Travel with JoinMyTrip

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Why you should go on a volunteering trip to South America

Roaming the world and thinking about what to do next? if you're keen on new experiences - South America is a great way to start, each year thousands of volunteers have had the chance to discover the rich culture and the opportunity to give back to the community either through programs such as wildlife conservation, teaching English abroad, or even participate in medical volunteering. 

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Plan Your 2022 Adventure in Asia

2022 is approaching faster than anything and that means the change of seasons, different festivals in multiple countries, and of course -traveling! If you are dying to finally get out and travel again after sitting in lockdowns and exploring the different countries in Asia we have a not-so-typical guide and with a few out of the box countries to suggest for your next revenge travel! 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip

Discover the holy grail blog to Bali.

The Holy Grail Guide to Bali

This beautiful island is located in Southeast Asia, often mistaken as its own country, Bali is actually part of Indonesia -the largest archipelago in the world, consisting of over 17,508 islands. Bali itself is a province of Indonesia that has an approximate land area of 2,231 square miles. The island itself is situated between Java and Lombok (another beautiful island that’s a  30-minute plane ride from Bali). 

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12 Bucket List Countries for Digital Nomads

Throughout the decade the amount of digital nomads has successfully risen, with over 10 million people categorized as being digital nomads which is exactly why countries are trying to catch up and have begun issuing digital nomad visas. Speaking of countries, have you ever wondered which country is the best for digital nomads? well, we have over 12 countries to complete your bucket list, and it's not your typical bucket list. We have included a budget at the end of each country which includes accommodation, food, and transportation. It can vary depending on your lifestyle, might cost more or less than the estimated budge such as the type of accommodation, and the food you choose. 

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Tips for your First Group Trip

Do you usually travel solo and head towards the unknown independently? Or do you usually travel with a close friend or significant other to enjoy your own private space, while solo traveling or with someone who is close to you is more intimate you should also consider group travel and experience the difference. There are so many benefits of traveling in a group either to create new lifelong connections or just to enjoy the moment together although your priorities or plan for the itinerary might be different from one another and you would not have as much control since you’re not solo traveling but of course that should not stop you from having an amazing trip altogether! 

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If you love Dubai, Turkey should be your next CoWorking Destination

Sand dunes, skyscrapers, underwater hotels, authentic Arabic food, what’s not to love about Dubai? Known for their iconic landmarks and beautiful architecture, it’s no surprise that millions of tourists and business travelers flock to the country every year, especially digital nomads. It has numerous activities and co-working spaces fit for a nomadic lifestyle but if you are starting to get bored of the hustle and bustle of Dubai and looking for another city that is also vibrant and filled with heritage for your next Co-Working trip, you will love Turkey!

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How to Land a Remote Job

Ever wondered how those people on Instagram and youtube can seamlessly travel around the globe at any time of the year, what do they do? How do they do it? Well, the answer is simple: landing a remote job, what is a remote job you might ask? It is essentially is a flexible working arrangement that lets an employee work from any location outside of the company’s headquarters which of course has a lot of benefits, you can spend less time on commuting to work automatically making it a more affordable option, and most importantly, you can do it in the comfort of your own home or while traveling across the country in a van! , 

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Top 10 Countries for Digital Nomads

So you’ve finally landed your dream job and are currently contemplating if you prefer sipping margaritas after work on a beach or dune bashing in Dubai? So many options and so many countries to choose from but not to worry, we’ve got a few options up our sleeves, here are the top 10 countries that are recommended for digital nomads based on the cost of living, accessibility for remote working, and so much more.

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5 Cool Road Trips in the U.S.

With over 50 states in total ranging from sunny California, the natural wonders of Utah, and all the way to the bustling New York City it’s not uncommon to not know where to start, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the top 5 planned road trips in the USA to go with your friends that won’t break the bank.

Tip: it’s always a good idea to book your insurance beforehand, for more info about insurance covered by us click here


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The Best Places for a Wellness Group Trip - Part 2

If you’ve been scrolling through social media lately you’ve probably heard of the term “self care” and “self-love”,  the concept of taking care of one’s well being starting from the food you eat, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep has been around from ages, but recently it has been brought up quite often, people are trying to find different approaches to taking care of themselves and avoid burnouts trying to keep up with the fast pace of their daily lives. 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip