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What To Pack On A Remote Coworking Trip | CoWorking Show

Our list of remote work essentials

Welcome back to the 8th episode of the CoWorking Show! In this episode, Anna gives you a list of essentials you should pack with you when going on a remote coworking trip. For those of you who have never been remote working abroad before, you might not realize how important it is to have the right items with you. Having a laptop with you might not be enough… Start watching this episode to ensure maximum productivity! 

What to take with you? What you should definitely not forget? How will these essentials help you on your remote coworking trip? All these questions will be answered in this week’s episode. 

Our top essentials to pack for a remote coworking trip:

Missed the 7th episode? Watch what to do on a remote coworking trip besides working:

We hope you enjoyed this week’s episode of a list of essentials you should pack and definitely not forget on your coworking trip. See you in our next episode

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