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Posts about: Digital Nomad

12 Bucket List Countries for Digital Nomads

Throughout the decade the amount of digital nomads has successfully risen, with over 10 million people categorized as being digital nomads which is exactly why countries are trying to catch up and have begun issuing digital nomad visas. Speaking of countries, have you ever wondered which country is the best for digital nomads? well, we have over 12 countries to complete your bucket list, and it's not your typical bucket list. We have included a budget at the end of each country which includes accommodation, food, and transportation. It can vary depending on your lifestyle, might cost more or less than the estimated budge such as the type of accommodation, and the food you choose. 

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How to Land a Remote Job

Ever wondered how those people on Instagram and youtube can seamlessly travel around the globe at any time of the year, what do they do? How do they do it? Well, the answer is simple: landing a remote job, what is a remote job you might ask? It is essentially is a flexible working arrangement that lets an employee work from any location outside of the company’s headquarters which of course has a lot of benefits, you can spend less time on commuting to work automatically making it a more affordable option, and most importantly, you can do it in the comfort of your own home or while traveling across the country in a van! , 

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Top 10 Countries for Digital Nomads

So you’ve finally landed your dream job and are currently contemplating if you prefer sipping margaritas after work on a beach or dune bashing in Dubai? So many options and so many countries to choose from but not to worry, we’ve got a few options up our sleeves, here are the top 10 countries that are recommended for digital nomads based on the cost of living, accessibility for remote working, and so much more.

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Travel with JoinMyTrip

Beginners guide to become a digital nomad in 2021 with a laptop by the beach.

Beginners Guide to Becoming a Digital Nomad

Updated: 24th February 2022

Everything you need to know about becoming a digital nomad 💻

The term digital nomad has been a rising topic in recent years. The pandemic has definitely taught many of us that you can work from anywhere in the world just as well as in the office. It is predicted that we will see more and more digital nomads on the rise, so hop on the bandwagon. All you need is your laptop and the right attitude! So, are you ready to start your digital nomad adventure and live your life to the fullest?  Follow our beginners guide to becoming a digital nomad to start your nomad life. 

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Alternative Spring Break Vacations in 2021

How to make the most of spring break if travel isn’t possible

The good news is: the world is slowly opening up! Iceland has just opened its doors to vaccinated travelers and those with proof of having had COVID-19 already. Greece is also talking about welcoming travelers sometime in May with sufficient documentation. However, it just might be that this time around you’re forced to look for an alternative way to spend your spring break vacation… again. But don’t worry, we’ve compiled a list for you of how you can ‘staycation’ from home (or close to home!). Let’s hit the road!

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How I Became a Digital Nomad | CoWorking Show

Why we jumped on the coworking bandwagon

Since the pandemic started, many employees were sent to home offices to minimize the risk of infection, and ever since, there has been a continuous rise in remote workers. We realized that there is a need for coworking but not much could be found on the topic itself since it’s still relatively new. So, we decided to take this opportunity to jump on the coworking train and introduce you to everything you need to know about the digital nomad life! 

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How I Became a Digital Nomad | CoWorking Show

Why we jumped on the coworking bandwagon

Since the pandemic started, many employees were sent to home offices to minimize the risk of infection, and ever since, there has been a continuous rise in remote workers. We realized that there is a need for coworking but not much could be found on the topic itself since it’s still relatively new. So, we decided to take this opportunity to jump on the coworking train and introduce you to everything you need to know about the digital nomad life! 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip