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Most Beautiful Forests in the World

The best places to lose yourself in a fairytale forest…

Did you know that spending time in a forest is studied to have many health benefits? For example, a stroll in a forest is one of the best ways to reduce stress. Here’s our advice: spend some time in a forest today. If you’re looking to get further than your backyard, set out on a forest adventure with some TripMates to have the ultimate stress-free vacay. Here’s all you need to know about where to find the most beautiful forests in the world!

The Amazon, South America

It’s only right to start off the list with the mother of all forests, aka the ‘Lungs of the Earth.’ The Amazon covers about 40% of South America and is home to some of the most diverse wildlife in the world. This immense rainforest, the world’s largest, has unfortunately been partially destroyed by forest fires and is constantly being impacted by climate change. So, visit while you can! Do keep in mind that although South America is known as a budget destination, visiting the Amazon isn’t necessarily cheap. There’s also some things to keep in mind before setting out on this bucket list adventure:

  • The Amazon isn’t really a place you can take on alone… going with a tour is the best solution
    • The tours can be many weeks, so the best way to have a great experience is to round up like-minded TravelMates that you can share the tours with!
  • Make sure you’ve checked what vaccinations you need to have (yellow fever at least)
  • Bring lots of loose fitting clothing (it’s hot and humid and you’ll protect yourself from the sun and mosquitoes)

Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica

Since we’re on the topic of tropical jungle forests, the Monteverde Cloud Forest is a lively paradise not to be missed. Anyways, Costa Rica is one of the best destinations for thrill-seekers, and this forest has a thrill of its own. Because of the mountainous tropical conditions, the forest is constantly covered by an eerie layer of clouds.

Great Bear Rainforest, British Columbia, Canada

The province of British Columbia is known for its many magnificent forests with humungous trees. For a forest lover, this area of Canada is the ultimate therapy. The Great Bear Rainforest is special firstly because it’s literally the size of Ireland. Sometimes called the ‘Amazon of the North’, the forest is full of wildlife, cascading waterfalls and ancient cedar trees. In this wilderness, though, roads only get you so far. Sailing along the BC coast is one of the coolest ways to experience the area, and if it’s in your budget, its also possible to experience the rainforest by flying above it. If you’re lucky, you might even spot the white Kermode bear!

Black Forest, Germany

Found in the state of Baden-Württemberg in southwest Germany, this beautiful forest is also the home to Germany’s highest waterfall. You’ll find the Triberger Wasserfälle in the town of Triberg located inside the Black Forest area. The canopy of evergreens will have you thinking you’re walking in a fairytale, and the hike opportunities here are many. If you’re the road tripper sort, one of the best ways to experience the Black Forest is by driving on the Schwarzwaldhochstrasse, the Black Forest Highway, which literally takes you through the beautiful scenery of this nature reserve. In the autumn, the entire area is covered in a layer of gold.

Sagano Bamboo Forest, Japan

Although usually packed with tourists, walking through the towering tunnels of bamboos is just one of those things that you have to experience for yourself. In the wind the trees crack eerily, and hearing this odd sound is a reason to visit in itself. In fact, this sound is included in the ‘100 Soundscapes of Japan.’ This is just one of the spots you’d add on your list of ‘places to see before I die.’ If you want to avoid the crowds of tourists, head over with your TripMates in early morning or during the week.

Bamboos in a bamboo forest in Japan
The bamboo forests of Japan are bucket list experience

Avenue of the Baobabs, Madagascar

Visiting the Avenue of the Babobabs will give you the ultimate Madagascar vibes. The spot attracts globe trotters from all around the world. The spot is easily accessed by road, and in fact makes for one of the most beautiful roads in the world. It is recommended to have some driving experience if you do decide to take this route, as the road can get quite bumpy! The most beautiful time to experience this forest of sorts is at sunrise and sunset, when the trees reflect the colors of the sun.

Sunset at the Avenue of Baobabs in Madagascar
Experience sunrise or sunset at the Avenue of the Baobabs

Deadvlei Forest, Namibia

This Deadvlei or ‘dead marsh’ makes for one of the most unique forests in the world. This dreamlike scenery of trees blackened by the sun against the dunes almost makes for an alien-like experience. The contrasts of the landscape also make this one of the best spots for photographers.

Giant Sequoia National Monument, California, United States

Home to some of the largest trees in the world, this beautiful park is also one of the most visited forests in the world. Some of the ancient trees in the park are more than 2000 years old, and the tallest tree in the park is nearly 84 meters tall. It is also possible to camp in the park if you make your reservations early enough! In case you need, we have some tips for your first camping trip!

Oulanka National Park, Finland

Finland is the spot for forest lovers. In fact, around 75% of Finland is covered in forests. One of the most legendary things to do at this park is to hike Karhunkierros, which stretches out over 82 kilometers. Here, it’s of course recommended to camp on the way. However, you can also hike Pieni Karhunkierros, which is a shorter version of the hike. This trail is only 12 kilometers. There are plenty of camping opportunities along the way and areas where you can stop to make a fire and eat. Whatever your hiking preferences are, you can be sure to enjoy some forest meditation in Oulanka.

Oulanka National Park in Finland with lots of trees and lakes
Finland is a tree-lovers paradise

Crooked Forest, Poland

No one quite knows how the oddly shaped trees in Crooked Forest came to be, but our guess is that these trees just had a little bit too much to drink. If you’re looking for an excursion in Europe to some unique destinations, gather up your like-minded TravelMates and create a trip to some peculiar destinations!

Crooked trees in a forest in Poland
Wait… are these trees on something?

Okay tree-huggers, that’s it for now! From rainforests to forests in the desert, we got it covered. If you’re looking to adventure, check out the upcoming trips at JoinMyTrip! Or, perhaps we’ve inspired you to create your own trip? In any case, gather up your Travel Buddies and start discovering amazing destinations!

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