Travel with JoinMyTrip

Tips for your First Group Trip

Do you usually travel solo and head towards the unknown independently? Or do you usually travel with a close friend or significant other to enjoy your own private space, while solo traveling or with someone who is close to you is more intimate you should also consider group travel and experience the difference. There are so many benefits of traveling in a group either to create new lifelong connections or just to enjoy the moment together although your priorities or plan for the itinerary might be different from one another and you would not have as much control since you’re not solo traveling but of course that should not stop you from having an amazing trip altogether! 


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Here are some tips to create your first unforgettable group trip 



1. Communicate 


have you ever heard how people are always preaching that communication is key? well here's why It’s so important to connect with one another even before the trip starts, that way you will be able to know the person beforehand and get to know them better, so when it’s time to meet there won’t be any awkwardness or tension. Create a group chat and introduce yourself and some fun facts or general information about yourself, who knows, there might be someone in the group who is also interested in what you like and you can bond with them. 

It is also a plus point if the group you are traveling with are from multiple countries, that way everyone can learn a new language along the way. 



2. Have a Flat Hierarchy 


When you organize a trip it’s good to know who is in charge of what to plan for the trip, have someone who everyone agrees on to take charge as the trip leader or planning and suggesting other activities, for example, you might want to suggest someone who enjoys doing finance to help with the group’s financial budget, splitting the bills and any other financial details.  And always take note of what each of the group members wants to do and make sure to have a balance of activities, cuisines to try, and the destinations everyone wants to explore. That way you will have a trip that everyone enjoys and happy people on board.


3. Create a Flexible Schedule 


Some members might take longer than others to get ready in the morning, or someone might be a tad bit late but that shouldn't stop you from having an amazing trip, always set an expectation and take note of which member might take longers than others, that way you can let them know in advance so they can plan around it. For example, the dinner that everyone is planning to go to is at 19:30 you can say it’s at 19:00 in that case, everyone will be ready on time. 

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4. Me Time 

Traveling in a group is always fun but it’s also good to put yourself first, take time out of your schedule to recharge your social battery, you can skip a few activities (which is completely ok), and just lay low and enjoy the area you are in, if you are staying in a coastal area then read a book by the beach or just sit by the pool and bask in the sun.


5. What to Pack


It might sound simple but packing things such as cards to play with can help everyone bond better, make sure to play card games that everyone knows, simple cards such as Uno might even be a hit! or you can even step up the game and bring an extra plug for your group is since everyone is staying in the same space together, someone might also be doing their work. 



6. Safety and Exploration 


Traveling in a group is definitely safer than traveling solo or in a group of two, that way you can also explore the alleyways or other parts of a country that is less known, maybe even the countryside or parts where they do not speak any language but their own native language, You would feel more comfortable knowing that there’s a group of people who would watch your back and get lost together in an unknown place. 


7. Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone


It’s never too late to step out of your comfort zone and try out new things, for example sailing in Croatia, Island hopping in Greece, or even a sea adventure in Komodo Islands. When there’s a bunch of people who shares different interest within the same group you can have a more authentic experience, they might dare you to go sky diving, skiing, or explore Dracula’s castle with, all in all, creating new memories and things that you won’t usually do. 


After the trip, you should always get in touch with one another and hold a reunion once in a while or prepare for a brand new trip. One of the best things about having everyone from different countries in your group is that when you plan to visit their home countries you will always have someone there to guide you along. So now that you’re all equipped for your first group trip you can always plan it yourself and find travel buddies or explore existing trips with Join My Trip and go on a crazy and fun adventure.


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