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6 Alternatives To Celebrate Carnival 2021 At Home

Let’s make the most of it!

Probably the carnival muffles amongst you are just happy that the “fourth season” of Carnival 2021 can not take place due to Corona. The majority of people, however, are probably shedding huge crocodile tears right now! Carnival is simply a part of the year, especially in the German strongholds of Cologne, Düsseldorf or Mainz. I have to admit, I didn’t grow up with carnival either, but I understand that it is deeply missed this year.

Before you stop reading this blog because you’re so sad; we have something for you! To get you through the upcoming carnival season as well as possible, we show you 6 alternatives to celebrate carnival 2021 at home. Till then we can hopefully let it rain again in 2022!

6. Costumes for the next year

The best way to distract yourself is to look ahead! So get your head out of the sand, crank up your brain cells, get creative, and create costumes for next year. The excuse that you can wear this year’s costumes doesn’t count! If you already have enough costumes ready, then make them for your friends, family, and acquaintances. As always, when it comes to carnival; the fancier, the better! Let your imagination and your frustration from 2020 run free. A little tip: You can find a lot of inspiration on Pinterest. If you still need inspiration, take a look at the numerous videos of the parades and sessions, there is certainly something out there for you 😉

A pink mask with feathers for a costume party.
Costumes for the next year

5. Small carnival in your living room

All you need for a carnival party at your home is imagination and a good dose of optimism. Turn your living room into a party that the world has never seen before! Dress up, possibly even with the costumes you’ve already made. Create fancy decorations and decorate your whole house with them. You’ll see how time flies. If you are one of those people who always find fault in the DJ’s music, create your own playlist! You’ll have all year to collect songs and blow everyone away with them in 2022. Again, sing along as loud as you can. So that your neighbors also have a chance to hear your delicate angelic voice. Go out onto the balcony and cheerfully chirp carnival songs. Who knows, maybe you’ll even get the ball rolling and many others will dare to go out onto their balconies.

Decoration for the Carnival 2021
Small carnival in your living room

4. Sweets for all!

Apart from Carnival 2021, treats and sweets are distributed everywhere else on the streets. Well, nothing better than that! Even though this year is a little different, it doesn’t mean there’s no reason to bake. Instead of giving away the goodies to others, this year it’s your turn to eat them yourself. That sounds good, doesn’t it? The internet is full of ideas and delicious recipes, so get in the kitchen and bake away. Especially popular during carnival times are Berliner and Krapfen. Hmm, who does not like to stand all day in the kitchen for this 😉 To make your neighbors happy too, take some sweets, make a round for your neighborhood and leave some carnival greetings in the mailboxes. I would be happy to receive this!

Sweets for all on a baby blue table with confettis and party hats.
Sweets for all!

3. Virtual carnival

I am someone who needs the closeness and entertainment of other people and really dislikes being alone. If you feel the same way, invite your friends to a carnival party – virtually, of course. Dress up as if you’re about to hit the streets and have fun with a video call. Before the wild party starts, decide on a special dish and get all the ingredients for some delicious cocktails. I don’t want to say that it will be similar to a normal carnival party, but it’s an appropriate alternative for carnival 2021… And necessity is the mother of invention. 😉

A man holding his cell phone and making a video call with a friend.
Virtual carnival

2. Costume ball on your TV

Look on the bright side – you don’t have to dress up for Carnival 2021, you can watch as others do it! There are a number of movies that are perfect for a carnival day on the couch. The movies “The Great Gatsby” or “Little Women” are famous for their brilliant costume design. You can also learn a lot from the costumes in the masquerade balls of the movies “Eyes Wide Shut” and “Romeo and Juliet” and gather ideas for the coming year! Get your candy baked ready and spend the whole day on the couch while enjoying your movie marathon. Think of it this way: this is the calm before the storm next year. 😉

Someone has put his feet comfortably on the coffee table while watching movies matching the theme of Carnival 2021.
Costume ball on your TV

1. Carnival around the world

We wouldn’t be JoinMyTrip if we didn’t encourage you to check out what’s going on in the world during this time. 😉 You’ll have plenty of time this year to get educated about Carnival customs and traditions around the world before you put it into action. There is so much to discover, so why always celebrate carnival in your usual environment? Other countries may have even more outlandish costumes or customs. Seek and find like-minded travelers around the world and share your travel costs and experiences.

A man with colorful carnival costume somewhere in the world.
Carnival around the world

If you enjoyed this blog and want to experience Carnival in other countries, find like-minded travelers to join you now! Plan your own adventure now or join a unique trip with JoinMyTrip.

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