Travel with JoinMyTrip

10 Tips on How to be an Ideal TripMate

Tips to ensure everyone has a great time!

So, it might be your first time traveling with JoinMyTrip and the nerves are kicking in. You’re not too sure what to expect or how it’s going to be. Or even if it’s your tenth time traveling with JoinMyTrip, you might be asking yourself what makes me an ideal TripMate? As always, we want to ensure that you and your fellow TripMates have an unforgettable experience together with the help of these 10 tips.

10. Be actively responsive to your TripLeader!

Don’t wait and expect your TripLeader to be responsible for every aspect of your trip. Make sure to ask and answer questions, get to know each other a bit more over chat. Keep in mind that your TripLeader is responsible for every TripMate so actively responding to their inquiries helps out more than you know. Not only will it make your TripLeaders life easier but also your own. 

9. Preparation is key for an amazing trip

two travelers wearing backpacks with blue travel book
Preparation is key for an amazing trip

This might seem like an obvious one, but preparation is absolutely vital to ensure your trip runs smoothly with no worries, so you can fully focus on having an amazing time. Even if you are all for ‘living in the moment’, trust me so are we but, there’s always something to prepare beforehand.  Before going on any trip make sure you have all your essentials, possible vaccinations, and medications that you might need. Most importantly have the necessary travel documents, including visas if required. The last thing you want to do is be stuck somewhere while everyone is out exploring because you forgot your visa. 

If you are terrible at preparing like some of us do, check out our blog post on 7 tips you need to read if you’re traveling last-minute

8. Be inclusive!

Everyone has their own story to tell. Don’t forget that each of your fellow TripMates are there to explore new places and cultures just like you. Make them feel welcome and it will definitely have a positive impact on your trip! It’s always such an enriching experience meeting new people so take advantage of it while you can, it’s your chance to learn from others! Who knows? You might just meet your new best friend that you can forever cherish. 

7. Be proactive about your trip!

No one can read your mind, If you have questions or suggestions don’t be afraid to speak up. You’re ensured to have a better trip if you are an actively engaging member. Not quite sure what to do in the afternoon? Speak up and let everyone know about the cool castle you read about online. Confused about why you are going to the beach when it’s storming outside? Ask your TripLeader, he may have just forgotten to check the weather. At the end of the day, they are only human. 

6. Meet or chat with your fellow TripMates before going on your trip

a group of friends laughing and smiling at a port near the sea making them the perfect TripMate
Meet or chat with your fellow TripMates before going on your trip

Getting cold feet? Totally understandable! You are about to be spending your next few days or even weeks with people you have never met before might as well chat and meet your fellow TripMates beforehand. That way you can dive right into the fun of exploring. 

5. Be yourself!

Everyone on JoinMyTrip is looking to make new friends and meet new people so no need to try to impress anyone, really! Just be yourself. You know the times when your mom or dad calls you special? Well, you are! We truly believe that every person has something unique to offer. You’ll be so much happier and comfortable on your trip knowing that you can be yourself and everyone appreciates you for you. 

4. Assist your fellow TripMates/TripLeader

An ideal TripMate is responsive and proactive. If your TripMates or TripLeader needs help, offer a helping hand. Teamwork makes the dream work! You’re traveling in a group, there’s bound to be a time when something goes wrong and you need to work together for a solution. Sometimes you can’t possibly do everything on your own and need the help of others.

3. Be understanding if something doesn’t go according to plan!

Sometimes things just don’t work out the way we planned them to. If you planned on going surfing one day but it’s storming, don’t fret! Part of a great trip is the surprises along the way. When one door closes another one opens, maybe you end up going to an indoor market or a bar crawl that day and end up having an amazing time anyway!

Be sure to read our blog post on what happens if TripLeader fails 

2. Don’t be afraid to try new things.

Man swinging in the jungle making him the ideal TripMate
Don’t be afraid to try new things

One of the best traits to have as a TripMate is the willingness to try new things. If you’re already visiting a new country, with new people, you might as well pick up the courage to give something new a try. You can’t possibly know what you enjoy or don’t enjoy without trying them out first, right? Going out of your comfort zone is the only way you’ll learn and grow. 

1. Enjoy yourself, enthusiasm is contagious!

At the end of the day, we want all of our TripMates to enjoy themselves. We want to see that beautiful smile on your face, show us your pearly whites! Enthusiasm is contagious. You’ll be sure to have an amazing trip with your TripLeader and fellow TripMates! Even if the weather takes a turn for the worse or plans don’t exactly go the way you planned, a positive attitude can make all the difference in the world. 

No one is perfect, and we don’t expect you to be. However, after reading these 10 tips you are more than ready to start creating your own unforgettable once in a lifetime experience with like-minded TripMates and TripLeaders. Head Over to JoinMyTrip to start now! 

Not too sure where to go or what to do? Check out our blogs below for inspiration:

Travel with JoinMyTrip