Travel with JoinMyTrip

How to Plan the Perfect CoWorking Trip

CoWorking means going on a vacation while you work! 

Tired of your desk and the view of the neighbor's garden? Then plan your ultimate CoWorking trip to an unusual place now and enjoy new views, activities and move your workplace to paradise. With these tips, you can plan the perfect CoWorking trip and hit the road without a care in the world. 

#1 - Decide on a place

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Unfortunately, we can't make that decision for you, but we can help you make the right one for your needs!

Be clear about what you want to have and experience on your CoWorking trip: 

  • Should it be cold or rather warm?
  • Do you need a beach on your doorstep? 
  • How much time difference is ok for you? Rather only one hour or a 5-6 hours time difference 

Places that are known for CoWorking and that have a large Digital Community: 

Don't feel like planning your CoWorking Trip yourself? Then check out JoinMyTrip and discover CoWorking Trips all over Europe and the world. 

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#2 - Take the time to plan your accommodations 

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Ask yourself the following questions when looking for apartments, houses or villas for your Coworking trip: 

  • How many CoWorkers should accompany you? 
  • How long do you plan to stay? 
  • What is the internet like on-site? 
  • Is there enough space for all CoWorkers? 

For the perfect CoWorking trip, we recommend 3-4 CoWorkers to accompany you and you should stay at least 2 weeks. However, in many cases, your stay will be cheaper if you stay 4 weeks or longer, it doesn't have to be the same CoWorking Crew the whole time 😉 . 

Also, ask your host if you can get a discount because working people don't break much and ask before booking how the internet connection is on site

One of the most important things to consider before you travel is whether you have enough space for everyone: are the tables big enough? Can you close the door to attend private meetings? Does everyone have a decent place to sleep that they are happy with? 

Where you will definitely have enough space is at Kiki and Fabian's CoWorking Villa in Madeira! 

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Try CoWorking and discover Fabian and Kiki's CoWorking Villa in Madeira 



Explore CoWorking Trips in Madeira


#3 - Communicate your expectations


To experience the perfect CoWorking trip, you also need the perfect TripMates. To find the perfect companions for your trip, you should communicate your expectations for the trip. 

Post your trip on JoinMyTrip and explain exactly what you plan to do, what you are doing, and what you expect from potential TripMates. This is how you create your trip on JoinMyTrip! 

The description of your trip should include what you plan to do and what your job is. Your working hours should be similar, so you can do something after work. 


#4 - Plan activities 

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In addition to the location and the home and workplace, you should also know what you can do in the area. Is there a tour of the city that you can experience on the weekend? Where can you enjoy the best sunset nearby? What are the best restaurants in the area? Your CoWorking trip should not only be work, but also a unique experience. 


Even more tips & tricks for your CoWorking trip,
you can find them in the CoWorking Show of our colleague Anna


Have these tips inspired you to plan your own coworking trip? Then check out JoinMyTrip now and easily create your own trip! 

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Are you more in the vacation mood? Then discover already planned trips all over the world and share your experiences (and travel costs) with other like-minded travelers. 


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Coworking and volunteering in Costa Rica Screenshot 2021-07-21 at 10.02.23 Screenshot 2021-07-21 at 10.03.07


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