Travel with JoinMyTrip

Countries to Visit for Air Signs | Travel Astrology

For all our fellow Geminis, Libras & Aquariuses out there…

Welcome back to episode four of the Travel Astrology Show, hosted by no one other than our Alex who lives and breathes astrology! Every week we will be sharing travel astrology episodes depending on the element you were born under. Last week we focused on countries to visit for water signs and for this week, we have travel astrology for air signs. If you don’t know your element, don’t fret! Simply Google and you will easily find out.  As we all know, Google has all the answers… 😉 

For the fourth episode, we will be focusing on travel astrology for air signs, meaning people who were born under one of the following zodiac signs; Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius. Alex will be giving a brief introduction to the personalities of each air sign and chat about the countries that you should visit perfect for your sign. You don’t have to know much about astrology to understand, as Alex will guide you through it all! 

Travel astrology


Bangkok: You are curious about people and you love to wrap people around your little finger. You need to travel to a place with lots to see, lots of adventures, and wake up in a different place every morning. A big metropolis like Shanghai or Bangkok where they can discover something new would suit best for a Gemini.


Paris: You are curious, love art, especially when it comes to something aesthetically pleasing. You will want to go somewhere you can visit art galleries and check out the latest fashion. A city trip, for example, Paris or Milan would suit best for a Libra. You are not necessarily the type of people that would just chase the next beach holiday.


Vietnam: You are curious about the world, and want to go somewhere intriguing. You need to be stimulated and wouldn’t necessarily want to hang around Tenerife for a week, more like South East Asia for a month. Vietnam would suit best for an Aquarius, where you can find out about the diverse culture and its people. Maybe even take a class on how to make the best pho?

We hope you enjoyed the fourth episode of Travel Astrology with Alex where she tells you about the best countries to visit for air signs. Stay tuned for more episodes next week!

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