Travel with JoinMyTrip

Posts about: Around The World

Travel the World with JoinMyTrip: People hiking in mountains

How Traveling the World With JoinMyTrip Makes You Experience the World in a Different Way

Life is full of experiences to be had and traveling with JoinMyTrip is one of them...

Have you ever wondered what its like to travel with strangers that quickly turn into friends? Have you ever wanted to explore a new place but none of your friends have really been excited to travel? What about working in a villa in Europe with other like-minded professionals? JoinMyTrip is full of fun travel experiences, and we're going to tell you just why your life will change after going on a unique adventure with like-minded TravelMates!

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Travel Podcast – Interview With Travel Writer, Katherine (Season 2, Episode 3)

Listen to Katherine’s amazing experiences traveling around the world

Welcome lovely listeners to our 2nd season and 3rd episode of the JoinMyTrip Travel Podcast! This week Jasmine (Finland) and Alex (UK) have a super special guest on the podcast. We interview travel writer, Katherine Parker-Magyar a New York-based writer who spills the beans about all of her absolutely amazing travel experiences. She has been around the world, writing about all the amazing places she’s seen and the great people she’s met along the way. Kenya, Brazil, China… just to name a few.

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New Year Traditions Around The World

Find out how these 6 countries celebrate New Year!

Right, 2020 is coming to an end already… Can you believe it?! What a year it has been, filled with lots of ups and downs but hey, we made it! However, the start of the year 2021 might not necessarily be the most extravagant or huge this year, but let’s make the most out of it. In this article, I will be showing you a couple of different New Year traditions around the world, how they celebrate the New Year, and when. Take some inspiration on how the other half of the world celebrates and incorporate that into your New Year this year! 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip