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Best Cities to Live in | Europe Edition

Top 7 cities to live in Europe

Europe, the continent of an explosion of cultures mushed in together, and the birthplace of western civilization. Plus, living in Europe gives you epic opportunities to travel around. You can easily drive to another country or take a flight in only a couple of hours. We all know what that calls for… Great weekend trips at all times! If you want to know where the best cities to live in Europe are, the hub of cultures then we have 7 of them listed for you in this article. 

7. Rotterdam, Netherlands

One of my own personal favorites is Rotterdam, Netherlands. I visit my friends there yearly and it has almost become my second home. It’s not the prettiest city in the Netherlands but, it has an industrial charm that you will slowly come to like. Compared to Amsterdam however, the city isn’t packed with tourists and you can enjoy the local life. The nightlife is also great for anyone who is looking for a good party, you will often see bars packed, and people dancing on tables. Then, at the end of the night, you bike home with your friends, as the rest of the population does. HUGE BONUS: Everyone in the Netherlands speaks great English making it one of the best cities to live in Europe

Rotterdam, Netherlands one of the best cities to live in Europe during the night.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

6. Porto, Portugal

A lot of travelers have come to say that Porto is much better than Lisbon in terms that Porto is more welcoming and feels like home. Porto is a beautiful coastal city in Portugal where the buildings are painted in all kinds of bright colors. Rent out one of the rooms in these colorful buildings during your stay in Porto and make sure to pick out an ocean view. Porto is one of the more affordable cities in Europe so you will definitely be able to find something for yourself if you decide to move here. In addition, the people of Porto have a reputation for being friendly and helpful, which will make you feel right at home in no time! The city has also been popular among digital nomads in recent years so if you are interested in possibly creating your own coworking trip then checkout JoinMyTrip

a view of Porto in Portugal during the sunset with the river.
Porto, Portugal

5. Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul is a bit of a controversial city whether it is one of the best cities to live in Europe or not, but I personally believe that it is. Why? Because it’s such an epic city! The city is full of prophecies, tales, stories of betrayals, and mythological gods that cannot be unheard of when in Turkey. There are so many interesting things you can learn just by living in this stunning city. Especially, for all those who enjoy a good golden hour for your Instagram, then you will be happy to hear that Istanbul has the best sunsets that shine like gold. In addition, don’t even get me started on the contemporary art scene that Istanbul possesses. 

one of the best cities to live in Europe is Istanbul, Turkey with seagulls flying in the blue sky.
Istanbul, Turkey

4. Prague, Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is one of the cheapest countries in Europe, especially the capital city, Prague. The city itself looks like a real-life fairy tale with its architectural gems and is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe with lots to do. The city is covered in hundreds of towers and spires which has also given it the nickname “The city of a hundred spires”. Students from all over Europe love to travel to Prague just to party and the city is very well known for it. If you happen to be a young professional, I guarantee you will fall in love with the cheap prices, and vibrant nightlife instantly. Make sure to check out JoinMyTrip to travel with like-minded people to your next possible adventure in Prague! 

A city view of Prague, Czech Republic in the day time with people crossing a bridge.
Prague, Czech Republic

3.  London, United Kingdom

We all know of London, and it’s a city where you either love it or hate it. Many people think London is too busy and hectic for their taste, whereas the other half of the people love the hustle and bustle of the city. Which type of person are you? If you happen to be the ones who love the hustle and bustle then, be prepared to hustle away. London is one of the most expensive cities in Europe, so if you plan on moving to London, you might want to get your financials sorted out. 😉 However, with plenty of job opportunities found in the city, you should be able to find something in your field. London is the best city to live in Europe if you are looking for an adrenaline rush in a big busy city. 

one of the best cities to live in the US with the Big Ben tower.
London, United Kingdom

2. Stockholm, Sweden

Now we head all the way up north to Scandinavia, Stockholm the capital city of Sweden. Everyone wants to look like the Swedish and be like the Swedish, but what about living in a country full of Swedish people? The world just can’t help but be mesmerized by their incredible good looks, nor their timeless style. Besides the beautiful people, Stockholm is made up of fourteen islands, making the city beautifully surrounded by water. The city is the perfect mixture of nature and city combined.

For those looking to work in a creative field, Stockholm is probably one of the best cities to start. The Swedish really do know how to market their products. Coming from Finland and being a marketing student we were always told to look at Sweden as an example. If you happen to want to travel to Stockholm with other travelers then check out JoinMyTrip to start planning your own trip!

a view of Stockholm Sweden and the Swedish castle with the water surrounding on the day time.
Stockholm, Sweden

1. Paris, France

It’s not a surprise that Paris tops the list as one of the best cities to live in Europe, the city is out of this world. Paris is a magical land where everything looks picture-perfect, and people walking down the streets of France in high fashion. If you have never heard about the fashion scene in Paris, then I’m sorry to ask, but where have you been? Besides being the epicenter of fashion, the city is also known to be the most romantic city in the world which we can totally see where the reputation stems from.

The city has been an inspiration to many artists, filmmakers, writers, and more… so why not move to Paris and gain some inspiration for your next move in life? However like in any big city, the downside of living in Paris is that it can take you hours to commute daily depending on where in Paris you are living. 

One of the best cities to live in Europe is Paris, France with the Eiffel Tower lit up.
Paris, France

Have we helped you decide where the best city to live in Europe for you is? If you want to experience the cities yourself before moving there, find like-minded travelers to join your trip or plan your own trip with JoinMyTrip. Share costs, experiences, and come home with unforgettable memories.

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