Travel with JoinMyTrip

Countries to Visit for Fire Signs | Travel Astrology

For all our fellow Aries, Leos & Sagittariuses out there…

We are all very excited about our new Travel Astrology Show, hosted by no one other than Alex who is probably more excited about this than we are. Alex who lives and breathes astrology will be sharing weekly travel astrology episodes depending on the element you were born under. For this week, we focus on the fire signs. If you don’t know your element, don’t fret! Simply Google and you will easily find out.  As we all know, Google has all the answers… 😉 

For the first episode, we will be focusing on travel astrology for fire signs, meaning people who were born under one of the following zodiac signs; Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius. Alex will be giving a brief introduction to the personalities of each fire sign and chat about the countries that you should visit perfect for your sign. You don’t have to know much about astrology to understand, as Alex will guide you through it all! 

The perfect countries to visit for fire signs:

Travel astrology


Ibiza: Not a place for just partying but it’s full of optimistic and good vibes, beaches, and lots to discover. 


Cuba: Aries has so much energy, they need to go somewhere warm where they can do lots of activities e.g. Cuba – scuba diving, surfing, swimming.


India: In between very spiritual and luxury, there are breathtaking palaces and the opportunity to experience Bollywood. 

We hope you enjoyed the first episode of Travel Astrology with Alex where she tells you about the best countries to visit for fire signs. Stay tuned for next week where she discusses the element of earth!

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