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Posts about: Traditions

6 Alternatives To Celebrate Carnival 2021 At Home

Let’s make the most of it!

Probably the carnival muffles amongst you are just happy that the “fourth season” of Carnival 2021 can not take place due to Corona. The majority of people, however, are probably shedding huge crocodile tears right now! Carnival is simply a part of the year, especially in the German strongholds of Cologne, Düsseldorf or Mainz. I have to admit, I didn’t grow up with carnival either, but I understand that it is deeply missed this year.

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New Year Traditions Around The World

Find out how these 6 countries celebrate New Year!

Right, 2020 is coming to an end already… Can you believe it?! What a year it has been, filled with lots of ups and downs but hey, we made it! However, the start of the year 2021 might not necessarily be the most extravagant or huge this year, but let’s make the most out of it. In this article, I will be showing you a couple of different New Year traditions around the world, how they celebrate the New Year, and when. Take some inspiration on how the other half of the world celebrates and incorporate that into your New Year this year! 

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