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6 Exciting Easter Traditions Around the World

Where in the world does the Easter Bunny hop?

Easter is coming and that’s why we asked ourselves: How do different cultures around the world celebrate this holiday?

We are going to show you six cultures that celebrate the resurrection of Jesus in their own ways. This makes them the perfect destinations for your next Easter trip! We know, of course, that almost no one can travel internationally right now. But the places on our list are magnificent all year round, you can visit them when you are ready.

And if you really want to go there on next Easter, be the first to publish the trip on JoinMyTrip, so you can find the coolest travel buddies and share your memories with each other!

Easter bunny made of chocolate with a face mask surrounded by colorful Easter eggs on green grass
Where in the world does the Easter Bunny hop?

1. Prague in the Czech Republic

If you’re looking for a huge, and breathtaking market, go to the Altstaedter Ring in Prague. From March to April you can roam the streets that are packed with street vendors selling colourful souvenirs, traditional dishes, music and, of course, beer. Women wear traditional clothing and paint Easter eggs by hand. If you come here during Easter, you will have an unforgettable trip!

Just a little heads up: On Easter Monday, men playfully tap the women with sticks from willow trees. It is said that vitality and fertility are transferred from the willow onto the women. Don’t say, we haven’t warned you.

Prague is always worth a visit and you will definitely find like-minded people on JoinMyTrip who want to create memories with you!

Prague in the Czech Republic, with the castle of Prague and the Karl bridge
Prague in the Czech Republic

2. Russia

Христос воскресе! This is the traditional Easter greeting. It means: “Christ is resurrected!” Easter is the most beautiful and glorious holiday in Russia, it is even bigger than Christmas. Most people spend their holiday with their families and a lot of delicious food. Russians also paint Easter eggs and bake a traditional pastry, in English it is called Easter bread. On Easter Sunday, the whole family comes together to share a feast. After breakfast, everybody goes outside to celebrate with their neighbors and loved ones and share Easter eggs and Easter breads. Russians say: If the first egg you get, is given wholeheartedly, it will never go bad. Easter in Russia is full of generosity and community, so it’s the perfect destination for a group trip!

If you really want to visit beautiful Russia soon, check out our community and find the coolest people for your next adventure!

Moscow, the capital of Russia in sunset with two high buildings during easter

3. Florence in Italy

You and your travel companions can expect unique and ancient traditions during the Easter holidays in Florence. The traditional events are scattered throughout the city, so Easter is literally everywhere you look in the Tuscan capital. The city’s most popular event is the “Explosion of the Cart”. In this 350- year-old tradition,  an elaborate wagon that stands three stories high is pulled through the streets of Florence to the Piazza del Duomo. When it reaches its destination, people start loading it with fireworks. Once it’s full, it is set alight and spectators eagerly wait for the big explosion. If the fireworks show goes off smoothly, that means the region can expect a year of good harvests and successful business. 

As you can see, Florence is full of art and old traditions, the centre for all culture-addicts! Find your new travel buddies and head to the Old Italy.

Florence, an old city in Italy, with mountains in the background and a basilica in the middle
Florence in Italy

4. Norway

If you’re looking for a quieter Easter destination this year, you should consider going to Norway. Spending Easter in Norway will not only guarantee a nature fix, but you can also expect very unique Easter traditions that are completely different from other Western countries. When Norwegians think about Easter, most will think about crime TV shows and thriller novels. It is said that this pastime is so popular in Norway, that publishers specifically come out with special Easter thrillers, or Paakekrimmen. No one can really be sure why the shows and books about crime topic is so popular in Norway, but one theory is because during Easter, people have more time on their hands so they can focus on their hobby to read books, and thrillers are often a go-to genre. Additionally, you can’t get groceries, no one goes to school or works for an entire week straight.

This means you can completely makw the most of your experience with your new travel buddies, either in a cozy hut or outside in the beautiful nature of Norway.

Tromsö, a city in the north of Norway, with mountains and snow in the background and a crystal clear lake next to the two small houses during easter

5. Mexico

“Felizes Pascuas” is what you wish your friends and family in Mexico during Easter! In this religious country, Easter is celebrated for almost 2 weeks, because it is the most sacred holiday. Throughout the country, the events are like fairs where indigenous and catholic traditions are mixed. That’s why the streets are packed with colourful garlands and people playing music and dancing. Easter Bunnies and eggs are nowhere to be found. Despite this, all you choco-holics won’t be disappointed. The sweets in Mexico are hidden in the country’s famous piñatas!

If you are looking for fun people to join you on this Mexico trip, definitely have a look at our website! The best time to travel to Mexico is between December and April, perfect for your next Easter trip.

Osterschmuck in San Miguel de Allende in Mexico, which are decorated with colorful garlands

6. The Philippines

The holiday on the Philippines will remind you of other traditions across the world and there are also colourful Easter eggs and Easter Bunnies. But some things are a little different. When the church bells ring on Easter Sunday, something strange happens in the Philippines, Parents lift their little kids by their heads, so they will grow better. The very realistic reenactments of the crucifixion are even more interesting. But there are also fun, flower-filled Easter parades all around the islands!

Most Filipinos are strongly catholic. That’s why the traditions can are very serious. If you are interested in this culture and you want to be a part of the rich Easter tradition, you’ll definitely find like-minded people in the JoinMyTrip Community!

rows of red candles that have been already lit easter
The Philippines

We at JoinMyTrip wish you a Happy Easter with your loved ones and lots of sweets! Don’t be sad that your Easter travel plans had to be cancelled – because you can always re-schedule them! You can enjoy this peaceful time with your family and your wanderlust will even grow bigger than before. If you are desperate for things to do at home now, we have collected 10 things you can do during the quarantine in an easy-to-read article.

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