit directly next to each other. This is not only helpful for you, but also for your team members at home.

Working materials

This point is more important if you live together in an apartment. For example, if you book an apartment with a big screen, make sure to check who needs it and at what time. There is nothing worse than arguing about work materials with your coworking buddy.

After work activities

Why are you working remotely? Right, because you want to experience something with your coworking travel partners after work. So if you want to explore the country or city you live in after work and on weekends, your travel partners should think the same way. There are so many cool activities that are especially amazing in the morning before work or in the evening at sunset – like surfing! This way you don’t only come home with great KPIs, but also with a surfing license. Your coworking trip will be unforgettable afterwards.

man sat on the balcony with a coffee taking a break from his coworking trip
Join like-minded travelers

5. Tip: Inform yourself about local regulations

This is about the destinations that specifically advertise to be the perfect places for remote working and coworking trips. Especially due to the corona pandemic, more and more countries are switching to boosting “Working Tourism” to make money. We have compiled our top 3 destinations here:

Gran Canaria

The island is the hotspot for coworking with other Digital Nomads. In Las Palmas, the capital alone, there are more than 4 coworking spaces where you can work with your travel partners. There are also accommodations that are specially designed for co-working and co-living, so all you need is your laptop and you’re ready to go. Gran Canaria is also comparatively cheap in terms of living costs.


In many ways still an insider tip; Lisbon – usually hidden in the shadow of its Spanish neighbour. But this shouldn’t stop you. Lisbon and the Portuguese area around it offer you a lot of coworking opportunities for your coworking crew. Our TripLeader Anna has already spent 3 weeks here with cool travel partners – working & surfing. Check out her 4-week coworking Trip to the Algarve! She also has it online for 2 weeks at a time, just check out her profile for more information and join her trips directly!


Malta has always been very international and THE destination for many digital nomads. That’s why the country has adapted and offers many opportunities for coworking and co-living. Just keep in mind that Malta is generally very expensive in terms of living cost, so find enough travel buddies to share the travel cost! At JoinMyTrip you are guaranteed to find the right people who will want to spend the winter with you here.

Shot of Lisbon city taken from above
Inform yourself about local regulations

We think coworking is great because it combines our favourite aspects of traveling: discovering new destinations and traveling with like-minded travel buddies. Especially during the corona pandemic, group travel has become more and more popular as it can give you security and relaxation. You can read more about this in our blog about why you should travel in a group right now.

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