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Posts about: Istanbul

Insider Tips | Travel to Turkey

Know these things before traveling to Turkey!

Where Europe meets Asia, you’ll find the perfect mix between the two… Turkey. You may know Turkey from the countless images on social media of Cappadocia, its cave homes and a sky full of hot air balloons. However, there is so much more to Turkey than what meets the eye! The versatile landscapes and colorful culture are some of the reasons why Turkey is one of the most traveled to countries in the world. These Insider Tips will help to get a look into what you should definitely know before traveling to the beautiful country of Turkey, so that your trip is smooth sailing!

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Best Cities to Live in | Europe Edition

Top 7 cities to live in Europe

Europe, the continent of an explosion of cultures mushed in together, and the birthplace of western civilization. Plus, living in Europe gives you epic opportunities to travel around. You can easily drive to another country or take a flight in only a couple of hours. We all know what that calls for… Great weekend trips at all times! If you want to know where the best cities to live in Europe are, the hub of cultures then we have 7 of them listed for you in this article. 

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The Most Beautiful Places in Turkey

6 travel tips for Turkey

When you think of Turkey some of you might think of Alanya, its all-inclusive hotels, lots of tourists and wide beaches. This is understandable because Turkey has those parts too but only in very specific parts of the country. The rest of the country has so much more to offer. Today we will show you the most beautiful places in Turkey and give you the most important travel tips. We will show you the top 3 all-time favorites for all those who don’t want an all-inclusive, but also 3 real insider tips.

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The Most Beautiful Places in Turkey

6 travel tips for Turkey

When you think of Turkey some of you might think of Alanya, its all-inclusive hotels, lots of tourists and wide beaches. This is understandable because Turkey has those parts too but only in very specific parts of the country. The rest of the country has so much more to offer. Today we will show you the most beautiful places in Turkey and give you the most important travel tips. We will show you the top 3 all-time favorites for all those who don’t want an all-inclusive, but also 3 real insider tips.

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Top 10 cities to visit in Europe and Worldwide in 2021 (Part 2)

City trips have kept their popularity among travellers all over the world. When planning on a city trip, you usually end up first thinking of cities like London, Paris or maybe even Rome. But even though these cities are one of the most beautiful ones in Europe, don’t you also think these cities seem a bit overrated already? At least we have been feeling this, which is why we decided to gather the 10 best cities to visit in Europe and worldwide for the year 2021! These cities are spread all across Europe, including few in Asia and in the USA. Keep on reading to get inspired for your next city trip in the year 2021!

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