Travel with JoinMyTrip

Posts about: Chile

Following the Footsteps of Neil Armstrong

When the earth isn’t enough to explore…

Get your adventure mode on! Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon, is the best example of an adventurer. In honor of National Travel and Tourism Week in the United States, it is only right that we celebrate this American astronaut. Here’s how to add a little Armstrong to your next trip… Hint: you can (sort of) do it while having your two feet planted firmly on Earth!

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The 10 Best Bungee Spots in the World

Are you an adrenaline junkie? Then this post is for you…

Bungee jumping describes an extreme sport in which you jump headfirst into the depths with a rubber band on your feet. The sport was inspired by the liana jumpers of Vanuatu and commercialized in the late 80s by New Zealander AJ Hackett. He invented a rubber rope that allows a safe jump and demonstrated it by jumping from the Eiffel Tower. So this extreme sport is completely crazy and now we present you with the 10 best bungee spots in the world…

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7 Interesting Facts About Easter Island

Did you know this about the mysterious Easter Island?

The Chilean Easter Island rests in the eastern Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Chile. This little island may be small, but the stories (and head statues) it holds are big. So, why does this tiny isolated island attract tens of thousands of visitors every year? These interesting facts about this mystical island will give you a look into the reason why historians and travelers alike want to explore this unique destination.

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Top 10 Cities to Visit in Europe and Worldwide (Part 1)

Best cities to visit in Europe and worldwide

City trips are perfect for a short getaway whether you are planning to do this inside Europe or worldwide. But these are not destinations like Amsterdam, London, Paris or Venice for city trips. Here you will find the best and unique places to visit at any time of the year in 2020! Get inspired for your next city trip! 

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Top 10 Cities to Visit in Europe and Worldwide (Part 1)

Best cities to visit in Europe and worldwide

City trips are perfect for a short getaway whether you are planning to do this inside Europe or worldwide. But these are not destinations like Amsterdam, London, Paris or Venice for city trips. Here you will find the best and unique places to visit at any time of the year in 2020! Get inspired for your next city trip! 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip

Travel with JoinMyTrip