Travel with JoinMyTrip

Following the Footsteps of Neil Armstrong

When the earth isn’t enough to explore…

Get your adventure mode on! Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon, is the best example of an adventurer. In honor of National Travel and Tourism Week in the United States, it is only right that we celebrate this American astronaut. Here’s how to add a little Armstrong to your next trip… Hint: you can (sort of) do it while having your two feet planted firmly on Earth!

Visit Wapakoneta, where it all started

Neil Armstrong was born in Ohio’s Wapakoneta. Today, the Armstrong Air & Space Museum is open to visitors in this town, at 500 Apollo Drive. The design of the museum is a sight to see in itself, and it houses some pretty cool artefacts. For example, you’ll find a moon rock on display from the Apollo 11 mission. Neil’s spacesuits are also exhibited, so you can check out his regular OOTD, that is, outfit of the day.

Neil Armstrong in a spacesuit with the American flag on the Moon
Check out Armstrong’s OOTD in Wapakoneta

The streets of Neil Armstrong

This legendary man is not only remembered in the U.S.A, but his name makes an appearance in many places around the world. Although there’s probably many more streets around the world in his name, you can find at least on in the U.K. and one in Germany. Neil Armstrong Way in the U.K. and Neil-Armstrong-Straße in Germany celebrate the heroic adventures of Armstrong. It’s no joke to have been the first man to walk on the Moon, so the honorable mentions are well worth it.

The homes of Armstrong

Neil lived in many places across the United States. Beyond his home in Wapakoneta, Neil also lived in:

  • Palmdale, California
  • El Lago, Texas
  • Bethesda, Maryland
  • Lebanon, Ohio
  • Cincinnati, Ohio

Many schools across the United States are also named after him. One can for example be found in Illinois. Armstrong was also a well-studied man. He himself attended school at:

  • Blume Highschool
  • USC Viterbi School of Engineering
  • Purdue University
  • University of Southern California
A street lined with palm trees in the city of California, where Neil Armstrong once lived and studied
Armstrong lived and studied in California

How to visit the Moon… on Earth

Although it may not be possible for us to visit the Moon during our lifetime (although, if you want to go for it, by all means do!), the world has many spots that look like the Moon, so we can get our little Neil Armstrong moment. Here’s where to visit if you want to have a pretend Moon mission:

  • El Valle de la Luna, Chile
    • Quite literally, the Valley of the Moon, this desert is one of the direst in the world and resembles the rugged landscapes of the Moon
  • Iceland
    • The barren landscapes in all of Iceland got us wondering if we’re really on Earth…?
  • Salar De Uyuni, Bolivia
    • The largest salt flats in the world are located in Bolivia, and the walking on the endless white surface is kind of like being with Armstrong himself
  • Bardenas Reales Natural Park, Spain
    • These badlands in Spain are a semi-desert, and visiting them will make you feel as though you’re part of an alien invasion
  • The Pinnacles, Australia
    • These oddly-shaped limestone formations popping out of the ground are located in Western Australia at Nambung National Park
  • Death Valley, California
    • The lowest point in North America, Death Valley is also one of the hottest

Craving a visit to Earth’s Moon? We have an upcoming trip to Iceland that you can join in on… just pack your bags!

Letting the Moon guide your travels

Neil Armstrong inspired his travels with the Moon, so why shouldn’t we as well? For all our astrology fans, we’ve created a show where you can discover best destinations and tips for your next travel destination(s) based on your horoscope! Your host Alex, who lives in breathes astrology, will tell you all you need to know. Moon people, here’s where to plan your next travels!

Plan your travels with your astrology sign

Armstrong quotes to live by for your next travels

There are places to go beyond belief

Neil Armstrong

A picture does a great job, but its not nearly like being there

Neil Armstrong

Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand

Neil Armstrong

So, on your next travels, don’t forget to remember this magnificent man! Although JoinMyTrip‘s trips will not take you to the moon (at least not yet), we do have some other cool trips planned for you! Or perhaps you’re inspired to create your own trip to a Moon-like destination somewhere in the world… start planning it now. 😉 Make Neil proud!

Is your imagination taking you places? Check out our other travel blogs to keep dreaming (and making dreams reality)…

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