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How To Manage A Group On A Remote Coworking Trip | CoWorking Show

Planning on leading your own coworking group? 

Have you been thinking about leading your own coworking trip? You should first check out our CoWorking Show episode about how to manage a group on a remote coworking trip! In this week’s episode, Anna who has managed many remote coworking trips in the past shares some of her best tips. Trust us, it’s not as easy as it sounds. You may encounter some difficulties managing many different personalities in one household if you have never done so in the past. 

So, get your notebooks and pens ready! We are about to dive deep into how you can be the ultimate leader of your own remote coworking group. 

How to manage your own remote coworking group:

Missed the 8th episode? Watch what to pack on a remote coworking trip:

We hope you enjoyed this week’s episode about how to manage a group on a remote coworking trip. See you in our next episode

Are you ready to plan or join your next coworking trip? Head over to JoinMyTrip to start finding like-minded professionals.

Travel with JoinMyTrip