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5 Tips For Traveling Solo | Travel Tips

It’s time for another Travel Tips Tuesday

If you haven’t seen our Travel Tips show then where have you been? How are you even surviving your trip without our best travel tips? On this show, our colleague, Jasmine sits down every Tuesday in front of a camera and shares the most essential travel tips with you. In this episode, we have 5 important tips for traveling solo! Traveling solo is new to many, which is why Jasmine who has traveled solo before will share her most insightful tips. 

Watch our 5 tips for solo travel:

Tip #1 – Stay in a Hostel

When you are traveling solo, there will be times when you feel lonely and want to meet someone new. Our best tip for traveling solo is to stay in hostels. Hostels are usually packed with other solo travelers who are looking to connect with other travelers, and often organize different events and activities for travelers to get to know one another. 

Tip #2 – Say yes!

Say yes to everything that comes your way, but still take some common sense with you. When we say, say yes to everything it means to take the chance and say yes to something you would never be saying yes to. You might discover a new interest. 

Tip #3 – Trust your instincts

The only person you can rely on is yourself when you are traveling solo. Not everyone you meet will be the person you think they are, trust what your instincts are telling you because your instincts and gut feeling will never let you down. 

Tip #4 – Not everything needs to be planned out

The best part about traveling solo is that you get the freedom to do whatever you want. You don’t have to rely on anyone and can freely go wandering around on your own and see what kind of hidden gems you can find. 

Tip #5 – Inform people where you are

Especially when you are traveling on your own, it’s good to have at least one person who knows about your whereabouts. Anything can happen to you in a foreign country and you have to keep that in mind. If anything were to happen to you, there is at least someone who knows where you were and what might have happened. 

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Travel Tips Tuesday and our tips on how to make friends when traveling. See you next week! #TravelTipShow

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