Travel with JoinMyTrip

How to make the most out of your coworking trip | CoWorking Show

Come back home from an amazing coworking experience

As the saying goes “Life is what you make it”. You cannot just wish for an amazing trip to happen, you have to take initiative! On the fifth episode of our CoWorking Show, Anna gives you tips on how you can make the most out of your coworking trip with your crew. 

Due to Anna’s experience in traveling, she definitely knows how to make the most out of any trip, especially when it comes to coworking trips! She technically is the mastermind behind this brilliant idea to offer on our platform. Tune in to watch the video and get valuable insights on how you can come back home from an amazing coworking experience.

How to make the most out of your coworking trip with your crew:

Missed the fourth episode? Watch how to plan your coworking trip:

We hope you enjoyed this new episode and found our advice useful for when you go on your own trip. See you in our next episode

Are you ready to plan or join your next coworking trip? Head over to JoinMyTrip to start finding like-minded professionals.

Travel with JoinMyTrip