Travel with JoinMyTrip

5 Tips To Make Friends While Traveling | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 5 tips to make friends while traveling! Start making friends from all over the world this summer. 

Watch our 5 ways to make friends while traveling:

Tip #1 – Facebook groups

Many travelers use Facebook groups to link up with other travelers in foreign countries. Especially if you are traveling on your own, you will be surprised by how many other solo travelers are out there searching for a friendly face. 

Tip #2 – Mutual friends

Do your friends happen to have friends at the destination you are traveling to? Ask them to put you in contact with their friends. This is one of the most effective ways to make friends while traveling and they can give you a private tour of the place!

Tip #3 – Be spontaneous

If you happen to bump into someone cool at your hostel and they ask you for a drink, say yes! Even if you already had plans, take the chance because you do not want to miss out on the social opportunities that may come. 

Tip #4 – Hostels

If your goal is to meet other travelers then hostels are the best place to do so. Hostels have common areas where you can meet other travelers and they often organize different activities and events such as pub crawls. Plenty of chances to become a social butterfly.

Tip #5 – JoinMyTrip

Where else can you make friends? On JoinMyTrip, of course! JoinMyTrip is a platform that connects like-minded travelers together where they can create new memories and share costs. Simply check it out here and you can either lead a trip or join unique trips and travel in a group. 

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Travel Tips Tuesday and our tips on how to make friends when traveling. See you next week! #TravelTipShow

Travel with JoinMyTrip