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WTO Calls For Vaccination Passports | Travel News

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JoinMyTrip has you covered! On today’s travel news, WTO calls for vaccination passports as they could save the global travel and tourism industry. 

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25th January 2021

Biden to reimpose travel bans

Joe Biden will reimpose travel bans for non-US citizens who have been to the EU, the UK, and Brazil. Including, extending the travel ban for travelers who have been to South Africa due to a new coronavirus variant found spreading in the US

New Zealand back on Australia’s travel ban list

Due to a new variant that has been found in New Zealand, the Australian government has announced that all travelers arriving from New Zealand in the next 72 hours will be required to quarantine in a hotel for 14 days. 

Israel bans flights as the fear of the variant spreads

On Sunday, Israel announced that they will be banning most incoming and outgoing flights for a week to slow the spread of the new coronavirus variant which will begin today at midnight. 

WTO calls for vaccination passports

The World Tourism Organization is calling for vaccination passports as they could save the global travel and tourism industry. 

Source: DW, Anadolu Agency, Aljazeera, Travel Off Path

We hope you enjoyed this episode of JoinMyTrip Travel News. See you tomorrow!

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