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10 Things To Do At Home During Winter Lockdown

How to continue living your best life

It’s been around 8 months since the pandemic came to Europe, bringing with it travel restrictions, anxiety and most of all boredom. Now its winter and we are still in lockdown. I know there’s nothing we can really do about the situation but, sometimes I really struggle with seeing the same four walls of my apartment 24/7. I don’t even know how it feels to live a normal life anymore. Clubs exist? Restaurants too?! 

During our time under lockdown, I obviously had to come up with things to do to keep myself entertained and not go crazy (which was pretty hard, since I am such an extrovert at heart). Usually, I am always out and about constantly doing something, which is why I found it pretty hard to be at home all the time. So, here are 10 things you can do at home during winter lockdown to stay sane and entertained. 

10. Video call your friends

Most of your friends are probably at home with nothing to do either. This is the perfect opportunity for you to catch up now that everyone’s life is not as busy as before the pandemic. In case you have friends all over the world, video call them and show each other the view of your country. Even if you can’t travel right now that doesn’t mean you have to stop exploring! You might gain some cool travel inspiration on the way. This also really helped me gain some kind of social interaction that we all so desperately need. Even if there is nothing much to say to each other, it’s still nice to have someone in the background when you’re cleaning the house or doing the dishes.

a hand video calling their family with an iPhone during the winter lockdown
Video call your friends

9. Make a foreign treat!

Remember that amazing cookie you had in Brazil? Or, that one time your mouth just melted from the sweet coconut dessert in Thailand? You cry about it every night because you can’t get it anywhere. Well, I am here to tell you to try making it yourself! You will be surprised to learn all the different ingredients and tricks they use in the kitchen that you would have never thought about.

You all have also most likely seen those memes where everyone just starts baking during the lockdown… or shaves their head, but we are not shaving anyone’s head today. I never understood the urge to bake at first, but I am a hypocrite because… I became one of them. There was nothing that was going to stop me from baking like there’s no tomorrow. They don’t exactly taste great but it’s a learning curve (I’m trying my best), plus it keeps you entertained and you learn a new skill along the way.

Making a Taiwan dessert during the winter lockdown
Make a foreign treat!

8. Start a travel podcast

Do you and your friends have interesting travel stories to tell? Are you a natural charismatic storyteller? Maybe, it’s time to start your own podcast, even if it’s just you talking about that one time in Barcelona when you and your friends got lost and couldn’t find your way home. You’ll never know how much fun it actually is until you give it a try, maybe you’ll even become the next travel podcaster of the year! JoinMyTrip might have a new competitor. I’ll be coming after you for my 10% commission. Or, if you much rather be on the listening side of things, you can listen to the JoinMyTrip Travel Podcast for some laughs and travel inspiration.

two woman sitting in a living room recording a travel podcast
Start a travel podcast

7. Make a bucket list for 2021

Hopefully, if all goes well with the vaccines, we can all slowly start going back to our normal lives again. Yay! Create a bucket list while you’re stuck at home during the winter lockdown, of what you want to do or accomplish in the coming year 2021 and be ready to explore the world again. Do you want to skydive in Greece? Join your first coworking trip? It could be anything. This gives you something to work on and look forward to in the new year. 

Check out all our unique trips for 2021 and start traveling with like-minded travelers.

a woman about to write a bucket list with a red rose during winter lockdown
Make a bucket list for 2021

6. Play board games

If you happen to be one of the fortunate ones who aren’t currently living alone then get yourself some board games and let the fun begin. At the beginning of the pandemic I was living with 3 of my friends and we would play Catan every single night, which then became an evening routine for us. Thanks to Catan we all became closer than ever and we developed an unhealthy relationship with the game. We then decided we had to take a step back. The moral of the story, board games are great!

Playing boardgames
Play board games

5. Start a movie marathon

I love watching the Harry Potter series, especially when I am able to marathon it. Bake yourself some cookies or grab some crisps and cuddle up on your sofa, marathoning your favourite movies. Or, if you rather want to feel like you’re sipping Pina Coladas on the Mexican coast, check out our list of best travel movies and books for a true experience through the world of travel during the winter lockdown.

a woman eating popcorn while watching a movie during winter lockdown
Start a movie marathon

4. Get a colouring book

If you don’t actually know how to draw, like me, adult colouring books are a great alternative! It makes you feel like a proper Picasso when in reality you are just colouring in the numbers. No one needs to know that though, right? Get a colouring book of your favourite spots around the world and colour in your favourite places. Who doesn’t want to channel their inner child?

a colouring book with a bunch of colourful pencils gathered together.
Get a colouring book

3. Create fun things with alcohol (or without)

You know those fun Jello shots people make at parties? Why not try experimenting with alcohol by making rainbow Jello shots or fruit cocktails, similar to the ones you see on those Instagram Tasty accounts? Try going crazy with different spices, and ingredients. Maybe, you learnt a secret local tip from the time you were backpacking in Asia that changed your life. Now is the time to put that into use this winter lockdown and go wild with your imagination. Have some fun with it, there’s no right or wrong answer. You can later reward yourself by indulging in them on a lovely weekend!

Jello shots in blue and orange
Create fun things with alcohol (or without)

2. Have a karaoke night

Before you skip this, hear me out. I may be biased because I am Finnish because we LOVE our karaoke but honestly you must try this. Even if you don’t have a microphone, grab your hairbrush and off you go. Start singing your heart out, because there’s nothing better than singing your favourite bangers. There’s not a huge crowd of people watching you embarrass yourself on stage, so sing and dance however you want. Be free my child! Top tip: If you happen to be learning a new language, there’s no better way to learn than with music! Put on your favourite french song and start singing along.

A girl singing infront of a yellow background with white headphones and black phone in her hand during the winter lockdown
Have a karaoke night

 1. Make Christmas cards

Christmas is approaching and it’s time to send all your loved ones a Merry Christmas! Go to your local craft store and get some cute Christmas stickers or decorations. Or, if you want to be even more creative, cut out pictures from magazines, use old cardboard, think about what you could reuse? It could even look better than store-bought decorations. Adding your own personal touch to the Christmas cards is better than any other Christmas cards your friends and family will ever receive from any store. Get crafting and start sending them out to all your friends wherever they will be! Spain, Iceland, Australia, Cuba, Antarctica EVERYWHERE! Spread the Christmas spirit. There’s nothing more enjoyable. This is a way of showing your friends and family that you care and that you are grateful to have them around. Plus, it gets your creative juices flowing.

arts and crafts for Christmas cards
Make Christmas cards

Have we cured your insanity? Let’s hope so! Be sure to try out these 10 things to do during winter lockdown and let us know how you got on. Or, if none of these happen to interest you, plan or join a trip on JoinMyTrip for 2021 today! 

For more information, tips or inspiration; check out our other articles:

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