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Beginners Guide to Becoming a Digital Nomad

Updated: 24th February 2022

Everything you need to know about becoming a digital nomad 💻

The term digital nomad has been a rising topic in recent years. The pandemic has definitely taught many of us that you can work from anywhere in the world just as well as in the office. It is predicted that we will see more and more digital nomads on the rise, so hop on the bandwagon. All you need is your laptop and the right attitude! So, are you ready to start your digital nomad adventure and live your life to the fullest?  Follow our beginners guide to becoming a digital nomad to start your nomad life. 


What is a digital nomad? 

For those of you who are not yet familiar with the term digital nomad, a digital nomad is someone who relies on digital technologies to get their work done, is not reliant on a fixed location and travels the world at the same time. Now, a digital nomad and a remote worker are two different things even though they are both relying on digital technologies to get their work done. The main difference between a digital nomad and a remote worker is that a remote worker does not travel, and could just be working from home. So, if you are a remote worker and have the possibility to work from anywhere, why not become a digital nomad? If you can get your work done just as efficiently as in the office while being elsewhere, why not take the plunge to just do it? 


Why is it becoming more and more popular? 


Many companies have slowly come to the realization that as long as you have the necessary tools to get your work done, it doesn't matter where you are. Not only does this save costs on office space but many companies are now transitioning into being fully remote or offering their employees the opportunity to work remotely for a certain amount of days in a year. Not only bad things should result from this pandemic, take this opportunity now that you are working remotely to do something great. 


Watch our colleague Anna's story on how she became a digital nomad for some personal insights:


Things to keep in mind when being a digital nomad

Working while traveling the world sounds pretty great, right? But it takes a certain type of person to live it to its full potential. There are things you need to keep in mind when being a digital nomad because without knowing the challenges that you may encounter it can be difficult for you to enjoy your nomad adventure. 

1. You need self-discipline 

Since you are not in an office and there is no one looking over your shoulders to make sure you are doing your job, you really need to have a certain level of self-discipline and hold yourself accountable. There is no one there pushing you to do your job. 

2. Plan properly 

Without proper planning, you can easily run into complications. Make sure that wherever you are traveling to has what you need to get your job done as efficiently as possible. You will most likely need an internet connection, so make sure you do your research! Being a digital nomad you are reliant on the internet after all, so what would you do without it? Plus, if you are someone who tends to have a lot of meetings throughout the day, make sure you have a designated space where you can peacefully hold meetings without any distractions. Here's how you can plan the perfect digital nomad trip for you. 

For beginner digital nomads we recommend joining coworking trips with JoinMyTrip that are already planned by experienced TripLeaders. So for your first journey, you don't have to worry about all the small things as they are all organized for you to ensure you have the best possible experience remote working in a different location!

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3. Be organized

As mentioned previously, you are responsible for doing your job. When you are working remotely it is super important that you have good organizational skills. Maybe you want to be able to chill on the beach during the daytime for once instead of going once the sun is down after work. Organize your time wisely. If your company allows it, maybe take a 2-3 hours break during the day to explore and chill in the sun and then make up for those lost hours later on in the evening. 

4. You will be tempted not to do work 

We get it, you are in this amazingly beautiful country and you just want to quickly get your work done and go out exploring as soon as possible. Be responsible for your actions! A lot of beginners seem to underestimate this, but you are there to work at the same time. Show your boss that you can get stuff done no matter the location. 

5. You might never want to go back to "normal" life

Be warned, once you get a taste of what life could be, you will never want to go back. 😉



You want to try and become a digital nomad right now? 💻
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Insider tips: 

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1. Get a portable Wi-Fi hotspot

Instead of finding places with an internet connection, take matters into your own hands and get your own portable wi-fi hotspot. This is a must if you are to be a digital nomad. You can purchase a pre-paid sim card in almost all countries with a certain amount of GB to be used. Once you have the pre-paid sim card, install it into your portable wi-fi hotspot and wallah, may there be internet! This way you could work anywhere, even at the beach. 

2. Stay a minimum of 2 weeks in the location

Since you are working at the same time, you will quickly come to realize that you will need more time to discover a place compared to a normal vacation. We recommend that you stay for at least 2 weeks if not longer to be able to explore the location freely as you want to.

3. Take advantage of the digital nomad community and never stop learning

The beautiful thing about being able to work from anywhere is that you also get to meet different kinds of people with different professional backgrounds. There is so much to be learned from one another, someone can teach you about finance and another about social media. Or, you could simply have a chat with them and you already learn so much. Create connections and never stop learning. Who knows, maybe the connections you make, may come in handy later on in the future. 


Do you want to go traveling with friends you haven't met yet and share travel costs? Check out JoinMyTrip, the world’s largest community of trustworthy travelers to start traveling with like-minded travelers today. Share costs and memories while you just sit back and have fun! 



Top 10 destinations for digital nomads:


As a beginner, it is best that you start with one of these top 10 destinations for digital nomads, this way it is easier for you to find all the necessary tools and space you will need for your nomad life. As the destinations are already popular among digital nomads, you can be sure that the destination is well equipped for beginner digital nomads. Including, you will most likely find other digital nomads here as well where you can learn some tips and tricks from. 

How to become a digital nomad in 3 simple steps:


Now that we have gone over the most important basics you need to know to become a digital nomad, here are 3 simple steps on how you can get started.  

Step 1: Create your plan 

The first and foremost is of course having a plan. Where are you going to go? For how long? Are you planning on going alone? Where will you be staying? What are your expectations? What do you want to do? Maybe you need to convince your boss? There are so many aspects you need to take into consideration when becoming a digital nomad. You want to be able to see as much as possible but also be able to live and work there for the duration of your time there. It is pretty much going to be your second home, so think of all the living necessities you might need as well. 

Step 2: Get all the necessary tools 

Now that you have your plan set and ready to go, you will now need to get the necessary tools for a fully functioning workday. The tools may vary from person to person, depending on the job they are in. Someone may fully survive with just a laptop but maybe others need more, such as a printer or scanner, etc... Of course, maybe you wouldn't want to be carrying a chunky printer around, but in that case, make sure you have a print and copy nearby. Think, what do you need? Here are all the top essentials we recommend you pack for your trip

Step 3: Just do it 

Lastly, book that trip! You have your plan and are well equipped, as Nike said "Just do it!". The first trip may be a bit nerve-wrecking but once you get a taste of the digital nomad life, you don't ever want to go back to sitting at an office desk or being at home all day. 


We hope our beginners guide to becoming a digital nomad was helpful to kickstart your incredible digital nomad adventure!  Let us know in the comments where you would love to travel to as a digital nomad! For more insights make sure to check out Anna's coworking show where she gives you the most important insights on becoming a digital nomad. 

Start packing your bags, your laptop and maybe take some travel mates along! Check out JoinMyTrip, the perfect place for beginners to start their digital nomad adventure with like-minded digital nomads and remote professionals. Here you will find many cool yet unique coworking group trips. Join already planned trips or lead your very own trip. 


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Check out some of our unique coworking trips from all around the world... 🌎
Coworking in Costa Rica as a digital nomad. Coworking in Lebanon with locals as a digital nomad. Coworking in Portugal.


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