Travel with JoinMyTrip

Posts about: Money

9 Silly Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Travel mistakes you’re most likely still doing

The moment you’re stuck in a tricky situation while traveling, you look back and think of all the travel mistakes you could have easily avoided. Yet, here you are… and you just missed your flight. Why? Because of a silly mistake you made. That also just cost you another flight ticket back home. If you were to follow our 9 tips to avoid these dumb travel mistakes then this would never happen. So, without making you read any longer, let’s get into how you can avoid these mistakes when traveling! 

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How to Track Costs While Traveling in a Group

TravelSpend is the answer

If you ever faced the problem of splitting up all the travel costs on a trip with other people, you are in luck: We’ve found this cool startup that created an app that will help you track costs. It’s called TravelSpend! We wanted to introduce the founders to you and also the general concept of the app. Hop right in!

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Travel with JoinMyTrip