Travel with JoinMyTrip

Posts about: Bolivia

Why you should go on a volunteering trip to South America

Roaming the world and thinking about what to do next? if you're keen on new experiences - South America is a great way to start, each year thousands of volunteers have had the chance to discover the rich culture and the opportunity to give back to the community either through programs such as wildlife conservation, teaching English abroad, or even participate in medical volunteering. 

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Following the Footsteps of Neil Armstrong

When the earth isn’t enough to explore…

Get your adventure mode on! Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon, is the best example of an adventurer. In honor of National Travel and Tourism Week in the United States, it is only right that we celebrate this American astronaut. Here’s how to add a little Armstrong to your next trip… Hint: you can (sort of) do it while having your two feet planted firmly on Earth!

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The Most Beautiful Places in The World

10 Unique must-sees

Welcome back to another series where we show you what the most beautiful places around the world are! Of course, since there are so many beautiful places, we can’t possibly fit them all into one article. We narrowed them down and have picked out the 10 most beautiful places in the world for you and your travel mates!

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Travel with JoinMyTrip