Travel with JoinMyTrip

Posts about: Coworking Group

12 Bucket List Countries for Digital Nomads

Throughout the decade the amount of digital nomads has successfully risen, with over 10 million people categorized as being digital nomads which is exactly why countries are trying to catch up and have begun issuing digital nomad visas. Speaking of countries, have you ever wondered which country is the best for digital nomads? well, we have over 12 countries to complete your bucket list, and it's not your typical bucket list. We have included a budget at the end of each country which includes accommodation, food, and transportation. It can vary depending on your lifestyle, might cost more or less than the estimated budge such as the type of accommodation, and the food you choose. 

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Benefits of CoWorking Trips with JoinMyTrip

Why plan a CoWorking trip with JoinMyTrip? 

Sitting in your desk at home while the raindrops run down the window pane. It's wet and cold outside and the outlook for the coming days is as bleak as it is uneventful. You work online and would love to just pack your office into your backpack and take it with you to the sunny south. But no one from your friends circle has time and going alone is not the same. Do you know this feeling? We had the same problem and found a solution right away: CoWorking with JoinMyTrip! 

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The Definitive Remote CoWorking Guide: Los Angeles Edition

CoWorking in the City of Angels

Being one of the few people that is actually from LA, I feel like I can offer all our readers a nice guide to help you not only plan, but also experience what my wonderful city has to offer. BIG disclaimer, this is not a guide for people that are humble, low profile or in slightly modest. This is L.A. Baby!!! The town of towns, the place where people arrive as nobodies and leave as superstars.

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How To Manage A Group On A Remote Coworking Trip | CoWorking Show

Planning on leading your own coworking group? 

Have you been thinking about leading your own coworking trip? You should first check out our CoWorking Show episode about how to manage a group on a remote coworking trip! In this week’s episode, Anna who has managed many remote coworking trips in the past shares some of her best tips. Trust us, it’s not as easy as it sounds. You may encounter some difficulties managing many different personalities in one household if you have never done so in the past. 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip